Thursday, May 17, 2012

א שמועס פון Yoeli W

"Rabeinu," is, of course, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. I just love that guys are going back to the age-old Chassidic texts, be it Breslov, Chabad, or whatever.


  1. Yoeili W! Come bring your drum & your chocolates to the kinus next Sunday & show the oylem how to spread positive vibes... Keep sharing your sweetness!

    -- ZIY

  2. Oy gevald!

    This guy takes pidgin Yinglish to a whole new level.

  3. The guy says "I was thinking..."
    Well the Idiot is smoking. He says he has kids. What is HE thinking???

  4. Don't mock him, he is a product of our school system.

  5. פרי עץ הדר please pass the kishke! must be from Monsey. Who's on second?

  6. ohhh, my K9 filter does not allow me to see the clip.....


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