Wednesday, August 15, 2012

א בעל תשובה פון זענטא

An interesting matzeivoh in the Jewish cemetery in Senta, the former Yugoslavia. Today it is Serbia, but it's an Hungarian town, with an 80% majority Hungarian inhabitants. זענטא was made famous by the fact that the late Sighet-Satmar Rebbe, R' Moshe Teitelbaum, was Rov there. A friend of Circus Tent saw the matzeivoh, took the picture and shared it with us. He was very intrigued by the fact that it mentioned that he did תשובה מאהבה and wanted more information on this Reb Moshe. This may prove to be a difficult task; There aren't many Zenter Yidden around today, especially not those who were alive and old enough in 1936. Although I did once have a neighbor, a Satmar Chossid by the name of Reb Aron Klein ע"ה, a שוחט , who was from זענטא.


  1. taking about matzevos I recently heard that there is a matzieva in kiryas yoel that says on it "lo hoya nizhor bekdishas hoachilah" anyone hear about this?

  2. Foodie
    I like your sense of humor

  3. I think the famous Sofer of willi Reb Aron Pollak was from Zenta..

  4. the Birech Moshe was ordained as Rav in Zenta in 1939 3 years after the Baal teshuva died..

  5. is this the original matzeiva?

  6. IT'S ELUL. @#*! CHODESH ELUL. I don't smile in Elul,
    I don't blog in Elul (with some minor exceptions), and

  7. Baal haTzig, what is the name of the mechaber of the shu"t "Teshuva meAhava"?

    Was his name Moishe?

  8. If you want to get in a good laugh before Elul, read the parody on Feivy Mendlowitz's blog about Margulies supposedly making a pilgrimage to the kever of the Yismach Moishe but ending up by the kever of Alexander Hamilton in downtown Manhattan

  9. The baal Teshuvah meAhavah was R' Lazer Fleckeles, talmid of the Nodah Bihudah in Prague.

  10. R' Isser Ullman was the rov of Zenta, killed by Croat insurgents during the 1849 Revolution. R' Isser’s brother Mór served as a doctor in the Hungarian army during the revolution, while a younger sibling, Benjamin, was only 17 when he joined Kossuth’s Rangers, dying in the battle of Temesvár.

    You might want to check with the Belzer oylam to get more information as they had chassidim living in Yugoslavia.

  11. R' Chananyah Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, the second son of Berach Moshe is the President of the weekend only shul, called Berach Moshe of Zenta in Williamsburg

  12. tzig, i've noticed that lately you've been getting bombarded by uoj bloggers trying to steer comments to their interests. attempted takeover of the circus tent?

  13. The Big Lewbowski said...
    IT'S ELUL. @#*! CHODESH ELUL. I don't smile in Elul,

    how about fressing in elul? the source of all evil? did u start counting the 40 days? before holobtzas and kindlich? or did reb AK forbid fressing only befressya? nebech RAK some say it is now a town full of ..., with BMG the source of a dor ikish ifsaltol..

  14. Slobodan
    thanks for your info
    I know 1 Dayan in Zenta that was a Belzer chosid he wrote a sefer Kol Yakov, he is a big source for Belzer Torahs..
    the sefer is not on Hebrewbooks.. I can not get it nowhere..

  15. SENTA (Hung. Zenta), town on the Thissa River, Vojvodina province. Jews arrived there during the 18th century, mostly from Hungary and Moravia. They engaged in trade of cereals and textiles though quite a few were artisans. The first rabbi was Isaac Heilborn, followed by Solomon Klein and Moses Leibowitz. A ḥevra kaddisha was founded in 1858. In the wake of the great split that occurred in Hungarian Jewry in 1868/69, the local Jewry separated, too, into *Neolog (Reform) and Orthodox communities. A small group declared itself status quo, as did some of the communities in Hungary which did not join either of two rival groups. This phenomenon was unique as far as Yugoslavia was concerned. Consequently, there were three kehillot in Senta. The Orthodox renamed themselves inexplicably "Sephardim." This was probably in imitation of what occurred in the community of *Sighet in Romania, where a dissident group of Orthodox Jews eccentrically adopted the name, also without any Sephardi members. A Neolog synagogue was built in 1873, another in 1929.

    A yeshivah was established, headed by Rabbi Eliezer Rausnitz. Michael *Fekete, mathematician and well-known professor at the Hebrew University, was born in Senta.

    Among the Senta rabbis, Hermann-Zvi Schweiger was a prominent Hebraist. Neolog community leaders were Armin Graf, Nathan Kramick, and Solomon Ehrenfeld. Armin Fischer was the Zionist leader.

