Monday, June 11, 2012

דעת תורה פון הרב ר' חיים בריסקער איבער די אגודת ישראל- מפי ר' מאיר בערלין

R' Meir Berlin writes about the First Agudah Conference in Kattowice, 1912. Click here for full PDF on Scribd. This is בהמשך to last week's post about the current Agudah's ad in the paper using Reb Chaim's image.


  1. certainly not a ne'eman...

  2. To whom it may concern:

    Another mumbo-jumbo press release full of meaningless jargon straddling both sides of the issue, vaguely mentioning between the lines, the true conspiracy being spun by the faceless organizers who are hiding their true motifs (even from their co-signers) of this un-holy alliance of the blind by the blind for the blind.

    Whatever did this organization do for the advance of true torah Jews, before WWII during WWII or after, before joining their so called #1 enemy zionism and becoming a full sitting partner in the exclusive Zionist club rooted in blasphemy called the Knesset, where money is the perpetuate decider, for votes and influence, for more money and more power and so on, which created this monstrous bastardized organization called Agudas Yisruel, and their off-spring organizations made in their image.

    This baby was Stillborn and should be banned, and thrown out of klal yisruel with it's dirty bath water.

    Dr. Fisher
    Leipzig, Germany

  3. Mr. Tzig you being the acclaimed badge carrying lubab chusid you so proudly display yourself with bells and whistles, why don't you post the daas torah from reb chaim brisker z"l according to your forbearer rebbe! ‘ The manuscripts of the mehrsha”b ’ written In his own hand writing, not from an edited party pamphlet?! Why?!

  4. The Aguda established a network of Yesodei HaTorah schools in Poland that was successful in changing the momentum of assimilation in the 30s. Most of what you hear about inter-war Europe was only true in the 20s.

  5. yankel said...
    The Aguda established a network of Yesodei HaTorah schools in Poland that was successful in changing the momentum of assimilation in the 30s.

    Read the letters written by the divrei simcha and you will see how successful that was!

  6. Dr Fisher
    "Another mumbo-jumbo press release full of meaningless jargon straddling both sides of the issue, vaguely mentioning between the lines, the true conspiracy being spun by the faceless organizers who are hiding their true motifs (even from their co-signers) of this un-holy alliance of the blind by the blind for the blind."
    so far you are talking numbo-jumbo, I hope your doctorate is for veterinary work not for humans...
    The Agudah has his problems as does any organization that has its problems.
    The bottom line is, they worked effortlessly to save charadie Jewry in Poland, and helped built Charadie Jewry in Israel by building Chinuch atzmaui that was the pillar of real torah Judaism. The Munkacher traveled to Poland to fight the Aguda, while his own city was burning in to hell, He could have use the Aguda there big time....
    The Aguda in Israel has done all by fighting for our rights to get equal treatment by getting our tax money to pay for our educational system.
    all there labels as Zionism Mizrachi are good for some idiots who are obsessed on that subject for decades.
    Btw, for a layman to write on a organization like Agudah that was built by Gedolie Yisroel ( even if I conclude that Reb chaim brisker had issues with it)Bastardized is Kefira ... look in rambam Hilchos Yesodie hatorah.....that is definitely more explicit in Rambam then the 3 oaths....

  7. Seruli
    "Read the letters written by the divrei simcha and you will see how successful that was!"
    obviously the holy divrie simcha was wrong wrong... the Divrie Simcha is only on the map because he fought the Aguda.
    Reb Menachem Zembo and the Klie chemda are gedolim with or without the Aguda....
    Did you ever hear what the Divrie Simcha was saying on Bobov? obviously he was wrong on Bobov as he was wrong on the Aguda....

  8. Shmelka
    "why don't you post the daas torah from reb chaim brisker z"l according to your forbearer rebbe! ‘ The manuscripts of the mehrsha”b ’ written In his own hand writing, not from an edited party pamphlet?! Why?!"
    Chabad had 2 Rebbes that decided that the war for Jewry is not on dead labels... Walmart is not competing with Kmart anymore, Why? because its dead, Satmar Ruv did not fight the Neologs when he was in Bedford ave, Why ?because he decided it is dead... The same logic was used bt the last 2 Chabad Rebien regarding the war on this labels.

  9. Tibi Lotzi: "Bastardized is Kefira ... look in rambam Hilchos Yesodie hatorah.....that is definitely more explicit in Rambam then the 3 oaths...."

