Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Since his illustration graces the top of this blog, I thought it appropriate to mention this bit of news. He never married and left no offspring, so maybe we can learn some Mishnayos for ol' Maurice? Anybody know his Hebrew name?


  1. Its, enough that your both talmidim of IBS, sorry, Harav.

  2. I think they said his name was Moshe. His father was Phillip.
    tzarich iyun ktzas.

  3. אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים שׁוֹכֵן בַּמְּרוֹמִים, הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה נְכוֹנָה עַל כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה בְּמַעֲלוֹת קְדוֹשִׁים וּטְהוֹרִים כְּזוֹהַר הָרָקִיעַ מַזְהִירִים אֶת נִשְׁמַת משה בן פיליפ שֶׁהָלַךְ לְעוֹלָמוֹ, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁנָדְבוּ צְדָקָה בְּעַד הַזְכָּרַת נִשְׁמָתוֹ, לָכֵן בַּעַל הָרַחֲמִים יַסְתִּירֵהוּ בְּסֵתֶר כְּנָפָיו לְעוֹלָמִים, וְיִצְרֹר בִּצְרוֹר הַחַיִּים אֶת נִשְׁמָתוֹ, ה' הוּא נַחֲלָתוֹ, וְיָנוּחַ בְּשָׁלוֹם עַל מִשְׁכָּבוֹ, וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן:

  4. He really DOES need an aliyah


    Sendak mentioned in a September 2008 article in The New York Times that he was gay and had lived with his partner, psychoanalyst Dr. Eugene Glynn, for 50 years before Glynn’s death in May 2007.

    Revealing that he never told his parents, he said, "all I wanted was to be straight so my parents could be happy. They never, never, never knew." Sendak's relationship with Glynn had been mentioned by other writers before (e.g., Tony Kushner in 2003). In Glynn's 2007 New York Times obituary, Sendak was listed as Glynn's "partner of fifty years".

    Sendak donated $1 million to the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services to memorialize Glynn. The gift will name a clinic for Glynn.

  5. You read the books of IBS, sorry, Harav IBS, and by internalizing his bubbe maises, whith their lessons you became his talmid. I understand that as a lubavither its ok, because The Rebbe never signed the hungarian kol kores against reading "romanen" and othe such novels. But as a hungarian you dou have a problem. Elle mai, you pasken minhag rabboi and not minhag avoisav. If that's the case, the shayla is, did you read it in english or in the yiddish original?

  6. this book is the only IBS book I've read, thank you very much

    and as far as the Rebbe signing kol korehs: עפרא לפומיך

  7. I realize Singer isn't Pushkin in Russian, but I'm not Aron Sislovitzer either...

  8. Moide bemiktzas, chayiv shvua

  9. חייב שבועה that what? that I never read other books from him?

  10. Can you teach me russian so I can read the haskala books in the agu"ch library? Or perhaps you can hook me up with a bi-lingual mashpiah?

  11. no, sorry. Maybe one of the Kotlers or Kamenetzkis can help you.

  12. They wouldn't step into the agu"ch library...

  13. Natan would, but some of them have it at home, no need to go to CH

  14. The same edition of sherlock holmes as the rayatz in russian?

  15. ask them. Or you can read Pushkin in your Russian equivalent, namely English. לקיים מה שנאמר מנהג אבותינו בידינו

  16. Have you been to their homes to know? Or is this a new motzi shem ra that you'd like to get credit for promulgating?

  17. Re; the kotler and kamanetzkis..

  18. hey, bro
    don't expect to stay clean if you're slinging mud

  19. Hirshel, that was low of you.

    If a misnaged takes a pot shot you don't have to retaliate by singling out roshei yeshiva. Most of Lita was affected by Maskilim, doesn't matter if it was roiv of Slabodka or the eidims of frierdik Lubavitcher Rebbes.

  20. yet you have no words of reprimand for eech. why? Why must I just take it from these guys?

