Monday, July 30, 2012

My Tempest in a Teacup for today

Yeshiva World has a gallery of photos of the Australian Siyum haShas that took place today. Or was it tomorrow? I'm confused. Is it today in Australia now or tomorrow? so was this yesterday or today? In any case they had some guy named Danny Weiss take pictures for them and send them in, which they then posted on their site. It so happens that our man in Melbourne also sent me a picture of a Rov in Melbourne speaking at the same event. That Rov is a HaRav Reb Tzvi Telsner, dayan of the Lubavitcher Kehillah in Melbourne, and let me tell you, זיי האבען זיך נישט וואס צו שעמען from the other Kehillos there, שכבודם במקומם מונח. So after seeing that YWN had a gallery of their own I was curious to see if RZHT was also pictured there, or did I have an exclusive picture here? Lo and behold! The picture wasn't there. You figure that in small out-of-town places like Melbourne there would be some sort of achdus, but look at some of the faces here, the discomfort, the unease when Rabbi Telsner speaks; poor guys... SO why is it that davka his picture didn't make it to the official gallery? Was it the photographer who never bothered with Rabbi Telsner? did he take it and not send it in? did he send it in and it was rejected by YWN?

So, we're not part of כלל ישראל because among other things we don't attend events such as these, but when we do we don't get the coverage because we're not part of klal yisroel because we don't attend...


  1. FYI: The Rabbi on the extreme left of the head table is Rabbi Benyamin Cohen the Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva Gedolah. He was one of the top bachurim in Gateshead before coming to Lubavitch.

  2. Ywn left him out cuz he's a meshichist not because he's a lubi

  3. discomfort? Unease? i don't see anything like that.

  4. Oh come on Lubavitch spreads non stop hate against all the drum people tgat are not lubavitch

  5. Did you notice this was a real siyum. I mean with tables and food! Isn't a siyum supposed to be a seudas mitzvah?

    Why do 90,000 have to starve, and they call that a siyum?

    Oh, I forgot, you can purchase "snacks" at Metlife Stadium at crazy inflated prices. Let them learn something from Australia. And I'm sure they didn't pay $54 for a ticket.

  6. I guess the blog owner didn"t know who Rav Cohen is...


    this is the url to picture of Rabbi Cohen

  8. A world without YeshivaWorldTuesday, July 31, 2012 2:45:00 PM

    Eckstein has no problem giving a plug for Lubavitchers ever since Pinny Lipschutz became a koifer in the anti-Lubavitch shita of his fetter Elya.

    But if the YWN photographer didn't submit the picture of Rav Telsner due to his own biases, vos ken men tonn?

  9. This is disgusting. Not only did Rav Telsner and Rabbi Cohen attend, but the Chabad community in Melbourne has supported all of these events for years. The only community in Melbourne that actively spreads sinat-chinam is the Lakewood kollel - NOT ALL, but some of them (it started with the first dog they brought out , a loser by the name of Nojowitz).
    In previous years at the siyumim in Melbourne, Rav Groner, Rabbi Mottel Gutnick, and other Chabad rabbis have spoken and participated.
    What a shame that a site like YWN even exists, when clearly their agenda is purely to promote Rav Shach's jihad against the 90% of Klal Yisrael not exactly like him.
    For shame.

  10. No, Hirshel, this one isn't a tempest in a teacup. The sad truth is that some people can never stop hating, and I guess Yeshiva World News is the site that caters to haters. This will never stop until Moshiach, so until then frum yidden should simply avoid that hateful website.

  11. You'd think maybe the YWN could find a heter for some ahavas yisrool once in a while, no? Oy, maybe this is what happens when the bnei-toire get involved in the intermet.

  12. There is no tempest to have a teacup in.

  13. its beyond me that you notice: lubavitch is Hecher Fun Alemen and the stil feell when they are being trampled

  14. some of the comments here are a bit much. from all sides.

  15. Its a chiyuv limchos! If lubavitch would excomunicate its mishichist majority until they regain sanity, klal yisroel would welcome them all under its big tent.

  16. dear "select profile"
    excellent point!
    like lubavitch was really accepted into this glorious tent before gimmel tamuz.
    i actually was in melbourne when the lakewood kollel started. truth is besides the usual silliness we all got along fine- mizrachi/adas/chabad.
    wont bore you with details.
    then they arrived...btw have you guys ever seen the article in one of the usual rags about "finally Torah down under" [when that kollel came].
    like there was no yeshiva/kollel/ girls sem etc..and thats just lubavitch. mizrachi /adas also had regular shiurim etc.

  17. I was there when the Lakewood kollel arrived too, and they were not all bad, just a few rotten apples that came and spread hate and loshon hora. Rabbis Wurtzberger, Sofer, and Furst were fine ehrliche bney teyreh, but Rabbi Nojowicz and Sam Yellin were just nasty baalei loshon hora who created a lot of hate and bad feelings in town.
    It is true that besides a few from the kollel, Adass and Lubavitch and Mizrachi communities all got along, and a real shame that they had to import the hate from the US to a place of relative shalom.

  18. select your own profileTuesday, July 31, 2012 7:34:00 PM

    I see torah b'taharosa, without any pniyos mixed in really offends people, nice.

  19. Nojovitz is the new head of Torah Umesorah which is controlled by the tug of war interests on each side of the rope: Chaim Berlin and George Weinberger.

  20. To ACK:

    It was $50 per ticket, for fully catered 3 course meal, musical entertainment, guest speaker from USA.

    To A world without YeshivaWorld

    I'm sure the photographer sent in all his photos, including of Rav Telsner. Blame YWN, not the photographer.

