Wednesday, January 18, 2012

עגלות קונים רק באגאבו

At the "קריאת שמע לייענען" of the אייניקל of ר' מענדל הגר of Bnei Beraq last night. If you don't know what a Bugaboo is ask your wife. Or maybe don't. She might think she needs one now too. Who said Rebbes aren't well-versed in הבלי עוה"ז? I guess the Satmar Rov no longer has the monopoly on it. Or maybe Vizhnitz yarshened that important character trait? Part of Rizhiner Malchus, I presume. They are Rizhiner Eyniklach after all.


  1. Hey give them credit. They followed the Takana of the WB Askunim to not by brightly colored carriages! :)

  2. A master of ceremonies, with Pomp and Circumstance.


  3. That's just crass jealousy! 'Cuz you know that if you were a yashaiv aihel you would have one too, not montefiore

  4. From ur income tax refund

  5. 3/4 dependents, 25k income FS, sec8 and your good to go...

  6. עולם הפוך ראיתי

  7. A oifgeklerte chuchum like you who didn't listen to the rebbe and went to hagaha"k landers college, should be earning enough not to qualify for any tax refund, you should be in the fifty percent tax bracket!

  8. right. which is why after the tax man cometh there's no money left for bugaboos...

  9. At least you admit your mistake. Admirable of you, and it didn't take you 30 years like the belzer!

  10. stop making fun of mendel hager, he is a good roov

  11. mistake?
    I sleep at night

    and don't have to re-certify every six months...


  12. כ'לאך נישט פון ר' מענדל
    נאר פון די וויגעלע

  13. Varvus takke nisht fin mendle?

  14. שוין! מ'האט געענדיגט מיט בעלז און סאטמאר און יעצט דארף מען אריבערגיין צו ויז'ניץ-מענדל?

  15. הירשעלע
    דאס שרייבט זיך ניט אויף אידיש, במחילה you are being petty.

    פוילישע חיצוניות (ווי לבוש א.ד.ג.) איז טייל פון חסידות, און איז איינע פון די מיטלען צו צובריינגען חסידים צום דרך הבעש"ט. וואס איז די עולה אז ביי אנדערע דריקט זיך דאס אויס אין א רייכע רבי'שאפט. טאמער עס גיט צו עפעס צו חסידים איז ווערט. ולהעיר אז בנוגע צום כהן גדול שטייט גדלהו משל אחיו.

  16. מענדל

    דאס לייגט זיך אויך נישט אף אידיש


    פוילישע חיצוניות מיינט מען דאס???

  17. I also want a viggelle and a vach-nacht. Who can arrange this? Maybe the bekitche consultant on 41st. St.?If I graduated at the top of my class in" Rebbe School" could I also be the center of attention? How big would my ego be? I want it bigger than big.If I became a rebbe would I ever have to work again?
    Just wondering.

  18. when i look at mendel hager and benzion halberstam, it becomes clear that, nishtakich toras habal shem.

  19. I'm embarrassed fot the holy Bal shem tov that such clowns and goons are rebbes.

  20. It's not only rebbes. Half the mammes of Boro Park are rolling around Bugaboos, thank God for the prosperity. It reached the point where my wife and I had to wonder if somehow there's some secret Bugaboo gemach we aren't clued in on.

  21. Between needing a fancy smartphone to hang on his belt and gallons of mashke of many alcoholic sorts, coupled with a lack of a bal hatanya eruv in monsey, of course the tzig sees no reason to buy a bugaboo...

    However, if chalila his wife would carry on shabbos,

    Or chalila he would drink less on shabbos

    Or chalila not use a non meushar phone... There'd be another 600 bucks in the till for a bugaboo, or similar stroller in monsey where all streets are uphill.

  22. I don't touch Mashke hardly all year

    my wife carries in the eruv in the Monsey

    and I paid nothing for my phone

    strike 3, you're OUT!!!

  23. Such a fuss for a krishma leinen?!


  24. פע, ער טרינקט ניט ומזאל מיינין ער איז א חסיד - ניט פון רבי'ן

  25. you wouldnt want anyone messing with you mother.