  21. Hirshel, you will look the like the bigger person and eech will look like an immature nudnik if you take the high road and remain factual.

  22. Isaac Bashevis Singer was recently discussed on the blog of Rav Yudel Shain.

    His father was the rosh yeshiva of Radzymin until the building burned down in 1908 when he became a dayan on the Warsaw beis din.

    Bashevis Singer himself learned in the Tachkemoni yeshiva and may have still been there in 1922 when R' Moishe Soloveitchik became the rosh yeshiva. After he dropped out of yeshiva, he stopped going to shul even on Yom Kippur and became an activist against shechita.

  23. Let's stick to facts, ok? The Rayatz had in his library which he brought from europe numerous yiddish and russian maskilik tomes. That R Aron and R Yakov read haskola books, is pure hearsay. Those are the facts.

  24. fact is that this is not the topic of discussion here. So let's stick to that. And it's not hearsay, OK?

  25. eech,

    I am not a Lubavitcher but I believe in being fair & accurate.

    One of the choshuvste yeshivos in the velt did not get around to paying someone to vet their seforim from those authored by Maskilim & outright apikorsim. I don't want to identify them.

    The Rayatz may have had the same issue.

  26. Ok, so name your next kid maurice.

  27. Ombudsmen, cmon! The rayatz buying his "personal" books, as was attested to in court by the rebetzin can't be compared to a bochur an am haaretz purchasing for a yeshiva.

    Hirshel, if agu"ch wouldn't have a website to boast of, I wouldn't know of all the copies of the new testament and haskola books therein, because I wouldn't either enter the premises.

  28. eech
    "That R Aron and R Yakov read haskola books, is pure hearsay. Those are the facts."
    is Rav yakovs son a kofer?
    You have to be a kofer just for saying that,
    You kofer me kofer we all kofrim....

  29. Ish lefi mehalilo...

    How could you write even c"v for a joke that you would name a holy jewish child after an actor in the yiddish theater?

  30. why is that worse than all the Heimishe guys with their English names?

  31. He's not interested in your mishnayos


    On faith

    "I am not a religious person, nor do I have any regrets. The war took care of that for me. You know, I was brought up strictly kosher, but I — it made no sense to me. It made no sense to me what was happening. So nothing of it means anything to me. Nothing. Except these few little trivial things that are related to being Jewish. ... You know who my gods are, who I believe in fervently? Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson — she's probably the top — Mozart, Shakespeare, Keats. These are wonderful gods who have gotten me through the narrow straits of life."

  32. Believe me, most of those kofrim want the mishnayos once they see the emess up there. Only the biggest reshoyim don't and the Chofetz Chaim in Sefer Shmiras Halashon brengt fun Kadmonim that some of those reshoyim gemurim have their neshomos destroyed after "doing time" in sheol tachtis.

  33. i think you should publish here a list of all kofrim, apikorsim and mishkav zochorniks and we all learn mishanyos for them.

  34. posthumous saving of their souls, eh, Russian Chusid?


  36. JJJ
    "He's not interested in your mishnayos"

    he can say what ever he wants he still had a chelek Elokai Mimaal... and his soul needs Mishnayoth whatever his mouth is talking does not matter in the big picture

  37. russian chosid
    "i think you should publish here a list of all kofrim, apikorsim and mishkav zochorniks and we all learn mishanyos for them."
    its a great Idea, by chasidim they had a belief that even nossen hoazusi was megulgal in some big tzadik who wrote alot of seforim...
    If you are really a chosid you know about it...

  38. Great opportunity for mivtzoim!Tuesday, May 08, 2012 7:40:00 PM

    Wow, what a great thing you have accomplished HT.

    Now we need a massive showing of Lubavitchers there. There should be a parade of mitzvah tanks there (one less than on Yud Aleph Nissan, not be pogeia in the Rebbe's kavod). Bochurim and yungerleit should come ready to do mivtzoim. Lemoshol spreading the good news re re inyonei Moshiach uegeulah, the nosi hadoyr, bringing Lubavitcher tefillin for the Snags and Chagas Chasidim to put on...

