Sunday, January 8, 2012

השתפכות הנפש - סליחות עשרה בטבת תשכ"ה ביים רבי'ן

Selichos Asara B'Teves 5725 with the Rebbe דאווענען פאר'ן עמוד.

The Rebbe's mother passed away on 6 Tishrei of that year and he davened for the amud all of that year. A rarity in Chabad. The רביים never davened for the עמוד besides for when they were חיובים or on a יארצייט. At that time, and until 5748, the Rebbe davened שחרית ביחידות, and would only join a מנין for קריאת התורה, where he would usually be עולה שלישי during the week. On שבת ויו"ט he of course davened with the מנין and was עולה מפטיר. Here we hear the Rebbe - beginning from שמע קולינו in שמו"ע and through סליחות. I would dare say that even dyed-in-the-wool Lubavitchers are very נתרגש from this recording, no matter how many times they hear it. The בכיות are מורא'דיג, and the השתפכות הנפש will shake you to the core. Something for all of you to remember. Click on the above link and it will take to a page that will open automatically. Open a סידור to the סליחות of עשרה בטבת and follow along. If you have little time you can skip ahead to minute 12:30 and listen. (Note: the picture here is from Yud Shvat 5724 and was used for illustration purposes only.)


  1. One question: you wrote that the Rebbeim never davened for the amud except when they were chiyuvim or on a yahrtzeit. Isn't the year of aveilus for a parent a chiyuv?

  2. Very few people were actually there for davening that day, and only heard about it afterwards, The next taanis, assuming taanis esther, the place was packed, and the Rebbe said slichos with no emotion showing – listen to it.

  3. His nishama should ave an Aliya!

  4. so there is Chochma
    and there is also lev
    but still a mess

  5. Whose neshoma should have an aliyah? Who died? Please don't soil this wonderful blog with such foreign concepts. Thank you.

  6. Can you explain why he would daven alone except for on Shabbos?

    Why no interest in Tefilah B'Tzibbur - especially when it was so readily available?

    I never heard of this before.

  7. david, like our buddy Hirshel says, "gai leren mit ah goy bartenirah"

  8. David said...
    Can you explain why he would daven alone except for on Shabbos?"

    There is no explanation for it, and anyone trying is a chossid shoiteh.
    The Rebbe davened mincha & maariv with a minyan every day. He was very makpid on kriah mon, thur, rosh chodesh, taanis, etc. He would come to the bochurim's minyan to hear kriah and then leave. On a taanis, he would enter by tachnun and say slichos with the minyan. He kept some yartzeits for brothers, uncles, grandparents, etc, and on those days he would join th minyan by ashrei uvo litzion and say the kadeishim of shir shel yom, kavei, aleinu, tehillim.
    This is a rebbishe hanhoga, & none of our business. After davening at the amud the 11 months for the rebbitzen in 5748, he continued davening with the minyan shachris every day.

  9. All the Ruzhiner rebbes and most of the Tchernobler Rebbes (Talno, Skver, Trisk etc) had the same minhogim as far as davening alone. So it seems that this was a common minhog among Rebbes from Russia.
    The Gerer rebbes also rarely daven before the amud, but I am not sure about davening alone.

  10. Heard from Chaim Berliner...Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:48:00 AM

    A close talmid of Rav Hutner mentioned in passing while sharing a story, that Rav Hutner was also noiheg to daven beyichidus. It was understood in Chaim Berlin that this was a Rebbishe zach vein lharher achorav.

  11. Schneur
    the Gerer Rebbes daven alone, the Pnie Menachen davened alone even before he was The Rebbe of Ger.
    I guess its still remnants of Peshischa/Kotzk.
    I saw lately that the Yismach Moshe also davened alone...

  12. Heard
    "that Rav Hutner was also noiheg to daven beyichidus."

  13. I am quite sure that the Brisk family, current AJ davens alone, etc.

  14. The briskers daven alone for a different reason. Its too below the belt to explain it

  15. I recall reading a story that a Nadvorner rebbe asked the Gerer Rebbe if he davens far dem amud ,no replied the Rebbe on Shabbes no, Ereve shabbes no said the rebbe : the Nadvorner retorted dan mit vos bist du a rebbe !??

  16. Listened. Sounds like an old time Litvak.

  17. IIRC, 10 Teves 5748 sliches was also with some bechiyes, though no way like this. Anyone remember? I cannot find 5748 online.

    - ZIY


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