    During the Holocaust all the Jews perished. The "Sephardi" rabbi, without a single Sephardi present, was Moses Teitelbaum; he was extricated from a concentration camp, eventually reaching the United States and joining the Satmar congregation in New York. The kehillot were not renewed. The great synagogue was demolished and a smaller one serves as a sports club.


    Israel-Juedische Wochenschrift No. 3 (1940); "Yehudei Vojvodina be-Et ha-Ḥadashah," in: Yalkut, no. 2 (ed. Z. Loker) (1994), 92–93 and 112.

    [Zvi Loker (2nd ed.)]

    Source: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2008 The Gale Group.

    ADA, townlet in Vojvodina, Serbia, until 1920 in (Austro-) Hungary. Jews came there from German-speaking areas; they also spoke Yiddish and later Hungarian. They were allowed to settle in the late 17th century in order to repopulate the southern provinces devastated during the Turkish wars, but were forbidden to use Hebrew or Yiddish in official documents, testaments, and pinkasim. The first rabbis were Aaron Acker (d. 1837) and Jacob Heilprin. During the 1848–49 troubles, when Serbia sent volunteers to help the Slav populations in Hungary, a Serbian troop occupied Ada and took 60 Jews – including Rabbi Heilprin – to Senta where they were all murdered. Ada remained one of the dozen or so Orthodox communities along the Thissa River following the split between the Neologist majority and Orthodox minority in 1868/69. They maintained talmud torah schools and formed an Association of Orthodox Communities that worked in close cooperation with the Neologist Federation of Jewish Communties in Belgrade. The synagogue was built in 1896. In 1925 there were 452 Jews in Ada, but many left for bigger towns. During World War II Ada was occupied by Hungary and a concentration camp was established there. Of its 350 Jews in 1940, only 59 remained after the war, when the community was temporarily reestablished. Most subsequently left for Israel.

    [Zvi Loker (2nd ed.)]

  16. vos meint "sauer mor"?

  17. Zentrist
    I personaly knew 10 orthodox (sefardim)Jews that survived the war from Zenta...

  18. Sorry Dovy in NJ, but Rabbi Mendlowitz has done a lot of good being matzil kinderlach even if his methods are a little over the top sometimes. And he can be very funny at times

    Because Torah Temimah president Willy Wiesner once sent a controversial letter to the entire parent body, this parody is made in his name on the website:

    Dear esteemed parents of Torah Temimah,

    I wish to address the facts surrounding a vicious rumor being circulated by the usual troublemakers.

    Rabbi Margulies was reported seen this week at a church grounds in downtown Manhattan near the New York Stock Exchange, davening by the kever of Alexander Hamilton, the Treasury Secretary from 250 years ago, that his stock portfolio should come back from the dead.

    This is what actually happened. Rabbi Margulies was booked on a flight to Hungary to make a pilgrimage to the kever of the Yismach Moishe in Uhel. Unknown to him as he fell asleep, the flight from JFK actually made an emergency landing at Laguardia. He hailed a cab that happened to be driven by a Hungarian speaking driver. When Rabbi Margulies asked to be taken to the kever, he was dropped off at the Church.

    As soon as the mistake was realized, Yehuda Eckstein from YeshivaWorld immediately arranged a helicopter for Rabbi Applegrad to be dispatched from the Lakewood airport to the Wall Street heliport to extricate Rabbi Margulies from the situation.

    The yeshiva does not and never has had a policy in support of doresh el hamesim and you can rest assured that your children are receiving the finest chinuch.

  19. Sauer is the last name, Mor the first. That's how it's written in Hungarian.

  20. Was the picture taken by one of those chevra who was at the big heimishe vacation spot in Hungary last month? A big gvir arranged everything including flying in a caterer.

  21. Maybe his wife's name was Tesheevah?


  22. שו"ת 'תשובה מאהבה' נדפס בשנת תרצ"ו

    אולי הי' עוד ספר הנקרא תשובה מאהבה מאחד משה בן דוד

  23. There were tons of meshumodim in Ungaren, probably more than Western Europe. Many famous people today living as goyim shtam from these meshumodim like Madeleine Albright. I would imagine if someone did teshuva from such a shrecklicha matzav he would be lauded profusely.

    There was a bochur from Bnei Brak that went off the derech to become a die hard anti-Torah Chiloni. When he did teshuva he could not stay in Eretz Yisroel because of all the bad blood he created. He was nebich killed in a car accident in Monsey. Pinny Lipschutz played up lishvach how he was a baal teshuva.