    Which section will the Lubavitchers be sitting in by the way?

  39. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9905E2D9173AF937A15756C0A9619C8B63

    It's appalling that Sendak's "partner" r"l was the consulting psychiatrist to the Jewish Board of "Family & Child Services" despite the fact that it was publicly known he was gay.

  40. In the Fresh Air interview he sounded confused and he seemed to be a damaged person.


  41. I think saying mishnayos or another tikun for a person's neshama is a good idea. There are different types of rishaim. I would feel comfortable helping the neshama of someone who was good to people and whose sins are between him and G-d.

  42. Hirshel,

    do you know why tzigelach were such a topic of interest for Yiddishist writers? We see here Bashevis Singer and there is also that famous baby lullaby that they teach in Bundist style schools?

  43. Hirshel, I see you are facilitating the sale through Amazon of the Bashevis-Sendak book. I think you should ask a shayla if it's mesayaya yedei ovrei avairah. Have you read the book? Is there any blatant apikorsis in it?

  44. it's a childrens' book about a boy that was sent to town to sell his goat and gets lost in a snowstorm...

  45. I wonder then how we posken from the Gemara at this daf. Is it Torah shekosav apikoris yisaref because it's ostensibly davar shebikedusha or is the pshat that even sefer Torah & kal vachomer sifrei chol?

  46. Do you know the mayseh with the alter Slabodker R' Yehuda Davis being shlepped to a din Torah after he burned books like this at the yeshiva ketana in Brighton Beach and why he won the din Torah where R' Aron Kotler was a dayan?

  47. The alter Slabodker R' Yehuda Davis, later rosh yeshiva of Mountain Dale, was the menahel of the Brighton Beach yeshiva ketana. (In Slabodka he was known as the well to do Amerikanner who owned a nice suit, so when 6 year old R' Elya Svei needed to get a visa at the American consulate in Vilna, R' Yehuda took little R' Elya by the hand).

    There was a book used in the yeshiva that showed an illustration of Chasmonaim depicted as big muscular warriors. This is koifer in vos shteit in the nusach hatefillah of chalashim oisek baTorah. R' Yehuda dumped all the books in the courtyard & started a bonfire.

    The board was furious and wanted to fire him for being a pyro-fanatic.

    R' Aron Kotler asked for a copy of the book, leafed through it and could not find the picture so R' Yehuda directed him to the page. R' Aron asked I agree the picture is inappropriate but why didn't you just rip out that page? Why burn the whole book?

    RYD told RAK, du bist an adam gadol. You did not find the picture. I, a yungerman found the picture. Ver vaisst how many more problematic items are in the book that both of us missed? We cannot take chances once we know the book is from apikorsim.

    R' Aron posekened RYD is ausgehalten and started referring people who needed aitzos in chinuch to him.

  48. A Lakewood bochur noticed that a well known seforim store in Boro Park was selling things published by the Conservative JTS apikorsim. A Dayan in Lakewood told him it is zicher assur to buy them and probably also assur to sell them. The bochur told the baal habos in the name of the dayan that he should ask a shaylah. The baal habos put on a hysterical act that was obviously fake that "oy vey! who knew there was apikorsis in here?!! I have to take it out!!!" as he went running to remove it. Someone checked the next day figuring they would be back on display in the new seforim section and he was right. (They were probably put back within 2 minutes of the bochur exiting the store).

    The funny thing about this store is when they sell seforim from Shlomo Goren and other controversial Tzionim, the chassidishe kanoyim take them & hide them under mounds of old seforim so that no one buys them. But they leave the JTS stuff alone because they don't know what it is.

  49. Gittin 55 Boro parker
    Reb chaim Kanievsky, reb Yakov Kamenitzky, Reb Yonasan Stief all quote this kind of seforim,
    I guess rav davis was blessed with extra heat,,

  50. Another Jewish blogger on Sendak. Where The Wild Things Are


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