Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 גליונות - סאטמארי"ש


Look how the Satmar Rov's יארצייט makes so much headlines and how many tributes and booklets and blog postings are published! Even his detractors can't help but write about him every year! Here are two tributes/articles (whatever) that were recently published that you may have missed, or maybe don't really care for.

The first one is דורות, the עדה החרדית weekly, which has a nice tribute. Typical, but still somewhat respectful of other streams. The Satmar Rov was the Rov in Yerushalayim מטעם העדה החרדית and  the Nosi of the Edah for over 30 years. His successors as Satmar Rabbonim inherited that title - the Nosi part - as well. It helps with the fundraising. See the whole article here.

The next kuntres published may seem like it was a Satmar publication, but it looks like it was printed by the NK extremists who want to make the Satmoyrim look bad by using the most extreme expressions of the SR on groups like the Agudah and their leaders. This is NOT the "kinder, gentler" Satmar Rov that you read about in Hertz Frankel's articles or in Mishpacha magazine. No siree. It's full of לה"ר, רכילות, מוצש"ר and just plain lies about many of the previous generation's greatest leaders and thinkers, many of them said in a moment of rage or anger, all of them never should be published. If you want a rosey, lovey-dovey picture of the SR then don't read it.

Read the whole booklet here at your own risk!


  1. Tzig: "If you want a rosey, lovey-dovey picture of the SR then don't read it."

    and don't read this either:

    גבור ואיש מלחמה, בדת תורה תמימה, מלא מדע וחכמה אדונינו רב"י, חידש כמה הלכות, במלחמת אש דת השערה, וחרב הוצאת מתערה, אדונינו רב"י, קולו זימר עריצים, והכרית את הקוצים, והציל הלחוצים אדונינו רב"י

    איש אלהים קדוש הוא, אשרי עין ראתהו, לב חכם ישכיל פיהו אדונינו רב"י, דרש כל תעלומות, בעוז ותעצומות, עלה מעלות רמות אדונינו רב"י, לכל ישראל האיר, בסוד תורת הבהיר, כאור החמה מזהיר, אדונינו רב"י, זה מרגיז ממלכות עשה שבעים תיקונים, יקרים מפנינים, בם תיקן העליונים, צדיק יסוד העולם, אדונינו רב"י


  2. My dear pet goat, I witnessed the RYT, SR z"l for many years in the 50’s and 60’s on a daily-weekly-yearly basis, and I can attest to you that about 90% of his daily day-time was non stop chesed and charity 100’s daily confided to him of their dire standing in life personal as well of the many new forming institutions, formed after WWII how to go about their daily life in all matters concerned, He was a great listener, he digested and comprehended the issues vividly, and helped them all!!! Monetarily, Physically, spiritually and emotionally, He stood up to the issues and faced them head on! Without tiring ever! He was literally sefless! no stake in the fire except doing the will of god! Of course we all know him by now for his kina-l'hashem-zevoth! And rightly so! But his personal daily activities was pure chesed, that I witnessed myself. I knew people who grew up with him went to cheder with him! and they told me that's who he was as a kid seraching for and asking hashem to use the phrase: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" to help them! he was a true ! רודף צדקה וחסד

    לדבק במדותיו, חסד ה' מעולם ועד עולם, הי' שאיפתו

  3. Is it possible to post it on a different site than scribd
    Since it is not accessible to people without Internet
    It can't be sent as a PDF.
    Thank you in advance

  4. And here we go again, as we do every year

    "He was an antisemite!!!"
    "He was a tzaddik!!!"
    "No he wasn't!"
    "Yes he was!!"
    "No he didn't!"
    "Yes he did!"

    ... and so on ad nauseum until the blog sounds like a third-grade playground. Fact is that he did all, or at least some, of the maases they tell on each side and that there's no stira. Like your average Hungarian, he was extremely nice and a tremendous baal chesed on a personal level but politics to a Hungarian is like the full moon to a werewolf.

  5. D Burstien
    " as well of the many new forming institutions,"
    What kind of credit does he get vs. others that build Mosdois before him or afterwards... he had a kehila and he build them moisdois... I will not come up with arguments of others that on his way to building his own empire he tried to crush other ones too...
    But where is the gadlus in building mosdois.. If you want power then you have to establish a fortress...

  6. D Burnstien
    "how to go about their daily life in all matters concerned, He was a great listener, he digested and comprehended the issues vividly, and helped them all!!! Monetarily, Physically, spiritually and emotionally,"
    didnt the old Skverer listen to people with no tiring too... he gave as much Tzedoka as he had...
    What gives them the right to bully everyone in the name of Kanoais...


