Tuesday, July 31, 2012

All that time and money to convince you NOT to learn.... געוואלד

32 pages of why not to learn the daf or go to the  - סיום הש"ס a.k.a. Kanoyim have lots of time and plenty of money. They're pulling out all the stops, really stretching it here. Is this the last cry of the zealot? Is he desperate because he sees this as a contradiction to his lifestyle and to what he's been taught all his life? I would suggest that he take the hits with a smile and continue anyway, otherwise he's letting us all know that his belief system is hanging in the balance. It's not like he's trying to save all those people from doing something terrible; it's more like "!לך לרחוב יפו" don't do it here. But I do sympathize with the קנאי just a bit. It's a bit much already.

דף היומי ואגודת ישראל


  1. Daf yomi IS after all is said and done the "chazir fisel" that the agudah stretches out to show bney teyrah that they're kosher. Not that it helps, I don't know a single member of the aguda amongst all my yeshivishe friends.

    Is there anyone alive who can articulate an agustishe hashkofa? It was started as a response to zionism and mizrach, what's its purpose or ideology now?

  2. quit an impressive pamphlet

  3. There are plenty of gedolim who are against real bnei Torah learning daf yomi. It's good for the archtypical baal habatim.

    One of the funniest lines I grada heard lately is from a Chabad shaliach who works as mashgiach in a fress gesheft. He says there are freya that come to his Chabad house that have more ruchniyusdik toichen than some baal tayvanik fressers who learn daf yomi that come to the store to find the most festa cut of steak.

  4. http://www.siyumhashas12.com/co-sponsors.php

    The ultra Left wing is making a pirud to have their own siyum Hashas because they get zero recognition, not from the heimishe and not from YU.

    This is a list of all th participating behayma organizations & temples. Some of them are not even officially orthodox which is never an ikuv for anything according to shitas Avi Weiss. Whoever mentioned Beth Shalom in 5 Towns, they are not coming to the regular siyum, they are joining these Avi Weiss type meshugoyim.

    Because Artscroll has the regular siyum locked up, these chevra went to Koren to sponsor them. Koren I think is tzuzamen mit Shteinzaltz.

    If you browse the website you will see the list of shiurim tomorrow night on various sugyos in Shas. Many of them are being given by women.

    The organizer is Linzer who runs Avi Weiss's "yeshiva". The idyot probably thinks he's getting revenge becuase the heimishe ignore him as the zero he is and because Hershel Schechter poskened for OU & Young Israel shuls not to give a shteller to any "rabbis" they give "semicha" to.

  5. Before Hatzolah and other endeavors emerged that keep all the Yankel Beeper batlonim busy, the Agudah was the affiliation to have. You got to go to meetings & give your two cents like a big shot askan as if you were going to solve Klal Yisroel's problems. There are still Agudah meetings but those who attend are mostly in their 60s or older, holdovers from an old era.

  6. we should have a serious discussion abt daf yomi positives vs. negatives w/o the usual trash talk. this kuntres missed the real point to attach daf yomi and instead dredged up the aguda bashing that sings to their choir.

    I attend a daily daf yomi, and question it usefulness. my magid shiur told me yesterday that the biggest accomplishment of daf yomi is a few thousand maggidei shiurim became boki b'shas. the attendees leave without much understood and less remembered. yet they push it like it's the ultimate way to learn Torah. A biz man who attends a shiur for one hour a day should learn something that he will remember. flying thru a daf ain't it. the video HT posted yesterday made this point beautifully without their realizing it.

    The upside of daf yomi is the incentive to at least attend a shiur which is better than rolling over in bed, or spending the time reading the NYT or WSJ & watching the morning news. schar halicha is a big thing vos men ken nisht avekmachen.

    It seems there's a backlash building against daf yomi being the cure all for yiddishkeit. It's coming from many sides, including rabbonim, roshei yeshivas, and balei battim who feel they're not getting anything from faithfully attending.

  7. It takka is a freak show. One of the so called rabbis in that kevutzas Leftists is also maybe the most grubba am haaretz that ever came out of YU. The YU oylam can't stand him because he goes around "quoting" things in the name of Rav Soloveitchik which Rav Soloveitchik obviously never said because they are contradicted by befeirushe Gemara & Shulchan Aruch. One time at a shiur in hilchos Pesach, he was asked by a modern orthodox kid if it's true we should avoid eggs laid on Pesach. His reply? "Never heard of it".

    And the guy halt fun zich that he is a Rashbehag in learning. He lives in a city where every single shul rabbi is given a seat on the local Vaad Harrabonim but he was the first Vaad rabbi in history that was not allowed to have a rotating spot on the beis din to posken halacha. One of the Lubavitcher rabbonim in town summed this idyot up the best, vos er iz a dangerous sort am haaretz vos maint az er iz a doch a talmid chochem.

