Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In Elul 1941 RYDS and RAK sat on the "Moetzes" together

The wording is a bit different, but it looks like it's the forerunner to the current Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of the Agudas Yisroel. Reb Moshe Soloveitchik had passed away a few months earlier, in Shvat of that year, and his son was asked to join the newly formed Rabbinic body. I do not know how long he sat on the Moetzes, conventional wisdom u\likes to use WW2 or the creation of the State of Israel as the date that he switched from the Agudah to the Mizrachi. So it's not just the Chinuch Atzmai and Torah UMesorah dinners that they sat together... But maybe we can be "מלמד זכות" on RAK that he since he had just arrived to the States from the European inferno that he didn't want to rock the boat yet...

But I can dream, can't I?


  1. Don't forget the hat tip to michah

  2. I don't mind tipping, I just didn't get it from him.

  3. Right, you got it from me in the comments of yesterday's post. coincidence?

  4. I did not get the document from you. And if you think I remember who says what in the comments...

  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lonely_Man_of_Faith

    Has anyone noticed that Koren publishing house both publishes RJBS's writings AND has an active relationship with Failed Shmatta? Shmatta is paid to run their ads on his sidebar which is probably why he gave a sales plug to one of the books as a blog post. In the comments there, a Koren official came on to join the dialog with the hayssah apikorsim who are Shmatta's followers.

    Shmatta has attacked Rabbis Hershel Schechter & Yosef Blau for moving to the right of RJBS.

  6. Lonely man who's shpaitTuesday, July 24, 2012 4:13:00 PM

    I'm surprised no one recounted yet the big scuffle mitten Rabbi Soloveitchik's shiur where the bulvan apikoiress David Hartman physically threw R' Dovid Cohen out of the bais medrash. They probably both hated each other when they were together in Chaim Berlin. When RDC heckled very loudly, the rebbitzen ohn hair covering screamed from the ezras noshim to have him removed, which Hartman was more than happy to carry out. It was revealed many years later that RDC's outburst was based on a misunderstanding but the YU crowd largely hates his guts for the outburst regardless.

  7. What's your take on this op-ed
    I know it's off topic, but why can"t you ever discuss real topics in Chabad as opposed to to Yentah history and slights from ages ago??
    C'mon lets have it real for once

  8. In the future, I will watermark my comments so the proper attribution will be given by dementia riddled bloggers.

  9. Sounds like Shmarya who takes items from other blogs and rebrands them as eiginna PDFs at his own web domain. Then he schnors with the pitch that he is providing an invaluable service to the public.

  10. Berel

    so you want me to air it in public so that every hater out there licks his chops?

  11. In this issue there is a list of the Mirrer talmidim. interesting to know what happened to them?
    the logic that the Rebbe is possul because of the sins of his students leads us to Reb Chaim Brisker being possul as he had a son who taught in REITS

  12. No one in the YU crowd hates R Dovid Cohen, aderaba. Rveryone looks back on his heckling the Rav as a humorous incident

  13. Are you crazy? Rabbi Dovid Cohen is probably the most demonized figure in the YU connected blogosphere. And it only intensified after the scandal in Bergenfield NJ where several people were outraged after he gave a shiur in which he allegedly sanctioned tax evasion. The RCA leadership very likely covered it up for reasons I prefer to not publicly reveal. There were reasons why they did not want to expel him, one of the only seemingly Charedi rabbis in their ranks. When the furor did not die down even after a couple of years, the RCA quietly got rid of him by disbanding the sub-group that he presided over.

  14. "Berel
    so you want me to air it in public so that every hater out there licks his chops?"

    If you are going to air other groups "issues" be man enough to deal with our issues.
    Also, you"ve got to grow up, i'm a bit older and I"ve grown the "hater" excuse.It's all your imagination and falling for the stuff they feed gevorener.We"ve got enough of our own "hate"
    Let's deal with real issues

  15. Berel:

    you've grown up, but in the meantime a new crop of haters has been raised. Do you see the hate blogs? Not that we don't have issues, but I'd prefer it gets discussed elsewhere. And I shudder to think that the comments will be like we see on the so-called "Chabad websites." Convince me to do otherwise.

  16. Check the next ten issues of hapardes, is jb ever mentioned again as being in attendance at a moetzes meeting? Besides, being in attendance doesn't mean a member. Even zweibel has sat in on meetings....)

  17. http://static6.imagecollect.com/preview/560/4d426ad6d4fe2a2

    I once sat at the same table with Alan Dershowitz, the ausvarf from Eitz Chaim yeshiva in Boro Park and Barry Scheck, the ausvarf from YU.

  18. Hirshel, if you believe that change is really needed in some areas and is not being addressed due to corruption, blogging can make a world of difference. The Agudah has done a lot of backtracking after Rabbi Feivy Mendlowitz forced them to through a series of exposes on his well known blog. This is besides the removal of rabbis & mechanchim that he gets credit for and the resignation of Shea Fishman from Torah Umesorah.

  19. I should speak to Rabbi Bentolila, the Chabad shaliach to Central Africa. Maybe he knows if it's possible that O.J. Simpson's zaydas somehow got transplanted from Europe 100s of years ago and are related to Leib Simpson.

  20. It is by the way a Chassidishe minhag to crack jokes in the 9 teg and even on Tisha B'Av alein. They used to do it in the alter heim to the Rizhiner because he was so tzebrochen over churban Bayis they were afraid he would get sick if they didn't cheer him up. They would ask him bogus halacha shaylos like if you can live with your wife on Pesach if the kesuba was ripped and then repaired with chometzdik glue.

    On a more serious note, one of the shluchim in Africa met a Jewish woman living with a shvartza. She was a heimishe woman from Bnei Brak that went through a divorce so messy that she had a za yerida.

  21. Mr. Get Help -

    You're being ridiculous saying that YU hates RDC, the people who dislike RDC because of his speech in Teaneck are the Teaneck MO crowd, who may or may not be YU grads, and have no shaychus to the YU Lomdim/Rabbanim crowd. The MO Teaneck people likely never even heard of the Rav heckling incident. Don't say people hate him over that incident, because anyone who knows about that doesn't care. Those who are against him because of Teaneck comments are just bitter MO bloggers who have no sense of reality or connection to the goings on in the yeshiva.

    Just like you - you read your blogs and think you know what's going on in YU. Like I said, no shaychus.

  22. MAybe it means the one from Monsey not from YU/Boston

  23. The shiur was in Bergenfield, not Teaneck.

    I asked a very high ranking RCA rabbi and he told me the RCA did receive numerous complaints about the tax evasion episode which were followed up on by an investigation. He says the RCA closed the investigation when they spoke to Rabbi Cohen who denied the accusation. The bloggers who are indeed bitter accuse the RCA of a cover up. I cannot say for sure if there was a cover up, but I would not be surprised and I know what some of their potential motives are that the bloggers are not aware of. And besides the bitter bloggers, the story was covered by the secular Jewish newspapers, first when it occurred and again when the RCA disbanded the vaad that Rabbi Cohen presided over.

    For the record, Rabbi Cohen often quotes in other areas a certain posek of the previous dor who was known to be mattir tax evasion, at least b'remiza. The RCA is aware of this and had a pretty funny response when it was brought to their attention.

    The shiur in Bergenfield was given on Shabbos and Rabbi Cohen reportedly said if it ever comes back to him he will deny he ever said such a thing. This is a fairly common practice in the rabbonus when there are legal ramifications. I heard it from rabbonim who agreed with Yigal Amir. I heard it many times in many different areas.


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