Wednesday, February 8, 2012

א ליטוואק גלויבט אויך, אבער פריער וויל ער איבערציילען


  1. That vort is a classic, and is found in Reshimos among other places.

  2. The lashon in chabad is א ליטוואק גלייבט ניט ביז ער ציילט איבער.

  3. Having googled it, I see the chabad lashon is the more colloquial ביז ער ציילט ניט איבער.

  4. but if I'd bring the Chabad version I'd be called a hater. Rizhin is nice.

  5. Listen up
    I cannot state my name for obvious reasons but I grew up in the chasiddishe world and in a family
    That is the most מיוחס , from my mother and father
    Rebbes , rosh yeshivos , dayanim,etc
    My last name and my mothers last name are brand names in the chassidishe velti
    I am now not chassidishe, bh I am marbitz Torah every single day more than any of my old classmates!
    I was directed here three days ago by a friend from satmar א טיירע יונגרמאן. Who showed me interesting posts
    It is quite an interesting site.
    The reason I left is because of all this hate all day these people are busy with ליטוואק they all say these crazy stories over and over
    For a people who claim to love Jews they are so full of hate it's unbelievable if you ask me it's rooted in שנאת עם הארץ לתלמיד חכם.it's funny in the litvish world you never hear these crazy things about chasidim let alone in a Sefer !?!?!
    Granted here and there they are made fun of it never by a rebbe to a talmid! It's part of litvish al haparsha!
    The rebbes live like kings at the expense of the Kehila
    When was the last time you heard of a rebbe doing a chesed? Even the ארימע סעודה is a whole fanfare they are sick!
    When was the last time they asked their people to learn Torah and not be busy with their weddings and vachnachts upshrrins
    This is not yiddishkeit this תאוות הכבוד
    Everyone has to improve but it's quite crazy to hear chasidim make fun of litvaks learning Torah when they themselves can't even read a rashi.
    I'm not a litvak or chassidish just a yid learning , teaching Torah as my grandparents did for hundred of years
    But this craziness has to stop.

  6. You do realize, sir, that the vort refers to actual litvakkes, not the fake Hungarian, Lakewood kind.

  7. One more thing I could not understand
    Why is it that they are do busy with מאדערענע בריללן
    And שיך even killing Bochurim for that
    But the rebbe can wear all these fancy colorful robes?!
    Dont tell me he isn't into them please
    And all the silver gold fancy cars
    It is very sickening

  8. Anon
    "Listen up
    I cannot state my name for obvious reasons but I grew up in the chasiddishe world and in a family
    That is the most מיוחס , from my mother and father
    Rebbes , rosh yeshivos , dayanim,etc
    My last name and my mothers last name are brand names in the chassidishe velti
    I am now not chassidishe, bh I am marbitz Torah every single day more than any of my old classmates!
    I was directed here three days ago by a friend from satmar א טיירע יונגרמאן. Who showed me interesting posts
    It is quite an interesting site.
    The reason I left is because of all this hate all day these people are busy with ליטוואק they all say these crazy stories over and over
    For a people who claim to love Jews they are so full of hate it's unbelievable if you ask me it's rooted in שנאת עם הארץ לתלמיד חכם.it's funny in the litvish world you never hear these crazy things about chasidim let alone in a Sefer !?!?!
    Granted here and there they are made fun of it never by a rebbe to a talmid! It's part of litvish al haparsha!
    The rebbes live like kings at the expense of the Kehila
    When was the last time you heard of a rebbe doing a chesed? Even the ארימע סעודה is a whole fanfare they are sick!
    When was the last time they asked their people to learn Torah and not be busy with their weddings and vachnachts upshrrins
    This is not yiddishkeit this תאוות הכבוד
    Everyone has to improve but it's quite crazy to hear chasidim make fun of litvaks learning Torah when they themselves can't even read a rashi.
    I'm not a litvak or chassidish just a yid learning , teaching Torah as my grandparents did for hundred of years
    But this craziness has to stop."
    Dear Rebbish kind

    each and every sentence of yours can be answered.
    Number 1, in todays world all Chasidic Rebbes are Talmidie Chachomim, they know much much more torah then Rav Malkiel of Lakewood and Rav Liezer Yudel of the Mir, I counted them, since they are the Rosh of the largest Misnagdic torah centers in the world.
    The 2 brothers of Klausenburgh,the 2 brothers of Satmar,the Karliner,the 2 brothers of Visnitz. the 2 rebbes of Bobov,The Munkacher,The Modzitzer,The Amshinover,The 2 Slonimers I can go on and on....
    The hate of chasidim vs. misnagdim id fdefinitly the opposite, their is no hate today at all in the chasidic workd towards Misnagdim, it is definitely the opposite,without rav Shach it would of been history, he flamed it up for a few decades.
    For the record,All Rebbes are obsessed with creating torah shiurim and try every ploy n the book to get their flock there, even the few rebbes that are not outright scholars, are working tirelessly to increase the learning in their yeshivahs and shtiblech.

  9. Hirshel

    "but if I'd bring the Chabad version I'd be called a hater. Rizhin is nice."

    there is some statement in the same vein said on the alter Rebbe by other Rebbes regarding his early shofar blowing rosh hashana, by the Napoleon/Russian war

  10. Banshak... Go to amshinov...

  11. Hirshel,
    for the record, the Matik Hashemueah of this Vort of the ruzhiner was also a Chabadnik of Rachmistrivker chasidim roots

  12. not the person who he heard it from. He wasn't a Chabadnik.

