Thursday, April 26, 2012

יום העצמאות במשנת הרב דוד מאיר דרוקמאן שליט"א

"יום העצמאות - חתונה ללא חתן"

היינט איז "יום העצמאות" מוקדם אין מדינת ישראל. וויבאלד אז מארגען איז ערב שבת, און מ'האט מורא אז עס וועט קומען צו מאסן חילול שבת, חלילה, דורך דעם וואס די חגיגות וועלן אריינגיין אין שבת אריין, האט מען עס מקדים געווען צו ד' אייר. דאס זעלבע טוט מען ווען עס פאלט אום זונטאג אויך. דאכט זיך אז דאס קומט בפקודת הרבנים הראשיים. נישט אז איך גיי היינט בראטען פלייש אין פעלד - איך זאג עס אלץ בלאג שרייבער, נישט מער

הרב דרוקמאן מראה לנו איך שאפשר לדבר באופן עקבי, "קאהערענ"ט" בלע"ז, מבלי לשרוף דגלים ולקלל, ומבלי להתנשק  עם שונאי ישראל. והעיקר מבלי לעשות חילול ה'. הוא מדבר להעובדות, מה שבעצם גורם רק שיסתכלו פנימה וינסו לשפר קצת את המצב. כ"א יודע שהמדינה לא יתבטל ושהיא עובדה. רק כמה משוגעים חושבים שיהי' טוב ליהודים אם המדינה תתבטל. השאלה היא רק איך ליגש להענין באופן אידיאלוגי, אבל כו"ע מודי אז מ'דארף דאנקען דעם אייבערשטען אז ער האט געגעבן א לאנד - ארץ אבותינו - וואו מ'קאן אויסלעבן בשלום ובשלוה מתוך לימוד תוה"ק וקיום המצוות בהידור. מער ווייניקער. ס'איז דא אסאך אסאך ארבעט, בפרט בעניני חינוך און "בטחון" וכו', און מ'דארף געדענקען ווער זיי זענען אמאל געווען און וואס זיי האבען געטוהן צו אונז, אבער קיין פלאץ איז נישט 100% אין ארדענונג, אפילו נישט שיכון סקווירא... כ'מיין נישט צו טשעפן סקווירא דוקא. איך האב זיך נאר נישט געקענט איינהאלטען.

אשרינו חסידי חב"ד שיש לנו רב חשוב כזה שמקדש שמו של הקב"ה  - ושל חסידי ליובאוויטש ובראשם כ"ק אדמו"ר זי"ע ברבים. ער איז א קול של שפיות מצד אחד, און מצד שני איז ער עומד בתוקף על המשמרת סיי אין כרם חב"ד און סיי אין כללות כלל ישראל. עס גייט אים זייער ווייניג אהן וואס מ'זאגט וועגן אים, און צו ס'איז פאפולער וואס ער שרייבט

כדאי מאד לבקר אצל דף שלו בוויקיפעדיא



  2. Today is "Day of Independence" early in the State of Israel. Vibald that margins is night Saturday, and we have fear when it comes to public desecration of Sabbath, Heaven forbid, by the which the khgigus will go into Saturday Times, was preliminary to D 'Air. The same does be when it falls on Sunday also. It seems to that it does command rabbis rapidly. Not that I walk today roast meat in the field - I say it all Blog Writers, no more Rabbi drukman shows us how you can talk the way because, "kaheren"t" ble"z, without lshruf dglim ulkll, umbli lhsnshk with shuni Israel. City without make desecration of the '. He speaks lheubdus, what shbetsm caused only shisskhlu inside oynsu gate bit the situation. Kh"a know shhmdinh not isbtl and employees. Just how crazy thinking Friday 'good Jews if state ssbtl. Question is just how Gil point manner idyalugi, but khu"e Moody that we must thank the Supreme when he gave a country - Land fathers - where we can live through peace ubshluh of study suh"k ukium commandments bhidur. more or less. It is much much work, especially worldly education and "confidence" etc., and we must remember who they once were and that they have getuhn to us, but no place is not 100% in order, not even housing skvira ... I my not to draw skvira precisely. I just could not abide. ashrinu Righteous Chabad got us great important such shmkdsh name of hkb"h - and adherents Lubavitch particularly kh"k admu"r zi"e public. He is a voice of seconds by one, and the two he was going bsukf the guard both in the vineyard Chabad and both in generality rule Israel. It goes to their WEINIG ahn what we said about him, and is popular What he writes should very lbkr at page his bvikifedia

  3. mix of satmar and extreme settler ideology:fitting for a nice bnei akiva boy

  4. If he says, that we must all thank Hashem for giving us the land, how is that manifest?
    Does he say Tachnun on Y"H?