  7. "politics to a Hungarian is like the full moon to a werewolf."

    Or like the truth to an "Academic Shmendrik"

    btw, the same polemics 'was he or wasn't he' is mentioned on father Abraham, They even accused him of creating hunger in the land! (maybe on the weather to)

  8. D Burnstien
    " Of course we all know him by now for his kina-l'hashem-zevoth! And rightly so"
    outside of his Kanoas he was friends with whom...
    The Munkacher ( Anti zionist)
    The Spinker (Anti Zionist)
    The Keren Ledovid (anti zionist)
    Lipshitz of Orshiva (Anti zionist)
    Reb Shulem Elezerel (Anti zionist)

  9. "politics to a Hungarian is like the full moon to a werewolf"

    Lav davka politics!

    Lomir zoggin they don't come from the Kuzarim like the research points to that's brought down in the hakdama to Targum Press edition of Sefer Hakuzari, maybe they are from shevet Binyomin who one Rishon learns pshat in Zev yitrof that he was a werewolf.

  10. Unterlander
    "Lomir zoggin they don't come from the Kuzarim like the research points
    for the record the Titelbaums are from Galicia... the Yismach Moshe the patriarch of the family was Rav in Shineve before he came to Uhel....

  11. hirshel
    I can write comments for ever on this hate pamphlet ... It is ironic that they have a story that once in 1939 in Satmar he was mad on the participants of a Mizrachi Assifa .. so he cursed that Tel aviv will burn down before Moshiach ... in the Meantime Satmar burned down on 1944 before Tel Aviv .....besides him that ran off with the Kastner Train...

  12. Satmar hashgochos should not allow their food company clients to have convicted sex offenders on the State registry driving trucks for them unsupervised.


    Camp Shalva in South Fallsburg had a problem a few years ago when convicted Boro Park molester Moishe Pinter got inside the bunks which is why they installed locks & hired a security guard. Last week, the Golden Taste food company under 'Sachdis & Itzu Glick's cousin Rav Glick in Monsey had one of their delivery trucks in the area. The driver Yoely Oberlander is a convicted sex offender on the NY State registry. He should not be working in an unsupervised position like this. Someone, allegedly Oberlander, entered the camp in the middle of the night & molested several campers. The camp called Dayan Tauber of Bobov who told them they are mechuyev al pi halacha to call the police. The camp ignored the dayan & the halacha. R' Feivel Cohen's nephew Ben Hirsch happened to find out so he called the authorities. When the camp found out State Police troopers were on their way, they destroyed the videotape. There are also suspicions that the camp is blaming Oberlander as a convenient scapegoat to cover up for someone else. In the the meantime, R' Bentzion Halberstam shlita, the Rebbe of Bobov 48 was upset there was a cover up and ordered the camp to fully cooperate with the police.

  13. Some creatures who are running around today claiming yichus from the Rebbe R' Shabsi of Orshiva are mamash lowlives & gangsters who have been written up in the newspapers. One adam gadol said they are the worst people in Klal Yisroel. Another adam gadol says he doubts they really shtam from this Rebbe or from Yidden at all.

  14. Munkatch has no shaychus anymore. First they got a Tzionishe Rebbe, not even a Hungarian, who the chassidim called "mach shmoy", now they have the former shortstop from the Telz Cleveland baseball team. Check out the cult worship of this man in Munkatch. You can catch a glimpse of him when he rolls out with the hoiz bucherim at 12 noon tze geyen tze mikva before the 1 pm shacharis.

  15. Here we go again, this time Camp Shalva, that 5 Towns Jewish Times finally gets around to a story. They got it from Scotty without attribution who in turn took it from R' Nuchem Rosenberg without attribution, hence the delay.

  16. I was always amazed how an alter Grodner like Rav Koppelman from Schweiz became a talmid in hashkofoh of R' Yoelish. A lot of us yeshivaleit are anti- secular Zionist but R' Aron Kotler held it's assur to make it known befarhesya. That's why one Lakewood yungerman had his kollel check revoked when he was seen on television joining a Satmar machuah in Manhattan.

  17. scorecard

    I have no idea what or whom you're talking about.

  18. Litvak : "A lot of us yeshivaleit are anti- secular Zionist but R' Aron Kotler held it's assur to make it known befarhesya."