    Kudos! the agudah of today is the ultimate Kefira! hence Bastardized a mix of so called tora with Kefira
    reb menachem zamba, reb chaim ozer the cofetz chaim, the gerrer rebbe etc etc has NOTHING, ZERO, ZILCH! to do with this Bastardized kefira called the Agudah! all your 'name droppings' time-and-again will not change that.

    btw, all Tibi Lotzi ramblings will not make a dent in Dr. Fisher's credentials either.

  10. tibi lotzi: Satmar Ruv did not fight the Neologs when he was in Bedford ave, Why ?because he decided it is dead... The same logic was used bt the last 2 Chabad Rebien regarding the war on this labels"

    Actually he did fight the Neologs you didn't notice because they had had a name change called the Agudah!

    So your pumpkin head understand that the last (not 2) lubab rebbe changed his logic to the zionisim agenda! But you will not or can not fathom! that the gerrer rebbe (who changed his mind on kook)or the cofotz chaim or the other rabiem you like to name drop, would of change their minds to, when they would of have seen where this agudah! winded up, and what lies they said on their way to the BANK! in their names.

    שבשתא כיוון דעל על, או כל באיה לא ישובון, זו מינות

  11. Dryfuss
    "Kudos! the agudah of today is the ultimate Kefira! hence Bastardized a mix of so called tora with Kefira
    reb menachem zamba, reb chaim ozer the cofetz chaim, the gerrer rebbe etc etc has NOTHING, ZERO, ZILCH! to do with this Bastardized kefira called the Agudah! all your 'name droppings' time-and-again will not change that."
    I think that with your non logic the Aguda has noting with the aguda. The same should be said Herzel and Ben Gurion had noting with Zionism, Satmar ruv noting with the shitah....

  12. tibi lotzi: "The same should be said Herzel and Ben Gurion had noting with Zionism, Satmar ruv noting with the shitah...."

    ...and me nothing with you.

  13. זינגד־מינגדSunday, June 17, 2012 11:58:00 AM

    Tzig: "דעת תורה פון הרב ר' חיים בריסקער איבער די אגודת ישראל- מפי ר' מאיר בערלין "

    וויא אין דעם ארטיקל ווערט גישריבּן איין ווארט וואס דער דעת תורה פונ'ם גאון איז גיווען? אדרבּה מיר ליינע'ן נאר דאס פארקערטע
    וויא די אזויגערופענע אינטיליגענציע פון דייטשלאנד האט פארפירט דעם גאון בּענעזאם מיט די אנדערע בּעטייליגטע גדולים אין פארכאפּט דאס ווארט מיט זייער גיהיימע אגענדא פון התקרבות מיט די ציונים, אין מיט די טַאט גאר בּאליידיגט אין גיפעלשט דעם דעת תורה אין פּערזענליכקייט פונ'ם גאון אין די אנדערע בּאטייליגטע חרדים תמימי לב, ויצא העגל הזה די 'אגודה' של בּוגדים! עד היום הזה

    דער ריכטיגער דעת תורה פון ר' חיים אזוי אויך פון בּעלז איבּער דעם התיתדות פון אַן אַגודה עולמית געפינען מיר נאר אין די 'מכתבי המהרש"בּ', ז"ל

    ?טוביה חטא זינגד מינגד

  14. Tzig a drop OT. But did you hear the audio that was released this past week from Mike Tress. I thought it was pretty powerful. What was your take?

  15. I did! and was gonna post it, if only to show how the Agudah took credit for a group of Gerrer Chassidim sitting down to a "tish" on ה' שבט...

  16. Reb Hershel, its my first time commenting on your blog. Keep up your good work. How about the fact of using Reb Meyer Shapiro's pic, fot Agudas Daf Hayomi?. I think its chutzpah at its best, everyone knows that the Agudah voted down and didn't want this concept of Daf Yomi, its only through the advice of the Chofetz Chaim, that Reb Meyer took courage and decided to go against the Agudah, only then did it come to fruition. How dare do they take credit for it? in addition it is clearly documented that Reb Meyer resigned from the Agudah! as printed in Reb Chaim Ozers letter to Reb Yaakov Rosenheim. Shame on you Agudas Yisroel. my email is

  17. The Agudah was created by lies and deceive and still stands on that Principe just like any other political party, it banks on that the masses are either stupid, fools, and imbeciles, looking for fast fixes, and the leaders are attention hungry, package it right with moral designs, good slogans throw in a few good names, and an asifa Bingo you got the votes!

    You can explain, modify justify moralize later until you're blue in your face, always pick-up new good names! on the way.. but never compromise, on what got you there..!