  5. To pitputim:

    Every Jew thanks G-d for the land, multiple times daily.

    In Bentching for starters....

  6. I wonder what Rabbi Druckman has to say about these two Chabad soldiers who won awards?

  7. moving the celebration of yom ha'atzmut because of shabbat was not determined by the chief rabbinate. it was dtermined by a historical act of ben gurion, one of the few jews who really qualified as an apikoros.remember an ignorant jew is never a heretic, just an apikoros is and must be a well earned title.
    the state of israel was proclaimed on friday erev shabbat the fifth of iyar 8 hours befoire the end of the british mandate at midnight of that day. ben gurion and the leadership of the jewish agency did not want to schedule the indepedence declaration event at the end of the mandat, at midnight becasue that would infringe upon shabbat which in their view is a centra institution of jewish civilization irrespective of one's beleifs and practises.thus, ab initio, yom ha'atzmaut was established in its very nature, by so called secular jews, to be moved as neccessary to adjacent days in order to respect shabbat.

  8. Hamadpis
    "mix of satmar and extreme settler ideology:fitting for a nice bnei akiva boy"
    does bnie akiva have some satmar in them? plz explain..

  9. 1) It is important to remember that Jewish Sovereignty over Eretz Yisroel is CONDITIONAL!!!!
    2) It so happened that in the covenant of Hashem with our father Abraham it was agreed that the punishment for violating the Jewish faith, would be Exile/Gules
    3) Hashem told us thru our NeVeim that the redemption of the Jewish people will by Mesihach
    4) The Amoira Shmuel the biggest poisek in his Generation says: That Hashems decree to us to WAIT for Meshiach, is meant for Mesihachs SOLE ACTION to Restore Jewish Sovereignty and to reestablish a government ,all other attributes to Meshiach can be (and are)disputed,
    5) The Rambam brings down LeHalucha the words of Shmuel as impartial Umri Chacumim and states that who ever does not WAIT for Mushiach (as described by Shmuel) is an Apikoires
    6) The ReShab Writes a warning for our days : "That even if the Hertzel plan would achieve their goal, we most not listen to them in this matter "to make our redemption with our own power"
    7) So any one who is ONLY in the OPINION that meshiachs JOB may be achieved with out him is JUST not waiting for him and is an Apikoires

  10. DEAR Lubavitcher blog shreiber,
    While discussing A current status of the Jewish people Not you nor druckman mention once that the Jewish people are waiting for meshiach,

  11. Zvi Hersh,

    You aren't serious, I hope. On this basis we'd never need to say anything special on occasions because it's all been said. There is such a thing as a special day when we do more, surely.

  12. Waiter,
    You fail to mention THE most important aspect. Namely, that the Rambam says clearly that we will not be able to predict the precise eschatological sequence of events. Do you think for one minute that Religious Zionists don't wait for משיח every day? Of course, they do.

  13. Have Rachmonus. Do you think people like Ben Gurion were not influenced by the absolutely cataclysmic events that were threatening the existence of Am Yisrael? Of course he was. He was on the wrong tram, but he's not the classic apikorus who woke up one day and decided he'd go to the Yeshivah and fight with the Rabonim and say Les Din V'Les Dayan. Up in Shomayim, his defence lawyer will ask the Eybishter why he put such incredible pressure on us all.

  14. Up in Shomayim, his defence lawyer will ask the Eybishter why he put such incredible pressure on us all.
    LOL. Lo bashamayim hu. Ben Gurion wakes up very early in the morning to the screaming of the Teimani children in the maabarot, as his stooges sheared off their "simonim." He doesn't get much sleep near the boiler though because he is constantly disturbed, night after night, by the sights and sounds of the Altalena.

    That is but a little bit of what Ben Gurion of unblessed memory experiences in his hot eternal residence.