  8. Der Eybishter zolt hitten but I heard from the mishpocho of a Moetzes figure that he was against the siyum due to security concerns of kamma riboi alofim of Yidden in one place with advance publicity. He was overruled by the majority of Moetzes figures and baal habatim at the meeting.

  9. The Rabbi Dov Linzer daf hayomi shiyur is available online. Readers can judge for themselves whether he is an ‘idyot’ . http://www.the-daf.com/
    There are many fine things to be said on behalf of the participating institutions, even if a reader of this blog would find any of these places not to their liking for all the obvious reasons MO is found to be wanting by charedi people. Four of the sponsors have played a major role in the development of American Judaism and are to the best of my knowledge Orthodox. More details can be found in the definitive book on early MO by Jenna Wissman Joselit, available on Amazon.

  10. Hirshel, you should remove the puff piece from "ej" on Dov Linzer and the ultra left that are so far into the deep end that even YU agrees with Charedim that they are apikorsim. No talmid of Linzer is allowed to become the pulpit rabbi of any shul in the OU & Young Israel networks which is why they started new movements like International Rabbinic Fellowship.

    This is not just a question of women rabbis. They hold that Reform & Conservative "rabbis" are ausgehalten. They even sit together with them altz "beis din" to be megayer shiksos with no kabolas mitzvos who are living b'chait with Yiddishe avaryonim.

    Some of the temples & groups listed for the renegade siyum are not orthodox. They belong to a movement known as UTJ or Traditional. This movement is 80% Conservative rabbis who left after JTS accepted mishkav zachur and 20% of the furthest left apikorsim who never belonged by modern orthodox to begin with. Many of those in Linzer's movement also belong to this officially non-orthodox movement.

  11. who has time to keep up with every new movement in Yiddishkeit? I have no idea who Linzer is

  12. Hirshel, Ich zog doch.

    Linzer is running the YCT "yeshiva" on behalf of Avi Weiss and the ridiculous movement known sometimes as "Orthoprax" & sometimes as "Morethodox", which the azei ponim are saying that those with Torahdik hashkofos missed the boat kaviyochol, because there is "more" to it with their dayos kozvos.

    They are kofrim in the 13 ikkrai emunah and so are UTJ / Traditional which is why it's many of the same overlapping people hold membership in both groups, from Avi Weiss on down the line.

    The OU was going to kick Avi Weiss out of his RCA membership but the Left wing faction of RCA was protecting him so they made a phony peshoro that Weiss has to promise to not make any more women rabbis after he made Sarah Hurwitz the first. The understanding was that he was not going to give her the title of rabbi either, but he did after the tumult died down and also let a woman be shaliach tzibbur for kabbolas Shabbos.

    These YCT chevra are also behind Tav Hayosher.

  13. I, for one, am not going to the siyum today because I didn't learn any of this cycle. I learned about a year of the last cycle, and went to the siyum last time, and did not have a great time. The speeches were mostly Yiddish, the translation feed was broken, the sound quality was terrible even for the English speeches - why bother?

    The davening was great, though. 17,000 people answering Kaddish & Kedusha - geshmak. Berov am hadras melech mamesh.

    I might go to the Linzer Siyum for the interesting shiurim, although it's sad that the OU and Agudah speakers pulled out, presumably for politics. Or, not to get ridiculed by the likes of some of the commenters here.

    The Linzer Siyum is on Monday, davka so that people can go to both.

  14. What about the alleged sicha of Shabbos P' Shlach 5738-never seen it, not printed anywhere, but it keeps being brought up as a source for the Rebbe's opposition to DY.
    Anyone ever heard/seen anything abt it ?

  15. This kuntres is full of lies......is the bobover 45 or48 by the siyum.... Can someone verify

  16. AD Mandelbaum just published a book about daf yomi history with a beautiful letter from the rayatz about daf yomi.....

  17. Revel
    "AD Mandelbaum just published a book about daf yomi history with a beautiful letter from the rayatz about daf yomi..."
    thanks for bringing this up, I browsed thru thee book.. I did not see the letter.. can someone plz scan it

  18. Shpitz
    "What about the alleged sicha of Shabbos P' Shlach 5738-never seen it, not printed anywher"
    there is a sicha where the Rebbe said that their was opposition by chasidim... but the Rebbe wrote a letter for a shul in Ch that made a siyum in the early years...

  19. I looked thru the book in the store, didn't notice the page number, but it was placed veryy prominently filling most of a page.

  20. Look at the home page http://www.siyumhashas12.com/index.php

    Anyone recognize the sforim in the picture?

    Answer: Kehos Shulchan Aruch HaRav

  21. I was at the Daf Yomi Linzer this morning, I thought he did a good job and has continued to spark my interest in the daf hayomi all pluses or minuses of the daf system aside. Any one who wants to review the shiur for themselves can do so at the bellow address. Wishing all a good Shabbis.

  22. The statement of the Bluzhever is a lie concocted by a pathological liar the Paye Ruv...its Noteh Leminas....


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