Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I take no credit for this... Well, actually I do.

Skulener Rebbe, שליט"א, hosts delegation of Chabad Rabbonim and משפיעים at his home yesterday. (L-R, Reb Leibel Altein , Heichel Menachem BP; Reb Gedalia Oberlander, Heichel Menachem Monsey; Reb Shmuel Pevzner, CH/BP; Reb Nochem Sternberg, CH; Rav Avrohom Osdoba, BaDaTZ Crown Heights)

We thank Rabbi Yair Hoffman and the good people at VosizNeias for making this happen. After all, we all know that RMK never said it, don't we? It's comments like #49 ("Lubavitcher") who bring us all closer together and show the world that making fun of Gedolim is not cool.


  1. You certainly get some of the credit. Things like this might re-introduce Chabad to mainstream Judaism, they had a wake-up call and are the wiser.

  2. Could someone please clue me in here. Is there any particular group of rabbonim in Chabad that will be taken the most seriously by the Lubavitcher oylam for any tzettl issued about internet or any other major inyan? And is Badatz Crown Heights going to be taken seriously by everyone? I mean has the issue with making sholom after the disrespect to Rav Schwey been worked out to everyone's satisfaction?

  3. So, in fact, your original report was a lie.

  4. Standing by your story does not mean that Rechilus is muttar.
    Does kovod Lubavitch overide kol hatora? (not that I see any kovod lubavitch in your behavior)

  5. From COL

    רבני ליובאוויטש שליט"א דיברו ארוכות על הפעילויות הרבות שכבר נעשות במוסדות החינוך של חב"ד ליבאוויטש בנושא זה, והודו להאדמו"ר מסקולען שליט"א על פעילותו במסירות נפש בעניין חשוב ונשגב זה. "חבר אני לכל אשר יראוך, ולכן אכן נצטרף לקריאת הקודש שיצאה בעניין זה ונפעל בקרב הרבנים להוציא קול קורא בעניין זה", השיבו הרבנים..

    Actually, what have Chabad done about the internet?

    Sheker ein loi raglayim.

  6. what have they done to keep you away from shmutz? nothing. But they have brought thousands closer to Yiddishkeit by being the pioneers of Torah on the 'net.

  7. Kol Hakovod to you for bringing this issue to the table.

    Correction: Its Reb Nochum Sternberg, R' Shlomo's Father.

  8. re: comment #49,
    hirshel, i think that comment is just funny, coming from a nebach like him.

  9. who is this oberlander rabbi?
    is he from Kremnchug?

  10. This was silly... We made a fuss about Lubavitch not being invited, and now, I am willing to bet, very, very few Lubavitchers will go.
    We are going to be looked upon as cry babies

  11. I don't think that invitations are enough now, the key speaker will have to be Lubavitcher for me to go

  12. Is there such a thing in Crown Heights as a kol koray with whichever signatures mobilizing the oylam to go?

    By us Litvisher, the American Moetzes no longer commands that sway like it did in the days of R' Moishe Feinstein & R' Yaakov Kaminetzky. For the last 25 years, the biggest gedolim in America have refused Agudah affiliation. If the gedolim in Eretz Yisroel sign something today however they still do command tremendous influence to mobilize.

  13. MJ and Jay:Why does every schmo and his bro get so hysterical about lashon hara and rechilus?

    lets assume Reb Malkiel didnt say a word about chabad. and lets assume chabad never asked to br invited. and lets assume Tzig fabricated this entire story. therefore? what difference does it make in your life. if u like Reb Malkiel and The Sheileh Movement then u wont change ur beliefs anyway. If u like chabad ur still gonna be drinking booze and and davening late
    have u managed to pay ur bills? have u figured out a way to get ur kids to bed on time
    chill. imagine nebech there wouldnt be lashon hora? ud actually be working instead of sitting on the web!

  14. They should have also had Rav Braun by this meeting. As the grandson of the Shaarim Metzuyonim baHalocho, he also is a shem davar beyond Chabad in the yeshivishe & broader chassidishe worlds.

  15. You know, the shemen always rises to the top. Any bashing of any part of Am Israel is still just lashon hara, so i applaud you on your efforts here.

  16. These people invited to the skulener rebbes home don't represent lubavitch. The problem is that there isn't anyone who does. Why wasn't harabonim, krinsky, shemtov, shwei, segal, braun, bugomilsky and the rosh's of tt and ot, the administrators of all the girls schools invited?

  17. Aron and zalmanleib can sit under the same roof, if under duress, can rabonei lubavitch?

  18. In all seriousness, how many mainstream Lubavitchers would have gone to this event, even if invited, to be addressed by a bunch of misnagdishe and/or Peilishe rabbis?
    Honestly now?

  19. well, the idea was to encourage schools and yeshivos to go.

  20. I have a better question.

    Lubavitch immortalizes stories of non-Lubavs visiting the Rebbe / attending farbrengen.

    So why can't stam Lubavitchers be interested in an assifah where plenty of gedolei Torah will be attending, even if none of the speakers happen to be Chabad? Is this elitism or closing yourself off from the outside world?

  21. What help is it if people are "forced" to invite Lubavitch?
    Lubavitch is still seen by many of the Heimishe world as strange at best, without getting in to the stronger terms out there.
    It's Lubavitchs' fault for doing strange things and much worse, for having the Meshichist movement and doing nothing about it.