  15. Pitputim... Your words Maybe for hertzl whO knew no better, but not for DBg שר׳י

  16. TZIG DECLARATION! "רק כמה משוגעים חושבים שיהי' טוב ליהודים אם המדינה תתבטל" THE BUCK STOPS HERE!

    There are literally 100,000's frum yiden men and woman who are praying and hoping daily וכל המינים כרגע יאבדו and
    וכל הרשעה כולה כעשן תכלה, כי תעביר ממשלת זדון מן הארץ Satmar rav z"l writes that the destruction of the medina is a Precursor to ביאת המשיחand that א"א האי בלא האי for the faint hearted just remember כמה דרכים למקום The Soviet Union! ceased to exist and without bloodshed remember!

    Comes a "goat/ציג with horns" just got loose from the barn! and declares רק כמה משוגעים are thinking like that! ווער האט איהם גיפרעגט! טאמער זעהט איהר איהם זיך דרייען וויא אַ 'בּאקען' זאגט איהם גייט אייך צוריק אין שטַאל אריין

    פֿון װיקיפּעדיע
    א ציג איז א מין בהמה וואס מ'האט שוין טויזנטער יארן פון איר מילך, פלייש, האר און פעל, א ציג האט צוויי הערנער

  17. !וואס דריקט דעם דריקמאן

  18. pitputim said...

    Do you think for one minute that Religious Zionists don't wait for משיח every day?

    If WAITING for a BUS was your Goal,
    The Bus has not YET arrived, as you Wait at the bus stop you see the person next to you stop and hop into a taxi
    Would you still say that the person is waiting??
    4) The Amoira Shmuel the biggest poisek in his Generation says: That Hashems decree to us to WAIT for Meshiach, is meant for Mesihachs SOLE ACTION to Restore Jewish Sovereignty and to reestablish a government ,all other attributes to Meshiach can be (and are)disputed,
    5) The Rambam brings down LeHalucha the words of Shmuel as impartial Umri Chacumim and states that who ever does not WAIT for Mushiach (AS described by Shmuel) is an Apikoires
    6) The ReShab Writes a warning for our days : "That even if the Hertzel plan would achieve their goal, we most not listen to them in this matter "to make our redemption with our own power"
    7) So any one who is ONLY in the OPINION that Meshiachs JOB may be achieved with out him is JUST not waiting for him and is an Apikoires

  19. Waiter: Do you think for one minute that Religious Zionists don't wait for משיח every day?

    ?טובל ושרץ בידם

    מינים ואפירקוסים even the real ones! ג"כּ מתפללים וכל המינים כרגע יאבדו, הפּורקי עול ששולחים בניהם ללמוד חכמת יונית בּגומנַאזיומס ג"כּ מתפּללים, זרעא די לא יפסוק ודי לא יבטול מפתגמי אורייתא

    So What? does that make them less heretical

  20. קאהערענ"ט בלע"זSunday, April 29, 2012 2:56:00 PM

    הרב דרוקמאן מראה לנו איך שאפשר לדבר באופן עקבי, "קאהערענ"ט" בלע"ז, מבלי לשרוף דגלים ולקלל, ומבלי להתנשק עם שונאי ישראל. והעיקר מבלי לעשות חילול ה

    It reminds me of the german SS ימ"שthey would ask their subjects nicely !בּיטע אין קרעמעטאריום אריין Step in please! ר' עז! אז עס טוט ווייא שרייט מען Didn't rabin kiss arafat? didn't the israeli PM and chief rabbis kiss the pope! didn't israel become the closest ally to germany! all actual murderers not the המן בּקש Ahmadinejad wanna be style!

    About חילול השם ? don't get me started here..

  21. Herzl didn't know any better? Well, actually a bacterial brain infection did leave him on the borderline of shoiteh-keit and mishegoss by the time he assumed room temperature at age 44.

    The name of that infection begins and ends with the same letter. His biographer makes it very clear that Herzl did not get that disease from metzitza bapeh at a bris.

  22. Theodor Herzl died of cardiac sclerosis.

  23. "Theodor Herzl died פּייגר'ט
    of cardiac sclerosis."

    He was also born with cardiac sclerosis!

