Wednesday, May 9, 2012

exclusive: BREAKING NEWS: Rav Matisyahu Salomon in Israel to invite Reb Chaim Kanievski to Citifield


Sources tell me that the Mashgiach, Rav Matisyahu Salomon, שליט"א, is in Israel, having just landed at Lod Airport. He will make his way to Rehov Rashbam in Bene Beraq to see the elderly Rav Chaim Kanievski, tzu lange yohren. Once at RCK's home he will personally invite him to the Kinus Klal Yisroel, scheduled to take at Citifield in Queens, New York on Sunday, 28 Iyar. It must be noted that the elderly RCK has not left the Holy Land since arriving there as a child, circa 1933. Why then would RMS invite him? Apparently Rav Matisyahu was in Israel a few months ago on another matter and went to see Reb Chaim to receive his blessing. He then proceeded to invite RCK to the gathering that would take place before Shavuous, to which Reb Chaim answered: "איך וועל קומען צוזאמען מיט'ן שווער." His shver is הרב אלישיב, who has been hospitalized for some weeks now, so he won't be traveling to Queens. But that's beside the point. Rav Elyashiv came to Israel as a 10 year boy and has never left either! So we can safely assume that Reb Chaim will not be attending. But Rav Matisyahu is not deterred! He will plead his case before Reb Chaim and get him to come.... Reb Chaim did say that it was incumbent to close the גמרא and attend, but I'm not sure if it supersedes the prohibition of leaving the Holy Land, which Reb Chaim and his shver both adhere to, seeing as they've never left.

Bulletins as they come in...


  1. The biggest Kiddush Hashem at this point would be to admit the entire event is pointless and cancel it. The rabbonim already look naarish because 1. What will the be mechadesh there that hasn't already been elaborated on and 2. Why waste so much money on such a naarish event? Tzig, I wouldn't be insulted in not being included in this debacle AT ALL! How many people are they expecting at this thing? Frankly I'm embarrassed by the whole event

  2. Wow Tzig, what a scoop! This doesn't end.
    And look - he can travel to E"Y to invite RCK, but he won't bring an invitation to the Ohel. (I hope I get some credit for your next story :))

  3. Rav elyashiv was born in israel

  4. Tzig, Reb Matisyahu is just going to get a strongly worded letter and maybe a video clip of Reb Chaim telling ppl they need to come. in Yeshivishe language thats called "inviting". no need to overdramatize.

  5. StamADeyah why would you expect RMS to go to the Ohel??? Do you rightfully think or expect him to go to every Ohel of every Rebbe that passed away in the US with an invitation???? Get real...

  6. Since he promised the Satmar Rebbe (ZL)and his Bais Din, not to put their signature together with Rav Steinman's on the same page. Because in their eyes Rav Steinman is the living equivalent of Rav Kook of our times.

    So Rav Salomon is left to invite Rav Kanyevsky -a long shot-, Rav Steinman might be useful to get the benei yeshiva of Lakewood to the event. But should Rav Steinman -who would come in an instant- arrive [if only invited] all mayhem will break out at the park, with the sounds of "sheigetz arohs" louder than a no-hit win by the Mets.

    So in the name of Achdus of klal yisroel, Chabad can't be.. [oops HT has already apologized] Rav Steinman can't invited.

    Let's greet the 2 surprises, Reb Leibish Leizer from Antwerp and Rav Kanyevsky!

    I'm getting my ticket!

  7. The fanatics can't stand Rav Elyashev either after he worked for the Rabbanut many years ago. Not so long ago they even had the chutzpah to throw garbage at him.

  8. Not via Cambria HeightsWednesday, May 09, 2012 2:04:00 PM

    Can someone please explain to me the huge obsession with the Rebbe's ohel? Is there some kind of mekor in chassidishe seforim for davka YOUR Rebbe's kever or is it stam a meshugass? And why the big push to shlep everyone else there? It is very noticeable by the general non-Chabad public.

    Even a Lubavitcher rov who i thought would be more levelheaded because he learned in Litvishe yeshivos was mutching me all the time to go to the Ohel to daven. I asked him politely how it makes sense to go there instead of the kevorim in Eretz Yisroel of gedolei oylam fun alla doros. He got visibly upset at me and doesn't talk to me anymore. I don't really care. It's a very sad commentary on him.

  9. There is no way Reb Chaim Steipler will come.

  10. The Belzer Rebbe, a few lesser known Rebbes, and many Litvishe gedolim have the same shita as Rav Shteinman on Tzahal and getting a secular degree for parnossah. Rav Shteinman is just more outspoken about it that attracts more critics to bash him about it.

  11. By the way not sure why everyone thinks this will be a flop there is a lot of pressure to attend so many many will attend .
    I think it will be full

  12. Not farbissen like some othersWednesday, May 09, 2012 3:03:00 PM

    Only 10,000 seats left.. hurry before you're going to be left standing outside!!