    Let me give two examples that are not a big deal and don't disqualify from being part of the klal.
    A)Writing on all Lubavitcher wedding invitations that the it"ll take place "besho'o hachamishis", although an asterisk says what time it"ll really take place.Why is this done? Because that's the way the Rebbes invitation was done.But for non Lubavitchers this is *STRANGE*.
    B)Calling the Rebbe Nosi Hador.
    Now I'm not referring to the Meshichsts who say shlit"a,they are to crazy and insolent to discuss.I"m talking about mainstream Lubavitch.Now when the Rebbe was alive, it's still a little of an interesting title seeing that Lubavitch is just one segment of the klal,but, let that rest .How can you have a Nosi Hador who is in Gan Eden?So they have some partisan explanation but again the wider heimishe oilem sees this as *STRANGE*

    Yes, I also think that the Na Nachs of Breslov are seen as strange, but nobody , not even Na nachs themselves expect to be invited to any kinnus.
    I really hope you don't see a need to censor this, because I think that most members of the heimishe oilem agree.
    And if not, let's hear why they don't

  22. shulem
    "A)Writing on all Lubavitcher wedding invitations that the it"ll take place "besho'o hachamishis", although an asterisk says what time it"ll really take place.Why is this done? Because that's the way the Rebbes invitation was done.But for non Lubavitchers this is *STRANGE*."
    How about me, a non lubavicher looks at it as all interesting minhogie ashkenaz... the difference is thos customs started in Vormizeh and Frankfurt, and this one started in Brooklyn..

  23. Shulem
    "Calling the Rebbe Nosi Hador.
    Now I'm not referring to the Meshichsts who say shlit"a,they are to crazy and insolent to discuss.I"m talking about mainstream Lubavitch.Now when the Rebbe was alive, it's still a little of an interesting title seeing that Lubavitch is just one segment of the klal,but, let that rest .How can you have a Nosi Hador who is in Gan Eden?So they have some partisan explanation but again the wider heimishe oilem sees this as *STRANGE*"
    If they chose to believe in the zohar that it is Yatir Mibechyoi... then he is still the nosi hador...

  24. Tomashover,
    You did not get the point.
    The Chuppa DOES NOT take place at 5!!
    So you write the wrong time on an ivitation......just to copy??
    C'mon don't be dense

  25. shulem,

    Being weird does not take you out of Klal Isruel .We are talking about a huge Kehila here, which might be weird.
    And today's Skvere where everybody shakes the same way when they doven,having a full fledge KGB runing is not?Satmar?NachNachikas-they are part of Bretslav-not whole Bretslav. Here the issue was out casting a whole kehila-THAT'S BAD.

  26. see also:


    You can find a writeup of the event on page 7 and a list of guidelines approved by the rabbonim of Crown Heights on page 45.

  27. shulem said...

    " Tomashover,
    You did not get the point.
    The Chuppa DOES NOT take place at 5!!
    So you write the wrong time on an ivitation......just to copy??
    C'mon don't be dense"
    you need a explanation....?

  28. Tzig, you're telling me that the powers that be in CH were going to encourage the students of their schools and yeshivos to attend this?

  29. Gasp! An Anon! Here!?!?!
    But it is an important answer to Chaim's question.
    (Sorry statement. How do you casually call something a sheker when you have NO idea? Do you live in Crown Heights? I do. And every other week I see signs posted about different speakers coming to speak on the dangers of the internet, for parents, for educators, etc.)

  30. http://www.lakewoodlocal.com/2012/05/07/rav-malkiel-rav-mattiyohu-to-thousands-be-mekadesh-shem-shomayim/

  31. Nu, you crybabies got your bottle, will you now come? Of course not, its obvious that the complaining about being excluded was just sour grapes...

    Honestly, Hirshel, will you be there? How many of anash that you know of ever had any thought of attending? How many did it accur to to attend now that y'all been invited?

  32. IIRC

    By one of the first Yat Kislev MM in BP The Skulener Rebbe was supposed to attend (as per the invitation by R' Altein). It was printed on all the signs etc.

    The Skulener askunim knew better and didn't let him attend.

  33. http://www.chabad.info/index.php?url=article_en&id=27047

    Who is he?

  34. מ'קען באמערקן בהשתדלות יתירה די בלאק בערי האסורה וואס ליגט אויםן טיש בו בשעה מ'רעדט וועגן אסר'ן דעם אינטערנט טובל ושרץ בידו און במילא איז דאס מזוייף מתוכו און מ'טאר נישט משתתף זיין

  35. Tzig: Since you write you stand by your story can you please explain why you apologized for writing it? As well, the apology so called was that it was miss understood what he said.! Which is a nice political baseball he could throw from the pitchers mound in cititfield but not to me. The fact is that you not others have demanded the emes apology , the hypocrisy is exactly why people are opting out in listening to these organizers, why people drift to the wrong Internet sites and think that they lose nothing by it: because they think there is nothing to lose. If you want to write a blog what is so successful then lead! Stop being a politician and a wet noodle!

  36. I did not apologize for writing it, I DID apologize for some of the later תוצאות of the story, like unnecessary bashing of Reb Malkiel for previous indiscretions, some his and some his zeide's. That was silly and for that I apologized.

  37. none of the Chabad rabbis in the picture or mentioned in the comments are authoritative enough for me to go. The Rebbe said have a mashpia/rov not Daas Torahniks


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