Monday, January 9, 2012

הרב יוסף הלוי טירנויער - ראדאוויץ, בוקאווינע

ראדאוויץ אין בוקאווינא איז געווען א שטאט פון איבער 8,000 אידן פאר די מלחמה. מסתמא רוב חסידים פון די רביס פון וויזשניץ און רוז'ין/סאדיגער. אין די 70'ע יארען איז אהין געפארען א אינגערמאן, וועלכע'ס זיידע איז געווען פון ראדאוויץ, און האט פאטאגראפירט און געכאפט ווידעא פון זיין וויזיט דארט

איינער פון די גאר אינטערעסאנטע זאכען וואס מ'קען דארט זעהן, איז אז אין ראדאוויץ איז אין יאר 1974 נאך געווען א רב, מיט'ן נאמען הרב יוסף הלוי טירנויער, אלט 63 יאר דעמאלט, וועלכע האט אויך געדינט אלץ שוחט און מוהל אין שטאט. מ'זעהט ווי די אידענעס פלעגן קומען מיט די הינער צום רב/שוחט און ער פלעגט עס שחט'ן פאר 3 ליי, אזש ווי אין די אלטער היים פאר די מלחמה. ער איז דוקא גאנץ היימיש מיט די אידענעס... כ'ווייס אז הרב טירנויער פון די שומרי שבת שול אין בארא פארק איז אויך געווען א לוי, אפשר זענען זיי קרובים גאר. צו אפשר נאך ברידער. זיין פאטער איז געווען הרב זאב הלוי טירנויער, וועלכע איז אוועק אין תש"כ אין צפת. זעהט דא. וויפיל נאך אזעלכע שטעט איז געווען אין רומעניע נאך אין '74? שווער צו זאגען. און אויך שווער צו  פארשטיין וויזוי מ'האט געלעבט אזוי צווישען די גוים און אונטער דעם קאמיוניזם. אויך איז מיר דאס ערשטע מאל אויסגעקומען צו זעהן ווי מ'גרייט צו א בר מינן פאר די אייביגע  רוה אדאנק דער בחור און זיין קאמערא. אטא דא אונטען קענט איר דאס זעהן. ס'כאפט א שרעק - בפרט יעצט אין די שובבים טעג, וואס פון א מענטש ווערט נאך דעם וואס דער מלאך המות האט אים באזוכט


  1. In the 1970's Rumania had close to 2o shochetim living in Transylvania and Moldavia. In Bucharest the communal rav was Reb Itzhak Mayer Marilus a rebbische kind. In Satmar the rav was rav Naftoli Halpert a Sereter chasid. There were other shochetim in Arad, Galtz, Botosani, Kluz , Iassy(Adler) etc. Grosswardein also had a rav gabriel Schwartz who died in 1975.
    Timisioara had 2 Neolog rabbiners.
    At that time there were close to 100,000 Jews in Rumania but almost all the klei kodesh " deserted " their flock and went to Israel.
    I can understand their desire to leave, but should not the rav or manhig ruchni stay and provide religious services for the remaining Jews.
    The chief rabbi Rabbi Rosen devised a system of travelling shochetim to provide kosher meat to Jews even in small towns.Before every yontev he made a mjor tour of the major regions of Rumania to bring chizzuk tot he Jews outside of Bucharest.The Rebbe was a major source of chizzuk for rabbi Rosen and later ona Lubavitcher from israel served as shochet in Bucharest.
    Tirnauer was discussed some where else and I think he was some sort of cousin of the BP rabbi.

  2. we discussed Marilus years ago on the blog. I need to find it.

  3. Schneur
    "and later ona Lubavitcher from israel served as shochet in Bucharest."
    I think his name is Haber

  4. "I think his name is Haber"
    His name was Yisroel Tzvi Heber,father of Shmuel Heber,former Rosh Yeshivah in the Lubavitcher yeshivah of Morristown NJ.He had originally lived in Tel Aviv but lived his last years in Kfar Chabad.

  5. Another lubavitcher serves as a shliach in Bucharest now , (is his name Deutsch ?)dealing chiefly with Israeli students there as very few Jews are left there probably several thousand at most( open Jews).
    Rabbi Rosen also ran a kosher resort for the klei kodesh, and Jewish communal workers in Rumanai in the mountaisn some place in Tumania. The late Spinker Rebbe Rabbi IJ Weisz was a frequent vacationeer there. One year the Odesser rav from the USSR R. israel Schwartzbaltt was there as the same time as the Spinker Rebbe and ther e is a nice photo of them with rabbi halpert from Satmar.