    .כן יאבדו כל אויבך השם

  24. הצילום מדרוקמאן הוא, בכרם חב"ד! או בהחורבה בתפארתה?, ביום העצמאות! או כנראה, ביום העצמות

  25. So what
    "?טובל ושרץ בידם"
    said who... the Newfound religon...

  26. My Pet Goat
    "Satmar rav z"l writes that the destruction of the medina is a Precursor to ביאת המשיחand that א"א האי בלא האי"
    How did he know this fact? Did Kastners mother tell it to him in his dream....
    There is no source in torah for that,
    Chalom Cholamti veinoi Yodeah.....

  27. Waiter
    "The Amoira Shmuel the biggest poisek in his Generation says: That Hashems decree to us to WAIT for Meshiach, is meant for Mesihachs SOLE ACTION to Restore Jewish Sovereignty and to reestablish a government ,all other attributes to Meshiach can be (and are)disputed,"

    You are coming back with your nonsense, Since when do we pasken like a amoira?
    We orthodox Jews pasken like the shulchan orech or the Rmabam?

  28. Waiter
    "The Rambam brings down LeHalucha the words of Shmuel as impartial Umri Chacumim and states that who ever does not WAIT for Mushiach (as described by Shmuel) is an Apikoires"
    Its a lie the Rambam does not say that....

  29. Waiter
    "So any one who is ONLY in the OPINION that Meshiachs JOB may be achieved with out him is JUST not waiting for him and is an Apikoires"
    beling in our own country with our own security is no contradiction to Moshiach.....
    stop creating apikorsim, first learn the basics....

  30. הלכות מלכים ומלחמות פרק יב

    ב) אל יעלה על הלב שבימות המשיח, ייבטל דבר ממנהגו של עולם, או יהיה שם חידוש במעשה
    [ב] אמרו חכמים, אין בין העולם הזה לימות המשיח, אלא שיעבוד מלכייות בלבד.

  31. משנה תורה הלכות מלכים ומלחמות פרק יא

    א המלך המשיח עתיד לעמוד, ולהחזיר מלכות בית דויד ליושנה הממשלה הראשונה, ובונה מקדש, ומקבץ נדחי ישראל. וחוזרין כל המשפטים בימיו, כשהיו מקודם: מקריבין קרבנות, ועושין שמיטין ויובלות ככל מצותן האמורה בתורה.

    ב וכל מי שאינו מאמין בו, או מי שאינו מחכה לביאתו--לא בשאר נביאים בלבד הוא כופר, אלא בתורה ובמשה רבנו: שהרי תורה העידה עליו, שנאמר "ושב ה' אלוהיך את שבותך, וריחמך; ושב, וקיבצך מכל העמים . . . אם יהיה נידחך, בקצה השמיים--משם, יקבצך ה' אלוהיך, ומשם, ייקחך. והביאך ה' אלוהיך . . ." (דברים ל,ג-ה). ואלו הדברים המפורשים בתורה, הם כוללים כל הדברים שנאמרו על ידי כל הנביאים

  32. By repeating your same crap, and regarglin like a בהמה דמעלה גרה don't make it kosher, that worked for goebeles, try your shtik somewhere else, Adios

  33. so i was thinking you're stam another self hateing jew But an am haretz to? Stick to your poisened hate! get out of torah opinions you're embarising all waitreses and tibi lotzis worldwide Poooleeese!!

  34. "?טובל ושרץ בידם"
    said who... the Newfound religon"


  35. Theodor Herzl died of cardiac sclerosis.

    That is the sanitized version. Please read Amos Elon's biography. He had a disease that begins and ends with the letter that often indicates a plural in English.

    That phony disease listed above is an old term for hardening of the arteries. No one is born with it and it doesn't progress to fatal stages at age 44.

    Herzl was a kid with more money than seichel. He was a dilettante journalist who lived off of his father's money. He used plenty of that money to enjoy Vienna's nightlife, which in pre-antibiotic times was not a good idea.

    By the time he wrote Altneuland, his brain was in the condition of rotted Swiss cheese.

  36. Herzl may actually have been born with CEREBRAL sclerosis, or cerebro-fecal syndrome.

  37. S said... "Herzl may actually have been born with CEREBRAL sclerosis, or cerebro-fecal syndrome."

    It sounds like נידונו בצואה־רותחת !

  38. S said
    Did Hertzel hang out in the same clubs as the Homo Dahaan ( that was killed by the jabotinsky group)?

  39. Dahan was a baal tsuva once he joined with the חרדים. Oi to motzi laz on the מתים.


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