  27. my mommy is stronger than you mommy

  28. who else is getting completely sick from all this fakery? the earlier commenters hit the nail on the head: this is NOT what the Baal Shem Tov had in mind...royal courts where the peasantry can stand (at a distance of course) and gawk. Almost makes me want to be a misnagid - except theyve started to adopt some of this behavior, so sad.

  29. "Who else is getting completely sick from all this fakery?"

    I AM!

  30. I can't see how anyone buys into this. Anonymous is right "royal courts where the peasantry can stand (at a distance of course) and gawk."
    Who's the guy pushing the bugaboo? Did he have to pay for the groisse kuvod of rolling the prince in? I don't think the term yerida expresses what I feel we've descended to in the past 15-20 years. It feels like we've fallen off a cliff.

  31. This is a very toned down heilege avodah. I went to a
    pidyon haben where the baby wore more bling
    than a rap star.

  32. what's next, balloon man and sushiThursday, January 19, 2012 2:22:00 AM

    In der litta, mir hoben aich azai gefert by em vacht navht, ober un kein bugaboo mit a graisa seuda---nor mit lernen dem gantze nacht.

  33. Do others besides chabad lite allow their womenfolk to carry in an eiruv on shabbes that is not built al pi the bal hatanya? I always thought it was a brisker 2 dinim to allow women to carry on shabbos but not the men, altz dvorim chamurim..

  34. nishtakich toras habesht!!!

  35. "Do others besides chabad lite allow their womenfolk to carry in an eiruv on shabbes that is not built al pi the bal hatanya?"

    "chabad lite" men believe in equality, so they carry as well. if this was their only issue, it would be a halbe tzora

  36. הירשעלע
    פוילישע פנימיות איז דאס ניט...
    טאמער אין רוזשין ביסטו מסכים מוזטו לאזן ביי אנדערע אויך.
    צי ער גייט אין דרך הבעש"ט איז א געשפרעך פאר זיך אבער די חסידים מיינען דאך אז זיי גייען.

  37. The old litvishe blind hatreds to chasidim are coming out again! This man may not even be the future rebbe of viznitz, his brother is! So why besmirch a nice chsidishe yid fresh from his afternoon map and nice beard, back off! And say mazel tov!

  38. I thought Hirshel is not part of chabad light. I assume he has a good reason for allowing her to use the eruv and I'd like to know.

  39. many חב"ד רבנים say to impose on the wife and lock her up at home when there's an עירוב למהדרין in town is no חשבון

  40. Fair enough answer with regard to the women, however, will these same rabonim not allow/discourage the men from carrying? Letzorech gadol, etc., or what?

  41. I have no need to carry. I take my tallis to shul b4 Shabbos or wear it to shul.

  42. Mendel
    פוילישע פנימיות איז דאס ניט...
    טאמער אין רוזשין ביסטו מסכים מוזטו לאזן ביי אנדערע אויך.
    Its very simple, out of all the Emunas tzadikim which I have in the Ruzhiner Rebiem till the Husyatener in Tel Aviv.
    1 thing was obvious, they were extreme Eidele/Refined/Noble Yiden.
    Never spoke any stupidity, any rabble rousing...
    What a world of a difference Even without any emuna..
    Please know your crowd before you comment

  43. Mendel
    "פוילישע פנימיות איז דאס ניט...
    טאמער אין רוזשין ביסטו מסכים מוזטו לאזן ביי אנדערע אויך.

    you are comparing the queen of England to the queen of canibilistic Rawnda

  44. From the comments of ShabbosBlettel #8

    Rabunim even if they are erlich are out of touch and have no clue what life is like for the average yid. Then there are those who will use frimkiet lekanter, to control and punish when and whom they chose. The rebbishe kinder are all very well provided for with homes and bugaboo strollers. Even those who do seem to be none corrupt have machers around them who do their dirty work with blanket amnesty.

  45. Fyi, I was told that the mother borrowed the "Bugaboo" from a friend who won it at a chinese auction.


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