Tuesday, July 31, 2012

today's mystery

Can you guess what? where? and why?


  1. Vishom chelkas michokek safun, eppes a tayte, a nafka miyne vemen? Tntb"h

  2. a Kelmer who didn't want his name on the matzeiva?

  3. A heimishe beis hakores with a well trimmed golf course like grass is takke an anamoly...

  4. "What" it is, is quite simple. The "where" and "why" is the question.
    To add to the mystery:
    ווי להאי "שופרא" דבלי ארעא, שופרי' דר' ....
    ועוד: מקום שהשתמש בה קודש, לא ישתמש בה חול.

  5. Isn't shufra a chocolate?

  6. עיין בבא מציעא דף פ"ד ע"א

  7. its a foundation for a park bench. youve all been fooled!

  8. Ok billy goat, enough. Who is it?

  9. Shufrah is the chocolate & cocoa division of Kedem that had the huge scandal a couple years ago. Rav Gruber had already dropped the company without informing anyone which left Don Yoel Levy of OK as the only hashgocho. The shlemazal neglected to arrange for a mashgiach on cocoa for a PESACH PRODUCTION in CHINA of all places, the capital of fraud & adulteration.

    Yudel Shain found out and blew the whistle which prompted OK to go into cover up & combat mode.

  10. Its not r buruch he's in mezibush with a matzaiva

  11. Tzig, you missed the big story in this week's NY Times Magazine. An even bigger mystery is the Aleppo Codex and all the genayvos, murder & intrigue surrounding it. Chaim Schneebalg was found murdered, probably in connection.

  12. Tomb of the unknown tzaddik?

  13. Is Gruber a reliable hechsher?
    What about Nitra / Weismandl?

  14. Tzig, may I drop another hint? Or do you want to keep this going longer?

  15. Hint:
    NJ, Chof Alef Kislev, Didn't want to fly El AL.

  16. Er hut mir oisgechapped. Let's see where it goes from here.

  17. am haaretz of the aseres hadibrosWednesday, August 01, 2012 11:30:00 AM

    Stoliner rebbes first grave?


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