Tuesday, February 7, 2012

the עדה החרדית doesn't forget

They do not call for TeFillos for Rav Elyashiv who's critically ill, ה"י

RYSE defied them for decades by serving in the Rabbanut. Now, even after he's become the "Posek haDor" they still can't forgive him. They have Rav Wosner as their own "Posek haDor." The world will go on. No tehillim is necessary. Yet. Maybe they'll cave soon.


  1. nonsense, did chabad call for tehillim? did the Rabbanut call for all to say tehillim?

  2. Chabad did nothing bobkehs

  3. can tou stop with Chabad.
    you are talking about some godel who lives next door from dood headquarters.He was friendly with Rav Bengis(the last litvak that served in EDA)
    But it is amazing that AJ soloviechig dares to ignore him too, since he dared to defy his Saba's obsessive irational war against Hiechel shloma,

  4. I saw a post on SHMAIS.com and COL Hebrew to say Tehillim for him

  5. how can anyone who sees the rabbanut today be dumb enough to say the rov's war against this cesspool was irrational? you sir are a moron.

  6. rav Elyushev had personally text rav Weiss from the eideh: do not resuscitate and no thilim.
    stop making a fuss about something you dont know, he wants to go stop making sinas chinom

  7. Anonymous at 8:43pm.

    And why, pray tell, do we have any indication that what you advise us is true?

    Who cares what the Edah Charedis says, does, or cares about. If it wasn't for their hechsher, which is serviced in the main (I am advised) by people outside of their sphere, they would be a troublesome wart on the landscape. We'd only notice them when they perpetrated their ubiquitous Chillulei Hashem. They are decidedly not the gatekeepers of Yahadus.

    All sick people, deserve Rachmei Shomayim, and let's hope that R' Elyashiv B'Soch Sha'ar Cholei Yisrael is blessed with a Refuah Shelema

  8. Anon
    "how can anyone who sees the rabbanut today be dumb enough to say the rov's war against this cesspool was irrational? you sir are a moron."
    maybe I am moron for other reasons, but not for holding what you hold on the Rabinat,
    I dont see no difference between Rav Amar being Reb Aron both are talmidie chachomim and politicans and Metzger being reb Zali both are am aratzim and politicans

  9. The crazy thing here is that rav elyasjiv is bigger than all of them .
    The issue is also for satmar the anti tzioni ideology is all that counts if you believe in it you are ok , no matter your frumkeit. Level
    If you don't care for it you are a nobody , no matter how big of a godol.
    It's done on purpose so not to be מחייב to learn or do mitzvos if you are anti tzioni and know how to be little a gadol you already feel good about yourself and no need to kill yoursel to learn Torah and etc

  10. pitputim 9:37 “Who cares what the Edah Charedis says, does, or cares about” “they would be a troublesome wart on the landscape”

    And who cares what you or the rabbinate says? Worry about the warts on your מחילה,the edah is the de facto bes din in yerushaliym who had the biggest gedolim/tzadigim as leaders not compromised heichel shlomo aluminates which was shunned by true gedolim/tzadigim like brisker ruv ! SR z”l refers to a pesak from the eida bes din with respect in his sefer, you can to מחוצף .

  11. anon 8:43, "he wants to go stop making sinas chinom"

    I'm not sure if according halacha he is competent at this time to paskin on his own condition! yes prayer is needed אפילו חרב חדה מונח על צוארו לא ימנע מן רחמים and even he is a previous talmid of היכל טמא But the offical frum butai dinim and rabunim don't have to declare such, so the masses will not learn that מדשתקי רבנן שמע מינה דניחא להו that he is a purveyor of dass -- and a talmid off היכל טמא

  12. there is a letter of the lubavitcher rebbe in igrois koidesh to zevin saying that the rabanut is a very bad idea for yiddishkeit and it would be much better if it wouldn't have happened in the first place, BUT since the fact is that it DOES exist, we cant really go against it. (i dont know the details, ill have to check the igrois again)

  13. The Eidah continues to demonstrate that they are a fringe element and do not represent mainstream Chareidi Judaism. Rabbi T Weiss in the beginning did try to mainstream them like back in the days of the Minchas Yitzchok however in the last year the Kanoyim have ruled the day.

  14. Furthermore how many people really are nekabel moros from them - If it would not be for the Hechsher they would have long been irrelevant.