  18. Anon: "I think its chutzpah at its best"

    There is nothing that a political party once established! That they can't do and not get away with it! (parties have no shame no guilt no morals) That was the basic reason why most manhigie yisruel where against a political party by any name! Said that watch and see one day zionisim will vanish! and the ‘Agudah’ will claim victory!!! by explaining it was the foresight of their 'party' that brought them down, and if not for the SR's sabotage it would of happens much faster!

  19. Reb Nossen
    "Actually he did fight the Neologs you didn't notice because they had had a name change called the Agudah!"

    don"t forget that the holy rebbe of lubavich, also changed the name of Zionism to global assimilation....

  20. Nada
    "...and me nothing with you."
    whats the chidush?????

  21. Reb Nossen
    "But you will not or can not fathom! that the gerrer rebbe (who changed his mind on kook)or the cofotz chaim or the other rabiem you like to name drop, would of change their minds to, when they would of have seen where this agudah! winded up, and what lies they said on their way to the BANK! in their names."
    Its Bori Vshemo....
    with your logic the holy Eim Habonim Semiecho was correct that after the Shoah many anti Zionist gedolim would of change their mind
    chane goes 2 ways...

  22. D Rumsfeld
    "The Agudah was created by lies and deceive and still stands on that Principe just like any other political party, it banks on that the masses are either stupid, fools, and imbeciles, looking for fast fixes, and the leaders are attention hungry, package it right with moral designs, good slogans throw in a few good names, and an asifa Bingo you got the votes!'
    Its interesting how you can accuse the baal Imrie Emes the son of the Sfas Emes as the master of lies and deceive.....
    Are you a weekly reader of the Drr Yid? you believe everything they write on Reb Aron? or you are a weekly reader of the Blatt? You believe all they write on Reb Zalman?
    or you read both ??? so both are honest???

  23. K Rove
    "That was the basic reason why most manhigie yisruel where against a political party "
    Who are most manhigie yisroel??? the Verdaner,Klienvardener and the Grosverdiener?

  24. tzig a post on that video is really needed. It will also show d rumsfeld that the aguda once had real leaders

  25. tibi lotzi said...
    "...and me nothing with you."
    whats the chidush?????


    The cidush is that you don't know even YOURSELF!

    (therfore you can't know others.)

  26. tibi lotzi: "would of change their mind" "chane goes 2 ways..."

    would of, could of, should of! who cares what the eim without 'bunim' says...

    "chane goes 2 ways..." AC/DC is not for rabunim

  27. tibi lotzi: "Its interesting how you can accuse the baal Imrie Emes the son of the Sfas Emes as the master of lies and deceive..."

    Stop with your drama! the imrie emes was in lock, of the infamous Imrie shakran Itche Meir'l and not with the Sfas Emes at all! btw a photo op of who is who! at the aguda convention has nothing to do with the aguda 2012! Moran wake up!

  28. The imri emes wasn't able to lead the aguda at the time 1948... R itshi mier worked alone... Look in the r weinman book...

  29. askin said...
    "tzig a post on that video is really needed. It will also show d rumsfeld that the aguda once had real leaders"

    "the aguda once had real leaders" you mean original photo ops leaders like the duped reb chaim, reb mier shapira, etc. etc.

    btw why dont they show the pictures of the real aguda leaders from dr breuer to itchi meier'l..
    !אלה מנהיגיך, אלה קברניתיך ישראל

  30. tibi lotzi: "Who are most manhigie yisroel??? the Verdaner,Klienvardener and the Grosverdiener?"

    they are all maner, and nisht daner!

  31. Pomegrant
    "Stop with your drama! the imrie emes was in lock, of the infamous Imrie shakran Itche Meir'l"
    let be me ask you blunt with no drama.. Reb Itxche Mier lied to whom?

  32. Vey Is Mier
    "btw why dont they show the pictures of the real aguda leaders from dr breuer to itchi meier'l.."
    Ii is a fact that these 2 manhigie yisroel were more yiras shomamim then the Divrie Yoel, Birech Moshe and Lev Aron... eventough they were not wearing flashing bekiches....

  33. Pastrami/schmaltz herringWednesday, June 20, 2012 6:59:00 AM

    tibi lotzi: "a fact that these 2 manhigie yisroel (breuer/levine)were more yiras shomamim then the Divrie Yoel"

    This guy named tibi lotzi et al, has a pathological megalomaniac disorder, and is delusional, he is experiencing a clash of the titans/mythology within! I suggest he seeks professional help immediate!!!



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