  13. Dave is right but so were the critics at one point. Citifield was going to be empty until Ichud panicked and started scraping the barrel to bring in as many warm bodies as possible.

  14. Some Eretz Yisroeldikker can have a good reason for going chutz but they still won't go to America if they hold like the Brisker Rov.

    R' Yankel Schiff was medayek that the Rov's shita stops at Niagara Falls which is what he invoked when he visited Toronto.


  16. The chances of him coming are less than the chances of Tzig being the keynote speaker.

  17. "Only 10,000 seats left.. hurry"

    You wouldn't want the assifah to get too packed!

  18. Who's paying for all the subsidies? They dropped the ticket prices in Lakewood now to half price - $5 only.

    And they are providing free or subsidized bus rides from the Tri-State.

    And they are flying in & putting up at hotels every Agudah shul rabbi from U.S., Canada & Mexico - all for free.

    It's rumored that Schreiber from B&H gave a million bucks (in exchange for farkoifing his goods) but it only goes so far.

  19. as of Monday they sold 15K out of 40K seats. They really needed satmar to fill up the stadium.

    I heard on shabbos the Lakewood chevra was going to eretz yisroel to get signatures.

  20. "going to eretz yisroel to get signatures"

    That's for the yeshivishe segment that are not a bunch of programmed robots following the Agudah and brainwashed by the Yated.

    The gedolei Eretz Yisroel disagree with today's Agudah on many things.

  21. RMS' rebbetzin is very ill and she is in a Manhattan hospital.
    Why Lod and not Ben Gurion?

  22. I was being nostalgic, thinking Lod Airport. BG is fine, too.

  23. I don't think they panicked I just think they knew they would have to put pressure

  24. BTW
    a few years ago a yungerman called rav wolfson of torah vdaas from eretz yisroel and asked him which kevarim to visit on his trip from america to ask for a bracha for children. rav wolfson told him to get back unto a plane to new york and ask a bracha by the ohel of the rebbe zy"a. in his words: gey tzum tziun fun der lubavitcher rebbe - es gist yeshuos!
    enough said. and if you don't believe the story, you can ask rav wolfson.
    unless it scares you too much......

  25. "The Belzer Rebbe, a few lesser known Rebbes, and many Litvishe gedolim have the same shita as Rav Shteinman on Tzahal and getting a secular degree for parnossah. Rav Shteinman is just more outspoken about it that attracts more critics to bash him about it."

    The hatred to RAL Shteinman is becuase his opinion is actualy carrying weight!!

  26. Inquiring minds would like to know;
    What will be served at the concessions?
    Is Meal Mart making a special run of foot long celavim (mit aleh miforshim)?
    Is Korns making special buns?
    Will there be overnight kugel and yabtzik?
    Will there be triple VIP chulent with kishke?
    Will there be tuna sandwiches far di tuna beiglach (if they come)
    will there be sushi ?

  27. Can someone confirm or deny the Current BP rumor that the TOLNA from Yerushlayim will be speaking?

  28. Just happens to be that R Matisyahu was in lakewood yesterday. . .

  29. Any truth to the rumors on the blog of Rabbi Feivy Mendlowitz?

    That someone unappointed had gone to the gedolei Eretz Yisroel and messed up which created the need for RMS to fix it.

    That a R' Kalman K. (Krohn?) has returned from Israel with an interesting but unspecified report from the gedolim.

  30. "tuna sandwiches far di tuna beiglach"

    Make a hefsik after the fish before the cholent top.

  31. Not Via Cambria
    "Can someone please explain to me the huge obsession with the Rebbe's ohel? Is there some kind of mekor in chassidishe seforim for davka YOUR Rebbe's kever or is it stam a meshugass?
    Is Miron Lag beomer also a meshugazz?
    or you only hate the Rebbe?

  32. Not Via Cambria
    "It's a very sad commentary on him."
    on whom????

  33. Shnorer
    "It's rumored that Schreiber from B&H gave a million bucks (in exchange for farkoifing his goods) but it only goes so far."
    thats probably one of the reasons that the Zali Rebbe signed for the Assifa since Schrieber is pro Zali team..


  34. Hate hunter, what was "hateful" about the questions re the Rebbe's Ohel? Since when is anyone in the last 100 years or even the last 1000 years on the same madraigeh as a Tanna?

  35. Hirshel, have you investigated or even heard about the very serious story that has emerged about one of the leading people in Ichud? The story from a few years ago required intervention by gedolim and there are numerous rabbonim who refusing to participate in any Ichud event as long as this person is still associated.

  36. I have not investigated. I work for a living. And I cannot get into that.

  37. Well, there is a blog that was mefarsem against the Ichud person & associates of his who were also dealt with by intervening gedolim for the same issue. There is a faction on the Moetzes however who is bent on protecting the Ichud person so they contacted the baal hablog & notified him that he is allowed to keep up the story but if he does not remove the name of the Ichud person, they will see to it that his children will be expelled from their yeshivos. The name was scrubbed out.