  24. Wouldn't most BTs want to keep a low profile about their past? Chazal even say not to remind them of the past.

    Rav Dovid Schustal when he was maspid the bochur killed in Monsey would only say geven sibos why he had to leave Israel without specifying. It was the yentish Yated that gave the whole scoop.

    Does anyone know by the way how the Pietrokover Rebbe Rabbi Dr Baal teshuva was viewed in the alter heim? Yes there was a BT Rebbe

  25. Low profile is right! When the Pfeffer brothers tried to commandeer all the funeral arrangements for the bochur there was almost a full scale riot in BMG's bais medrash.

  26. is the Shoproner considered a BT Rav? That's what the Satmarer replied when They were shown the thesis

  27. is the Shoproner considered a BT Rav? That's what the Satmarer replied when They were shown the thesis

  28. "Does anyone know by the way how the Pietrokover Rebbe Rabbi Dr Baal teshuva was viewed in the alter heim? Yes there was a BT Rebbe"

    There is only two kinds of people
    בעל תשובה (מאהבה או מיראה) או בעל עבירה BT's or BA's, SR z"l used to recite every year by his כל נדרי דרשה מאמר הזוהר

    זוהר פ' נח
    רישי כנישתא או חדא כנישתא דעשה תשובה, בזכותא יתכנס כל גלותא

    obviously no real BT's yet, not in zenta or any !רישי כנישתא

  29. זוהר : רישי כנישתא או חדא כנישתא דעשה תשובה, בזכותא יתכנס כל גלותא

    יאשיהו המלך, שהיה מלך צדיק וחסיד שעשה תשובה, שהכתוב מעיד עליו, שלפניו ואחריו לא היה מלך כמוהו ששב אל ה' בכל נפשו ומאודו. ועדיין בן דוד לא בא!? תיקו

  30. Feivy. Do teshuvah NOW. Its NEVER too late.
    Go to a "non -Godol" for a tikkun. (No Gedolim exist in your book - we know)
    You think the cool 'Mizrach Vant' is waitin for you but you may be shocked when you end up at the overheated 'Maariv Vant'.
    Feivy. Do teshuvah NOW. Its NEVER too late.

  31. bemokom sheain ish yishtadel lihiyos UOJFriday, August 17, 2012 11:52:00 AM

    R' Feivy follows the tzavoah of his zayde R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz ztl to be mefarsem on corrupt "manhigim". It was printed in the zhurnal Licht in 1923 & is available online.

    Stop bashmutzing him that he holds of no gedolim as that is a blatant lie. He holds a velt of the alter Mirrers who always refused to join the Agudah. He has written very positively about them. And he had no problem with the Agudah until after R' Moishe & R' Yaakov.

    We know from the writing style who wrote that ridiculous smear at 11:36 am. Er halt zich a "manhig" by virtue of being a political appointee to shlock shamess positions.


  32. יודעלעך שרייטס גיוואלד, ס'איו שוין אלול די פיש אין וואסער ציטערן שוין פון אימת יום הדין! פאוויל האב רחמנות טו תשובה !!!

  33. Circus Tent corrections sectionFriday, August 17, 2012 1:09:00 PM

    UFO, if you're going to give musser where you don't belong, at least spell Feivel correctly. It is double Yud instead of Aleph. Now go back into your outer space.


  34. פאוויל, פייוועל, פאבעל, פייויל, פאבל, פאבעל, איך שיהי איך פאף דיר אנ, אין די פסוקי שמות לאנשים שטייט דער נאמען נישט, חאטשע אלע וועגן הייבט ער זיך אנ מיט א פ' אין לאזט זיך אויס מיט א ל

    אין פין אויב'ן אין פון אונט'ן, אלע לויב'ן אלע גלויב'ן אז פ---ל גייט תשובה טוהן

  35. UOJ choosid said: "Feivy. Do teshuvah NOW. Its NEVER too late."

    Feivy do teshuvah אני ואתה אטייל בגן-עדן after I'll do teshuvah to, of course.



  36. Circus Tent corrections section said...

    Attention literally Administration Deprtment (LAD)

    Please send me the link to the
    CT corrections section, by due process I have many corrections to make.


  37. tzig,
    i hate to break this to you but the intelligence level of the comments has gone way down over the past couple weeks. i'm begining to feel out of place here.

  38. Kol haroydef achar hakovod ...Friday, August 17, 2012 4:51:00 PM

    אני ואתה אטייל בגן-עדן

    If that's coming from R' Feivy's big critic in QG that would be mamash hilarious. Obviously the critic's being appointed to his shlock shamess positions at some organizations is going to his head azoy veit and he thinks he is soooo chushev that he starts thinking in terms to compare to Dovid Hamelech. These are his own kovod fresser dimyonos of grandeur preoccupying his own deluded mind that leads him to speak like this of others.