    RAK held, no kidding! did he write a pesak halacha on this? wasn't the brisker ruv a posek like him? or reb elcunan wasserman a goan like him! or solovechik-kamanetzky-feinstein etc. who went to public demonstrations against 'zionist' in the streets of manhattan and washington dc! sell your 'lokshen toras' to the second hand market where everything bs goes! besides that, who really listened than to RAK, he was bought by the agudah with reichman monies! trying to make a 'gedolim' shtink in America like in EY to counter SR z"l of course it didn't work than and sorry litavk in won't work now!

  19. Dave: really now? you don't see the email address listed on the sidebar? neveler at gmail dot com.

  20. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/larry-lipshutz-unknowingly-tied-knot-married-woman-sues-100k-engagement-ring-back-article-1.468453

    Here is someone claiming yichus from the Rebbe R' Shabsi Lipschitz

  21. Replies
    1. 100%
      Now I clicked on complete profile so I was redirected to a full site but not on mobile

  22. It says a lot about Galitsyaner's credibility when he speaks of shitas R' Aron Kotler as "bs"

  23. Litvak said: "A lot of us yeshivaleit are anti-secular zionist but R' Aron Kotler held it's assur to make it known befarhesya."

    שקרן כמותך אפילו במילתא דעבידא לגלויי משקר, האי לך דרשת ר' אהרן קאטלער ז"ל בערך שנת תש"כ, הי' נדפס בירחון המאור ובשו"ת המאור בחייו של הרא"ק, לכל באי עולם!, וזל"ש בקיצור נמרץ מתו"ד עיי"ש באריכות

    האסימילאציע מעברית לעברית גרועה הרבה יותר מכל
    האסימילאציות שבעולם .. שהאסימילאציע של הציונות רצונה לעקור את הדת משורשה, האסימילאציע של גוים הוא בבחינת ע"ז של גוים, האסימילאציע של עברית הוא בבחינת ע"ז של ישראל אין לה ביטול, ואם מלמדים באידיש הרי מקשרים את הילד עם העבר היהודי, עם גדולה התורה ועם היהדות כולה, ואם מלמדים באנלית הרי אין עצה והוא שפת ארץ שמדברים בה ומלמדים אותה לשם מסחר לשום קנין לשום מלאכה וכ"ז הוא בגדר אומנות, אבל עברית למה? וכי ילכו להתיישב באר"י ולבסוף הרי לא ידעו גם עברית, וכל מטרתה רק להביא לציונות! ומחללים את החומש לעשות ממנו טעקסבוק חול

    ועל הטענה שהרי גדלים בחורי ישיבות שאינם יודעים אידיש! האתם חושבים שזו טובה, והרי באשכנז ושויצריא ואיטליא, הי' כ"כ כמו בפולין ומדוע נחרבו משום שהתחילו להתבולל בשפה נכרי' ואין התורה סובלת שום הרכבה! ואם מדברים אידיש יש לילד קשר עם הוריו עם רבותיו עם עמו עם יהודים עם דור הישן עם תורה, אבל בעברית הרי מנתקים כל הקשר ע"כ בקיצור עיי"ש באריכות

    מי יגלה עפר מעיני של אפי' ראשי דאגודה דאז להך על קדקו של הליציני הדור דעכשיו המפרסמים שקרים וכזבים בשמו ובשם גדולי ישראל זי"ע

  24. Befarhesya to goyim through street protests is not the same thing as the teshuva that Chanina brings

    And there were things that mistam R' Aron would approve even in the street but not the daily Satmar style rabbles

  25. Harav Chanina
    You can bring a million and one quotes... it was a little hype ..
    the facts are the following
    RAK was from the founders of Chinuch Atzmai and he worked all his latter years for Chinuch Atzmai..
    There was no Rebbe or teacher in Chinuch Atzmai that learned in Yiddish.. none what so ever...

  26. Lashon nekiya: "It says a lot about Galitsyaner's credibility when he speaks of shitas R' Aron Kotler as "bs"

    Looking for credibility from someone with a reading comprehension problem who can't decipher the difference between a quote attributed to RAK! Or one made by a ‘lokshen torah’ purveyor, who confuses his פי הטבעתwith his פי האתון , your negative comment may be a compliment.

  27. Shote Shebeolam: " You can bring a million and one quotes... it was a little hype .. the facts are the following RAK was from the founders of Chinuch Atzmai and he worked all his latter years for Chinuch Atzmai.."