  38. Guys conversation over!!
    The asifa is sold out!

  39. Dray Kop
    "Hate hunter, what was "hateful" about the questions re the Rebbe's Ohel? Since when is anyone in the last 100 years or even the last 1000 years on the same madraigeh as a Tanna?"
    please look in the Iggereth chazon ish... who is in the line of neviem and tanoim...

  40. Not farbissen like some othersThursday, May 10, 2012 1:46:00 PM

    I feel sorry for all the losers left out standing in the cold.. You could've would've should've, but you failed to!

  41. Du bist upgeshlogt from the very kovetz igros Chazon Ish you shtel tzu.

    Yes he learns that yechidei segulah can be much bigger than previous doros, but only up to a point. There is no way or how that anyone in this dor is as big as a Tanna or anything remotely close. Even the Ri"f who he mentions is nisht vee dem hayligeh Tanna.

  42. Once they got the big chassidusen involved of course they are sold out. Once the Rebbe says to go you don't have a choice.

    There are also Litvishe yeshivos & girls schools that threatened fathers they must attend.

  43. Ok so. ? That was the plan to begin with
    To put pressure in everyone
    And they succeeded, no one thought everyone will run like crazy to buy these people are not stupid they knew they will fill up

  44. While the articles in the NY Times have caused a major Chilul Hashem, the Charedi communtiy repsonds and continues with theatrics and empty gestures..
    Serious issues demand serious answers from serious people but where are such people in the charedi world.
    Where are the elders who live without thought of money for their mosdos (and for that matter their own chashuve families), where are leaders who think about justice for our modern version of yasom veAlmonah, where are the leaders ho do more for the children than smile at them . Where are leaders who are roeh es hanolad and think about the economic future of their followrs not the numbers affiliated with their mosdos.
    Today we have leaders who have some yichus and can learn a blatt gemora , since when did that make that person or a rav a manhig. Was the gadlus of rav Itzhak Elchonon his learning or his care and vision , how about Reb Chaim his learning made him a gaon but not a manhig that title was bestowed on him because he cared about all of Brisk;s Jews including secular yasom vealmanah the por etc.With all his gevaldike lernen the Rogochover was NOT a manhig Israel.
    I guess as rav Maimon said "far gelt krigt men alles ..."
    Since 1994 Klal israel has no leaders at least not in the USA. We may have many roshe yeshiva some poskim a a few gutte Yidden and CEOs of large Chassidic courts, (were Baale Meyfes the manhigim of European jewry)I think no, the Gerer and Belzer rebbe were the manhigim and their attitude towards shtick and mefsim is well known..Oy Roeh Yisroel !

  45. Someone is alleging in a blog post to Rabbi Mendlowitz that Gottlieb went and organized Citifield on his own and then approached Rav Salomon. When RMS was not excited, Gottlieb tugged his sleeve and told him he must support it or he will be mafsid people over $1 million. They also say that the product from Gottlieb's company has primary placement for what B&H is retailing. If you take a look at Ichud's fancy color book, it is farkoifing that Yeshivanet product (manufactured by Gottlieb) is the absolute best way of protecting home connections. (Corporate is a different animal with different players)

  46. Tzig I know this will disappoint you, but as of today at 2 PM there are signs going up all over the place that the tickets are officially sold out. The only tickets avail. at this point can be purchased in person directly from the Igud office in Lakewood in person. So for all your predictions Hershel this is going to be a sell out.
    Anyone holding on to a tickets now hold on to them real tight. in 2 days is gonna be worth nice bucks.

  47. as far as I know I never predicted anything as far as success or failure... And it seems like that's only as far as Lkwd goes, not all over, but I could be mistaken.

  48. Call the office NO MORE TICKETS

  49. what about all the Yidden that won't be able to go now, will they be left out? will their doros not be saved?

  50. Hershel, You never predicted ANYTHING???!!
    Hmmm. Eat this:

    While you read this Im gonna go get my sneakers on to get myself ready for all the twisted acrobatics your gonna write in response.
    Please Tzig a little intellectual honesty would be nice. don't belittle your readers as to thinking were dumb.

  51. oh, that. 2 months ago. who can remember that far back?

  52. besides, I have kids, and I too worry what will become of them.

  53. If R chaim Comes they could sell out Yankee stadioum

  54. Hirshel
    what happened in the NYT? I was addicted to that paper for decades,but thank hashem I did not read that paper for years,I see Schneur is alarming us about something, can you plz update us.

  55. Why are you not printing my comment about rav kanievsky

  56. He is not coming rms headed to toronto

  57. "If you take a look at Ichud's fancy color book, it is farkoifing that Yeshivanet product (manufactured by Gottlieb) is the absolute best way of protecting home connections. "


    Yeshiva net is identical to Open DNS (

    Only difference is that yeshiva net is $25/month, open dns can be had for $20 FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

  58. I see litvishers by the ribnitzer's ohel, btw.


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