  13. Interesting
    Rav shach said he is mochel everyone for anything done to him EXCEPT GOR THE PEOPLE TGAT SAY HE HATED CHASSIDIM
    Ask any chosid who learned in ponovich
    As myself!
    He loved every yid no matter what

  14. chas vesholem...personally I only buy chabad mesorahs vs, Pielishers, they had no real hasogas in a vort...

  15. and Marinovsky had a very strong Ukrainian identity, meaning Tchernobel, etc. It wasn't just "roots."

  16. Dovid
    I am not reading correct... who is giving mechila rav shach...

  17. so the dividing line today or even yesteryear between,
    maminim class A
    maminim class B
    is litvaks and chsidim ,
    and this blog is the place to highlight it
    Hershe! you are a filthy anti Semite

  18. daer rebbish kind
    you are one hundred percent right!
    all rebbes are full of ... bloodsuckers vechulu (ayen belz...)!
    however the lubavitcher rebbe was the total opposite of the above (besides of course the talmid chochom part, he was definitely THE biggest gaon of his times!). he was a ohev yisroel par excelence והדברים ידועים
    finally someone saying the truth

  19. Just for the record I still have a shaychuds to chassidus and to rebbes its just the overall gashmius and hypocracy
    That is insane

  20. Anon 5:04,
    I"m not going to get into an argument with you, but your following comment:"Number 1, in todays world all Chasidic Rebbes are Talmidie Chachomim, they know much much more torah then Rav Malkiel of Lakewood and Rav Liezer Yudel of the Mir," is kind of strange.Did you farher the rebbes and R'Malkiel and R'Leizer Yudel?How do you know who is more knowledgeable???

    By the way,what is this :" it would of been history"? You probably meant would HAVE been, or would've been.

    As someone who has been in the Chasidic and Litvishe world, I have not seen very much "hate" on either side.Lakewod the bastion of Litvishe yeshivas is full of chasidishe yungerleit and bochurim, and Rubashkins biggest backers and financial supporters have been the editor of Yated,R'Pinny Lipshitz

  21. anon 11:46, "its just the overall gashmius and hypocracyThat is insane"

    Grow up, the grass isn't greener on the other side.

  22. anon 10:13, "he was a ohev yisroel par excelence והדברים ידועים "

    except when he called for a boy-cut! on hisachdus hecsher, hurting many private business because they wouldn't agree to his politics

  23. anon 4:32, "that the vort refers to actual litvakkes, not the fake Hungarian, Lakewood kind"

    And where can you find them today?

  24. Shea Volf said 2:01, "I have not seen very much "hate" on either side"

    that's because there are no real frum litvaks in america, the all became chasidim lite.

  25. Anon
    "except when he called for a boy-cut! on hisachdus hecsher, hurting many private business because they wouldn't agree to his politics"
    the Lubavicher Rebbe never called for a boycott, it was the Bies Din of CH(Maybe it was Rav Dworkin on his own) that did it,
    It was not for the difference of opinions, it was for not following the halacha of leading a honest Bies Din, so they felt that that Hechsher lost their Chezkas Kashrus...
    U can argue till tomorrow that Satmar is holier... their women heads are shaved to Zero... their Bris Milah are bigger... whatever. But it does not change the facts of a chezkas kashrus.

  26. to anon.
    a couple of those rebbes, like klausenberg, are talmiei chachamim.l aharon t. and moshe dovid u. might be a minor talmid chochom. others are clearly not scholars at all like zalit. and bentzion h. and yankel a. (whom you conveniently forgot)

  27. Me: "The vort refers to actual litvakkes, not the fake Hungarian, Lakewood kind"

    Anon. 9:33: "And where can you find them today?"

    The Mizrachi/Modern-Orthodox were/are definitely Litvak-inspired movements, by Litvakkes, for Litvakkes.

  28. anon 2:41, "The Mizrachi/Modern-Orthodox were/are definitely Litvak-inspired movements, by Litvakkes, for Litvakkes.'

    אזא פּנים האט עס

  29. anon 12:48, "It was not for the difference of opinions"

    I have tried twice to proof my point but tzig doesn't post it i guess because my answer probaly touched בכבודו הרמה (or maybe he lost it) so let's forget it and keep on dreaming.. just talk on SR (or any others) and he will jump to post it.

  30. I see no reason to rehash the Vechter/Entebbe/Boycott saga here. It doesn't belong.

  31. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    I see no reason to rehash the Vechter/Entebbe/Boycott saga here. It doesn't belong.

    My comments pertained directly to some comments made here (not about vecter or entebbe) HAVE FUN!

  32. Direct quote from the mitteler Rebbe: כי ידעתי טבע הליטוואקס שממונם חביב מגופם ונפשם וכו'.

    See כתי"ק here.

  33. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    I see no reason to rehash the Vechter/Entebbe/Boycott saga here.
    but rehashing some bygone machloka is very important to rehash

  34. This topic is just so passé. In the words of R' Abaranok ז’ל (in yiddish) "If only there were Chassidim today and if only there were Misnagdim today" ... he was right. We have a Purim Shpiel, in the main, on both sides.

  35. הירשל ציג said "which bygone machlokeh would that be, Sir?"

    anon 4:48, "Direct quote from the mitteler Rebbe: כי ידעתי טבע הליטוואקס שממונם חביב מגופם ונפשם וכו "

    ועוד כי רבים הם וא"א לפורטם
    והכל מיתורים לך

  36. the Mitteler rebbe means a culture... not a particular faction of yiddishkiet..


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