    בפסוק נאמר כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאוד בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו, ע"פ דקדוק הי' צריך לאמר 'לעשותו' וכתבו המפרשים אף שקרוב הדבר בפיך ובלבבך אבל על 'המעשים' אין הדבר קרובה, כ"כ לעניינינו דרשת ר' אהרן קאטלער ז"ל נאמרו ונכתבו ממנו, בפיו ובלב שלם שאמר שם בתו"ד "אין אני ירא מדעת העולם" כשאמר מה שאמר כנ"ל, אם במעשה לא הי' כן? כמו שאתה מתנוסת לאמר אם אמת הוא, אין אני או הוא ז"ל אחראים על המעשה! וגם בפה בישיבתו אינם סרים להדרכתו ולומדים ומדברים בלשונות נכרים כנגד הוראתו! אבל האמת ניתן לאמרו שלא ברצון המייסד הוא והוא בשיטה אחרת היה

  28. correction:

    בפסוק נאמר כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאוד בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו, ע"פ דקדוק הי' צריך לאמר 'ובמעשיך' מהו הלעשותו

  29. Shote Shebeolam: " You can bring a million and one quotes... it was a little hype .."

    You declare your self conveniently an adherer to RAK! And at the same time when his words is not suiting you! "It was a little hype"?! What a crock.

  30. Now that Scotty has personally attacked & demonized Rabbi Yair Hoffman ...


    For writing a non-negative hespid of the Satmar Rov, I wonder if Rabbi Fluffman & his boss Larry are going to continue lifting items from Scotty's disgusting website.

    It was also rather amusing to see readers challenge Scotty to explain his description of Rabbi Fluffman as being in the Edah Charedis machaneh and Scotty's lame answer. If Rabbi Fluffman is Edah material, I am the Besht.

  31. sholi
    "You declare your self conveniently an adherer to RAK! And at the same time when his words is not suiting you! "It was a little hype"?! What a crock."
    Kotlersisim is not a chasiduss, he was good when he was good, and he veered off when he got carried away

  32. Chanina
    if it was that important to him and he is the gutsy gut not to be scared from no one, then why did he not throw out any Bocher that did not use yiddish....

  33. Shote shebeoliem: " why did he not throw out any Bocher that did not use yiddish...."

    Because he had no yeshivah or cheder just a collection of around 100 avreichim who mostly knew no yiddish, and he had recmanus on them, the yiddish speaking talmidim the fringes of chsidishe cheders who want some frumkeit light! started to go there after he died 1962 until than they went mostly to beth medrish ha elyon, or nitra, the whole BMG story is a mirage. build on ...

  34. Completely ridiculous.

    Tzig should screen these fools who are completely not factual.

    Kimat all the bochurim & avreichim under R' Aron and even R' Shneur could speak Yiddish fluently. Even now, most at least understand enough Yiddish to make it through shiur klali.


  35. "Kimat all the bochurim & avreichim under R' Aron and even R' Shneur could speak Yiddish fluently"

    But most spoke english as a first language, and reb aron himself said that as an אמתלא why they are permitted to teach in english because they don't understand well yidish! I knew many talmidi reb aron who spoke fluenty english and broken yidish!

    how old are you Thurston Howell III ?!

  36. I was in BMG after R' Shneur.

    It just so happens that in the last 10 years, BMG has become much more heimish & "greasy". Since there was an explosion in population and they cannot take everyone anyway, they decided to take kodem kol all the Ponevizhers & Briskers. Next are the chevra from yeshivos like Slabodka that happen to be very heimish.

    Mir Israel is known to be a stepping stone to come to Lakewood & for many years is not a guarantee to be accepted to BMG because not all of them are serious about learning farshteitzich or even know how to learn. Mir Israel makes it hard to get in for them but if they are persistent & don't mind Rav Chodosh making shmattos out of them during the application process, they end up being accepted there.

    Even for the American yeshivos that are Lakewood branches, they (unofficially) do not automatically accept everyone like they used to. At least they make it hard for some of them to get in because they prefer the bigger lamdonim as outlined.

  37. אשריך שנתפסתFriday, August 24, 2012 9:08:00 AM

    Litvak said..: "That's why one Lakewood yungerman had his kollel check revoked when he was seen on television joining a Satmar machuah in Manhattan."

    המקפח פרנסתו של חבירו אין בכך איסור תורה של לא תסיג גבול רעך, אבל יש ראשונים שכתבו שאמנם המקפח פרנסתו של חבירו אע"פ שאין בו איסור תורה של לא תסיג גבול רעך כיון שלאו זה אמור רק במסיג
    גבול קרקע של רעהו בא"י, אעפ"כ המקפח פרנסתו של חבירו הוא בכלל "ארור מסיג גבול רעהו" כך כתב שו"ת מהרש"ל בשם הרוקח

    אשריך שנתפסת על דברי תורה!


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