  15. anon 7:11, "The crazy thing here is that rav elyasjiv is bigger than all of them "

    ור"מ היכי גמר תורה מפומיה דאחר?! והאמר רבה בר בר חנה אמר רבי יוחנן: מאי דכתיב (מלאכי ב, ז) "כי שפתי כהן ישמרו דעת ותורה יבקשו מפיהו כי מלאך ה' צבאות הוא"? אם דומה הרב למלאך ה' צבאות - יבקשו תורה מפיהו. ואם לאו - אל יבקשו תורה מפיהו?
    אמר ר"ל: ר"מ קרא אשכח ודרש: (משלי כב, יז) "הט אזנך ושמע דברי חכמים ולבך תשית לדעתי". 'לדעתם' - לא נאמר, אלא "לדעתי". רב חנינא אמר מהכא: (תהילים מה, יא) "שמעי בת וראי והטי אזנך ושכחי עמך ובית אביך" וגו'. קשו קראי אהדדי! לא קשיא, הא - בגדול, הא - בקטן.

    כי אתא רב דימי אמר: אמרי במערבא, ר"מ אכל תחלא ושדא שיחלא לברא.
    דרש רבא: מאי דכתיב: (שיר השירים ו, יא) "אל גנת אגוז ירדתי לראות באבי הנחל" וגו' למה נמשלו ת"ח לאגוז? לומר לך: מה אגוז זה, אע"פ שמלוכלך בטיט ובצואה אין מה שבתוכו נמאס, אף ת"ח, אע"פ שסרח - אין תורתו נמאסת

    אשכחיה רבה בר שילא לאליהו, א"ל: מאי קא עביד הקב"ה?
    א"ל: קאמר שמעתא מפומייהו דכולהו רבנן, ומפומיה דר"מ לא קאמר.
    א"ל: אמאי?
    - משום דקא גמר שמעתא מפומיה דאחר.

  16. So who is Achar?
    Reb Moshe Sternbuch? or Reb Yankel Blau?
    Who is the Malach?
    Rav shamai Gross of Belz? or Reb Ahmuel Aurebach?

    who decides Moshe Friedman? or Itzu Glick?

  17. Anon
    ",the edah is the de facto bes din in yerushaliym who had the biggest gedolim/tzadigim as leader"

    just 2 facts,
    u have the biggest yeshiva in the universe with 5000 Talmidim,2 big rebbes Ger and Belz, non have allegiance with the Eda....
    so where are u collecting your statistical numbers?

  18. the mirrer rntf was close with the gaavad...

  19. Anon 7:26...some of the rebbi's anti-zionest letters to r zevin can be found i r shlom dovber volpe's book בין אור לחושך.

  20. anon 2:26, "",the edah is the de facto bes din in yerushaliym who had the biggest gedolim/tzadigim as leader" anon 2:26, "Who is the Malach?"

    משה נחום וולנשטיין מייסד העדה מתלמידי הכ"ס , ר' יוסף חיים זאנענפעלד, ר' זעליג ראובן בענגיס, ויואל משה, מנחת יצחק, בּריסקער רב וכל קדושים עמם

  21. "משה נחום וולנשטיין מייסד העדה מתלמידי הכ"ס , ר' יוסף חיים זאנענפעלד, ר' זעליג ראובן בענגיס, ויואל משה, מנחת יצחק, בּריסקער רב וכל קדושים עמם"
    are you a Meshichist?
    are this people still around?

  22. Anon
    "the mirrer rntf was close with the gaavad..."
    If he was a erlicher yid then he hates no other yid, including Rav Tuvia the rav of the Ungarischer Hiezer

  23. Anon
    "the mirrer rntf was close with the gaavad..."
    the Belzer and Gerer Rebbes would befriend him too,
    he had no problem with this 2 Kehilas, he lived all his life in Belgium with them, he davened all his life in Belz and has Gerer Kids...
    You are a simple mule for carrying on with your hate...

  24. http://thepartialview.blogspot.com/2012/02/lets-face-it-internet-is-here-to-stay.html

  25. Rumor had it that Rav Shach said tehilim for the Lubavitcher Rebbe when he was sick.

  26. An Ailemesher "Rav Shach said tehilim for the Lubavitcher Rebbe when he was sick."

    Satmar made a yom tefilah and said theilim by the six day war, and SR mentioned the loss of many?! in the war and of the pain of many?! אלמנות ויתומים the war created?!

    My thought was the בנות צלפחד claimed a stake in the land even some say their father was from the מעפילים who wore the foregoers of the modern day ציונים but since they weren'nt from the עדת קורח הנועדים על ד' ומשה and בחטאו מת therfore he has a stake in the land, so does the modern day ציונים become כשר ומיתם מכפרת (just a thought, from a bloger)

  27. It seems that now that the Gaavad is also in the hospital, the Eida decided to call for tefilos of rav elyashiv: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=117751


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