  21. It would be very vichtig to know where Rebbitzen Leifer stands on inyanei Australia. You know, the one who took off suddenly to Bnei Brak.

  22. Hirshel, why are you blocking posts? There are people, including Lubavitchers, who have a problem with Rabbi Telsner for reasons that have nothing to do with Lubavitch.


    Who says that Eckstein ignores Lubavitch? He covered this story lol.

  24. Ok fellas,
    What a paranoid bunch!
    We have no idea why one picture may or may not be missing and we have all the so called "lovers" spreading pure unadulterated, loshon hora with names in the guise of....kedusha???
    How hateful!
    And btw, Yeshiva World features Lubavitch news all the time, so quit the hate,and realize how hateful you come across.

  25. "That Rov is a HaRav Reb Tzvi Telsner, dayan of the Lubavitcher Kehillah in Melbourne, and let me tell you, זיי האבען זיך נישט וואס צו שעמען from the other Kehillos there, שכבודם במקומם מונח"

    Telsners father was an active member and writer for Hapoel Hamizrachi in America and was close to R'Yoshe Ber Soloveichik, and in fact translated from yiddish the book fir deroshos, sermons said to the Mizrachi in America into Hebrew as Chamesh Derashot.Telsner himself went to the Y.U high school and after graduation,I believe went to Chabad.He is one of the bigger talmidei chachomim in Chabad.
    One thing he needs to do teshuva for is the fact that he is a Meshichist.So that is one part of his biography that he should be ashamed of.Sorry,Hirshel.
    I"m not a Lubavitcher,but if I was, I would be moiche that one of the bigger talmidei chachomim inChabad somehow bought into this.Hopefully he has or will do teshuva

  26. Anonymous said...


    this is the url to picture of Rabbi Cohen"

    Actually it is not a picture of Rabbi Cohen, it's a picture of two local gentlemen who were honoured.
    YWN probably didn't put a pic of Rabbi Cohen for the same reason they didn't post pictures of any of the many Lubavitcher rabbonim who participated.

  27. as a local lubavitcher living in melbourne and attended the siyum, it is very sad that an event which truly united all of the diverse communities of melbourne is now causing discord and divisiveness.

    lets focus on the achdus and those that prefer not to, it is their loss...

  28. Rabbi Telsner is a Bakovodiker Rov in Melbourne respected by all the Kehillos. He is a regular darshan at Adass Yisroel a few times a year. Lubavitch had a very respectable attendance at the Siyum. (Half the head table were Lubavitcher Rabbonim!!!)

    and yes, for $50 a delicious 3 course meal, entertainment, etc.

  29. Yisroel

    I was there, and there was a wonderful sense of achdus between all the kehillos, so i don't know what any of you is talking about, there were also other speakers whose picture didn't make it into YWN

  30. volf
    b/c in your mind you dont agree with what he belives doesnt mean he needs to do teshuva as you said yourself he is a big talmid chochom so most probably he know a little bit more then you with regard to the moshiach issue

  31. It has nothing to do with Meshichist. The Adass (Charedi community in Melbourne, who are made up of a cornucopia of different chassidim, except Ger and Lubavitch) invite R' Telsner to speak on Shavuos and give Shiurim. Let me also note that a son-in-law of R' Weinberg z"l, R' Ya'acov Sprung who is to the left of R' Telsner, and who I believe was chairman, seems also not to have been pictured. Why? Because he is Moro D'Asra of Mizrachi.

    At any rate, one thing you won't see in Melbourne, is an invited speaker who is from Chabad or Mizrachi. The others claim they are the majority at the Siyum. So it's a type of achdus, but not absolute.

  32. i dont know what the issue is
    I am australian and in our HAMODIA
    we had a very nice coverage of siyum. and a nice pic of dayan telsenr speaking
    so stop whinghing....

  33. pitputim said...
    The Adass (Charedi community in Melbourne, ) invite R' Telsner to speak on Shavuos and give Shiurim. .....
    At any rate, one thing you won't see in Melbourne, is an invited speaker who is from Chabad

    Pitpit, can you explain yourself??

  34. Rabbi Telsner - just like his late shverr, Rabbi Groner, seems to get far more kavod and respect from the Adass crowd (Satmar - RWMO) than he does in his own community.

    Vert sad

  35. Pitputim makes no sense...

    Adass RWMO?

  36. Gershon
    I mean the invited overseas key note speaker.
    I know they rejected two Chabadniks Rabbis Yossi Chazan and Jacobsen and you know what chance there is for someone from RIETS or a Hesder Rosh Yeshivah to be invited, so every achdus has its limits!

  37. to Pitputim:

    Achduss doesn't mean forcing a speaker upon an eclectic group when a large percentage of that group would not approve of him.

    Achdus is an eclectic group getting together and listening to a speaker whom they ALL agree upon.

    There are speakers the Lubavitchers wouldn't agree to, just as the are speakers the Mizrachi wouldn't agree to.

  38. Fred, nonsense. Do you think for one moment that Mizrachi would have vetoed either R' Chazan or R' Jacobson? No they would not have. Do you think that Chabad would have vetoed R' Hershel Schachter or R' Mordechai Willig? Definitely not. It is EASY to choose someone who is not overly controversial as long as there is Achdus. Let's not kid ourselves; we know who vetoes such things, and it's because the achdus is somewhat deficient.

  39. IIRC, Yeshiva College in Melbourne is unique in that it is one of the few Lubavitch shuls that has a daily daf yomi shiur. Can any of the down-under Chabadskers confirm this? Thanks.



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