  6. Sadness is all you see on this photos, the whole galuth is on their face
    Ad Mosai

  7. Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
    Below is an interesting link regarding the history of Radovitz including details about a great and holy Rebbe who was really the prominent figure in the history of this Bukovinean town - I refer to Reb Yosef Alter Hager, the middle son of the Toras Chaim of Kosov. Reb Alter'l (as he was known) lived in Radovitz from the 1850's until 1873 when he moved to Safed in Eretz Yisroel leaving behind his son Reb Moshele in Radovitz and his son in law Reb Schmelke Rubin in nearby Sereth.
    Reb Yosef Alter was the elter Zeide of my grandfather Rav MJ Rubin of Cimpulung.
    I've been to Radovitz once, in 2007. I met the Rosh Hakohol, an older woman named Tania Greenberg. If I recall correctly there as of '07 there were still several dozen Yidden living in the town. While in Sereth there was only 1 Jew and in Cimpulung there was not one left, even though my Zeide's shul stands untouched and maintained, with sefarim and tefillin and megilos and many other artifacts still lying on the shelves.
    Regarding Romania in the post war period, I know that several hundred Jews lived in Cimpulung and kept somewhat in touch with my grandfather, sending him photos etc. He would try to help as well by sending some funds to them before every yom tov.
    Interestingly, there are now three shuls that I know of which carry the name "Radovitz". The first is the shtiebel in the olc city of Safed, which was the beis medrash of Reb Yosef Alter and later of his son Reb Moshele when he moved there (in 1897). Today this shul is used by Breslover chassidim.
    The second is the Wall Street synagogue founded by Reb Yisroel (who moved to the US well before the war and was one of the early Rebbes in the US, he was the son of Reb Moshe, run by Rabbi Hager who is a grandson of Reb Yisroel.
    And lastly, I've heard recently that a new shul has opened in Borough Park under the name Radovitz, founded by a grandson of wither the Muzhayer, Sulitzer or Sasregen Rebbes who were eyneklach of Radovitz as well.

  8. Here is the link:

  9. Regarding Rav Marilus, I believe he was the grandson of the Butchecher Rebbbe Eliezer Zev Marilus (who took his shvigers family name, she was the granddaughter of Reb Shimon of Yeruslav).

  10. Tzig: “ס'כאפט א שרעק - בפרט יעצט אין די שובבים טעג, וואס פון א מענטש ווערט נאך דעם וואס דער מלאך המות האט אים באזוכט”

    After you’re dead is it any different in Radawitz than in NY ? Summer time, than on shvovim ?

  11. MIB 8:15 said... "I've been to Radovitz once, in 2007. I met the Rosh Hakohol, an older woman named Tania Greenberg"

    Oh now that's interesting an older woman rosh hakohol? don't tell this to the israelis they will pursue the chareidim to install woman as rosh hakool let say in toldos ahharon!

  12. tzig, "so that's why the pics in Radovitz look scary to me."

    My father inlaw was a shochet-moel-chazon-mesader kedushin-sofer etc. etc. A shatz-matz in that area after WWII (shh don't tell no one) most people left because of communisim, so the clip made me laugh..

  13. thanks a lot for putting up this video, it clearly reminded me of the little tiny town of belz, located close to the big city ofv levov (lemberg).
    oh how things changed since.

  14. Bobov Chusid 11:07 said: belz belz belz ...

    So say something about belz..

  15. welcome come back bobov chusid long time no see. how is the muddy roads...?

  16. After seeing the second video I had this urge to be moiche but changed my mind and kept quiet.
    But after the cartoon from 30 years ago, enough is enough !
    Hirshel, maybe there are innocent neshamos reading your blog ?
    Hazeh Shoivavim !?!

  17. Mr. Tzig,
    I would like to contact the contributer, MIB, who wrote extensively about the Radovitzer Rebbes, zatzal. I too, am a Radovitzer einikel, and will BE"H be going to Radovitz in two weeks time. I am looking for the kever of Rebbe R. Moishele's Rebbetzin who was my great-great-grandmother. I can't find anyone who knows anything about her, and I wanted to know if this person did find anything out. Can you please forward this note to him? My email is

    Zai Gebentshed, Tizku leMitzvos,
    Kol tuv,
    Ilanith Reuven


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