Saturday, May 19, 2012

Reb Manis' take...

 A little positive spin never hurt anybody, but is he oversimplifying the issue a tad?



  1. I did not listen, but from what
    I read,his analogy to chasidim and communism is a joke,
    3 million Jews were shmad and 100 families survived, is that considered a win in the eyes of Reb Manis
    are all his ideas so twisted?

  2. we daven every day ol tiveainu lidai nisoyon

  3. I'm trying to figure out if he is naive or a fool.

  4. Feh! I can't listen to him with that fake gelechter style. The issur of yichud and other harchokos should be replaced with a shtikel tanya? Hehe... Why did yidden need shloshes yemei hagboloh? Hehe
    Sorry, but didn't the Alte Rebbe fight?
    How low can you go just because it wasn't a Lubab project, and maybe some other yidden may get credit?
    I'm embarrassed!

  5. This is the same old chabad disease - we always think we're better than everyone else, smarter and more humble...

  6. reb manis who ? מנן ומן הוא

  7. the main point that he stresses, is valid. learning chassidis DOES strengthen a person in the fight against the nefesh habehamis.
    I doubt anyone would argue with that.

    but what about all the gezayros that chazal instituted "cday l'harchik es h'odom min ho'aveiroh"

    he could have added to the ranks of lomday chassidus had he advocated to:
    Filter well & learn good!


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