Friday, February 10, 2012

.....מענדל זוכט שוין נישט מיט וועמען צו לייגן תפילין

הבחור התמים מנחם מענדל Oberlander passed away today in Vienna after a very lengthy illness. He was the son of יבלחט"א the very Choshu've Shluchim to Budapest Rav Boruch and his Rebbetzin Oberlander (nee' Lazar.) Mendel was a boy who did not allow his illness to slow him down or get in the way of what needed to be done. He sat and learned בהתמדה ובשקידה whenever he could, and when not in front a sefer he did what he could to find Yidden and bring them closer to G-d, his Torah and the Mitzvos. I say this because I know this to be the fact. May the Aybershter console the family and all of Klal Yisroel.See what we wrote about Mendel and his activities over a year ago, about he was Mechayev all of us despite what we see as difficulties.



  1. He lived on Nisim many years he was sick and sick.... so sad

    His parents spent and exhausted every possible doctor and traveled the world to keep him active and alive...

  2. Hershel Im not sure if your aware but its a shaila if putting tefilin on someone who is non religious is worth anything (see kovetz from R' Elchanan Wasserman at the end of kovetz ha'aros chapter 11 number 14).

  3. Hyman please this issue is not an issue to dig up some far fetched Chumros!!!!

  4. Hyman said... "Hershel Im not sure if your aware but its a shaila if putting tefilin on someone who is non religious is worth anything " "see kovetz from R' Elchanan Wasserman "

    So is the pesak on this from S"R in his last sefer עה"ג in fact he brings ראיות לאיסור that's even fobidden and it's an עבירה to do so, So IDK if it's so far fetched as the posek of anon 11:40 thinks.

  5. hirshel, "מענדל אבערלאנדער ע"ה"

    How did an oberlander landed in lubab? like an יבם אין די סוכה

  6. anon @5:51 am

    He's a Vechterist.

  7. Rav Oberlander is no vechterist,(which is not a problem on its own) he is Goan Betorah a big posek, wrote beutifull teshuvahs in kol hatorah kuloi..
    I dont think that now is the time for this nonsense.....

  8. Anon
    all the Satmar Ruvs issurim has been answered by many, plus for the record, boruch hashem the Mivtza Tefilin is niskabel by all klal yisroel,as u see in all the Yeshiveshe kiruv pamphlets,
    According to the Zohar hakodash, which I think is not nishtakcho yet, there is a big inyan to be mezake horabim with Mitzvahs especialy with Tefilin...


  9. Boruch oberlander is definitely not a "vechtereist". he was a masmid b'tivoi and was searching for some meaning beyond the pupa tish friday nights. His good buddy is nochum greenwald and he brought him with him to the Rebbe via yoel kahan. at age 18 he decided this is his path and became mekushar to the Rebbe b'levi vanefesh. L'maan hashalom, he wore a streimel at his wedding, and when he's in willy for shabbos, he wears it.
    His father is a very wealthy pupa chossid, and has made peace with his son being on shlichus, esp since he went to the hailige budapest. It was a good fit, since he knew hungarian from his parents home.

  10. "all the Satmar Ruvs issurim has been answered by many"
    I didnt quote the Satmar Rav. I said what R' Elachanan Wasserman writes.... see above

  11. "His good buddy is nochum greenwald"

    derech eretz for a gaon and chosid of the caliber you cant comprehend

  12. anon 7:58,
    godol miraboi shmoi
    no disrepect intended but your point is taken

  13. Hyman
    What are you thinking??????????????

  14. Remembering Menachem Mendel Oberlander, 20

  15. Hyman
    "I didnt quote the Satmar Rav. I said what R' Elachanan Wasserman writes.... see above"
    what did the Satmar ruv think about Reb Elchonans Derech Halimud...
    I will make a deal, I will learn his Kovetz Shiurim on Lmomdus only and you can stick to his hashkofa mamorim

  16. I thought R'Oberlander got to know Lubavitch through R'Gavriel Tzinner,no?He learned in Pupa not by R'Vechter
    R'Nochum Greenwald is in Lakewood.I think he is also from Pupa, does anybody know more details?

  17. Re: Rav Oberlander in Budapest

    Yes, he came to Chabad through Rav Gavriel Tzinner. No connection at all to Satmar/R' Vechter.

    His uncle/ Mendel AH's great-uncle is the head of Heichal Menachem in Monsey.


  18. Hyman and 08.27

    Shkootzim fort schnell avek!

  19. Anon
    "Yes, he came to Chabad through Rav Gavriel Tzinner. No connection at all to Satmar/R' Vechter.

    His uncle/ Mendel AH's great-uncle is the head of Heichal Menachem in Monsey."
    Rav Zinner did not go to Lubavich, and did not take no one to Lubavich, Rav Gedalye of Hieche Menachem Monsey is no uncle to Mendel A"H, just a 2nd cousin


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