Monday, July 30, 2012

?קען א סאטמארע איד האבען מיט דעם א שייכות

?פרעג איך אייך

....קאמענטארען זענען איבעריג


  1. an aroiny made it as a parody and the litfax took it for real...

  2. cant you see through all this Agudah cant have a website gotta make schottenstein happy so they create one with "all" the organizations in order to promote the "schotenstein" product! wouldn't see any other gemara or chumash in these videos!!

  3. I just don't know why the citifield asifa was as evil to aron tittiebaum as the siyum hashas, nobody leasrned anything at citifield, at the siyum hashas there a danger of torah shebahem machziram lemutov...

  4. aron tittiebaum

    Is that a typo or WHAT?

  5. Are any rabbonei Ana"sh going to be seated in respectful places on the dais?

  6. At least when the Agudah was controlled by R' Elya Svei and his crony baal habatim, Lubavitch did not make the invite list for any Agudah event.

    YU's Dr. Norman Lamm, an arch-enemy of R' Elya came to the siyum 15 years ago but he bought a ticket for a seat in the audience like any commoner poyeh and he wore a black hat to blend in and disguise himself so that chassidishe kanoyim do not attack him. At the last siyum, he bought a ticket but then didn't show up because of rumors that the kanoyim were on look out for him this time to make sure he doesn't slip through again.

  7. We said in Lakewood 20 years ago that chotsh Lubavitch has a sense of humor. There was an article in the Algemeiner Dzurnal attacking R' Elya. They used a Tzig-style file photo that was so old that kimat no one in the Litvishe oylam had ever seen R' Elya before without any gray hair.

  8. This video clip is funny. but was this video made to ridicule the siyum?

  9. I heard the 80% of participants at the Aguda Siyum is from the MO community, is it true?

  10. The 80% modern orthodox figure has been floated around. I don't doubt it because many Young Israel's have a daf shiur and even an ultra-Left wing shul like Beth Shalom in the 5 Towns where mixed swimming is the norm and even not keeping kosher on vacation is not out of the ordinary, has a daf shiur

  11. Go to main branch NYC library and various ooniversitas and you will see freyer without yarmulkas & goyim learning Artscroll Shas.

    Rav Schach was against the Artscroll Shas because it takes away from the horvanya of Yidden and also altz being oyver on the mitzvas assai of Maggid devorov l'Yaakov.

    Telzer rosh yeshiva Rav Gifter had charotah that he gave a haskoma. When he wanted to be chozer, Artscroll would not give it back.

    Shame on you, Nosson Scherman.

  12. i think the video was touching. more like an advertisement for schottenstine gemurehs. remember the video for Mesivta?

  13. Usher said...

    YU's Dr. Norman Lamm, an arch-enemy of R' Elya came to the siyum 15 years ago but he bought a ticket for a seat in the audience like any commoner poyeh ..."

    are u sure about this?
    the story i heard was that schottenstein, who was the big cheese at last siyum, negotiated a deal where NL sits in the 2nd row behind the dais.

    this time around rabbonei anash were invited, as was some lubavitcher RY's. it's part of the internal struggle over control of the siyum, & so far the more inclusive faction is winning.

  14. Nobody recognized Elya Svei because he wasn't undercover with a beard and peyos, is that it? He was just American boy Elya-baby fresh from college with his girlfriend and babyface....then he made godol!!
    You idiots make me want to vomit-
    Elya Svei was a dumb proponent of American jihad, come late to the game, but well taught by his original mentor (AK).

  15. Nosson Scherman is like any other pimp - he's all about the money, and defrauding innocent suckers like the Schottensteins. Don't expect any more or less from Nussele (or his partner Zlotowitz).

  16. Why can't a chasidic Jew understand that some Jews are more modern but still shomrei torah?
    In any case, I"m sad to say that in a way,I"m happy that Vishnitz and Satmar and hopefully many other chasidim will not be there.Unfortunately gatherings with to many of the aforementioned are not geshmack to say the least.
    We need representation of some eideleh chasidic groups and than mostly middle of the road ,feine yidden.No pushing, machloikes, "hent" vechulu, veda"l

  17. Passing Gas,
    I was a sad day when Kehati was published. Oh, how we have all suffered as a result. It was even sadder when they published Chumashim with Ivri Teitch. A Shande.

    Get real man.

  18. Among the Artscroll mechabrim & editors there are many ganovim, child molesters & enablers of child molesters.

    How could Artscroll not recall the "musser sefer" of roish haganovim Leib Pinter who is sitting in jail a 2nd time already and is responsible for some of the biggest chilul Hashem in history that reached all the way to the White House? Noch dem tzu, Pinter has several relatives on the Artscroll payroll.

    Nosson Scherman himself had a shteller in Torah Temimah when they had all the meetings to cover up for Kolko. He sat there like a pipsqueak but when Mendlowitz finally got Kolko out of there, Scherman tried to take credit, "yeah, I was fighting against Kolko also"

  19. Passing Gas
    "Telzer rosh yeshiva Rav Gifter had charotah that he gave a haskoma. When he wanted to be chozer, Artscroll would not give it back"
    where is this story coming from?

  20. Deborah feldman and freida vizel are organizing a counter protest on behalf of satmer called "the gemarah is not the problem"

  21. nuchem, you may be the dumbest guy ever to comment on this blog! congrats!

  22. the question if there is going to be a replay of the such?

  23. This clip is pathetic. Nebech some well-intentioned fools with no sense of the kedushas hateyreh trying to promote what they've been programmed to do...
    You finished shas even though you can barely read - WOW!!! Honey, I'm SO proud of you.
    Some Kitzur Shulkhan Arukh anyone...?
    Or is daf yomi the only 'mitzva' we promote?!

  24. The title of this video should be:

    .תורה תורה חגרי שק

  25. Pitputim, he is being very real.

    There is a reason why many yeshivos do not allow inside the beis medrash many seforim including these:

    Nachalas Moshe - because it gives you Gemara, Rashi & Tosafos in simple Ivra

    Mei Menuchos (from Meir Kahane's Charedi brother) - because it simplifies Tosafos

    Otzar Meforshei Hatalmud aka "the green monster" - because it puts the whole sugya on a silver platter

    Horvanya is a serious concept and Rav Schach recognized that the Artscroll Shas is the uber-shortcut in learning.

  26. An am ho'oretz in gantz shas!!


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