  39. Kol haroydef achar hakovod ...Friday, August 17, 2012 4:58:00 PM

    Dovy, the feeble mind who is attacking UOJ today is obsessed with him and has completely defaced any blog that allows it.

    He was caught a few years ago when he was using the same talking points in emails that were eventually identified as an address belonging to him.

    He used to be a paper pusher / coffee fetcher at the Agudah and now is a puppet for a modern orthodox organization that needs a yeshivishe nut with payos as their face for certain PR purposes.

    There have been times when someone mentions his name on a blog and you see him charge right in to demand the rabbi title be given to him. There are several other signs of what a kovod fresser he is. There might be one other person who works to blog with him, a friend of his whose father is a convicted fraudster and therefore hates it when vigilantes like UOJ expose these kinds of things.



    This is not from yener guy, this is from R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz ztl, published Rosh Chodesh Adar 1923. When this was reproduced, a certain organization sent someone up at their convention to indirectly attack & discredit it that supposedly no one is allowed to listen to frierdik gedolim unless they tell you it's ok. They are very scared of the true daas Torah in this shtikel.

    part 2

  42. for the record i have never commented on any blog besides this one nor have i ever attacked anyone nor do i know whom you are talking about. (nor have i ever called anyone i don't know childish names like feeble-minded)

  43. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

    מנן ומן הוא 'יו אה שע' שאסור לדבר ממנו עוד? והאיסור הוא בקידוש לבנה אותיות! האם יש לזה שייכות אם האיסור לדבר קשות על חב"ד החדש? שנשבו עלי דרך מבערלין לארצינו ארצות הברית?! ובבקשה? מאי הדין עם 'יו עפ אה' האם חל בה האיסור ג"כ? נא להשיבנו במוקדם


  44. יקיש- פייווישSunday, August 19, 2012 9:44:00 AM

    dovy in jersey : "(nor have i ever called anyone i don't know childish names like feeble-minded)"


    הכל מתרים לך הכל מחולים לך הכל שרוים לך אדרבה now you can start over again..

    Amnesia: is a condition in which one's memory is lost. The memory can be either wholly or partially lost due to the extent of damage ..

  45. "R' Isser Ullman was the rov of Zenta"

    Who was his father and grandfather?

    "The Orthodox renamed themselves inexplicably "Sephardim.""

    Not so inexplicable. Many of the Chareid communities (which were largely Chassidish) called themselves Sefardim, as they davend Nussach Sefard! It was a way to differentiate themselves from the main line (Ashkenazi) community

  46. R' Isser Ullman's hyd grandfather was R' Zalman Ullman of Tevel, Veszprém. His great-grandfather was R' Isser Yisroel, a Yekke in Furth. The Ullmans were mishpocho with the Steinhardts. R' Yosef Steinhardt in Furth, one of the gedolei hador in the mid-1700s was the mechaber of Zichron Yosef & known for his machlokessen in learning with R' Shaya Pick. The Steinhardts followed the Ullmans from Deutschland to Hungary. R' Akiva Steinhardt, rov of Alsókubin, married a granddaughter of R' Isser Yisroel Ullman.

  47. R' Isser Yisroel Ullman henceforth referred to as the patriarch.

    The oldest son of the patriarch was R' Sholom "haCharif" Ullman who was niftar in 1825. He was rov of Ansbach, Germany, later of Stompfa, then Somogy county, then Frauenkirchen (Boldogasszony), then he started the yeshiva in the Burgenland kehilla of Lakenbach (Lakompak).

    R' Sholom’s son Avrohom was rov of Tapolcsány and Szabadka before succeeding his father as rosh yeshiva and founding a dynasty of rabbonim in Lakenbach. R' Sholom’s other son, Shelomoh Zalman, was rov of Makó. R' Shelomoh Zalman’s son Yissachar (Isidor), was a wealthy merchant who settled in Nagy Várad (Oradea), where he and his sons collected an important library (today housed at the Widener Library of Harvard University). Among R' Shelomoh Zalman’s grandchildren were the historian Henrik Marczali (died 1940), the mathematician Gyula König (died 1913), and the Berlin astronomer Joseph Levy.

    The patriarch's son R' Moshe Ullman, settled in Liptószentmiklós. His daughter married R' Akiva Steinhardt. His son R' Berman Ullman was rov of Zsámbék. R' Berman’s son, R' Sholom (Friedrich), was rov of Vác. R' Moshe's entire branch was more modern. R' Sholom actually joined the Status Quo camp.

  48. Back to R' Zalman Ullman

    R' Zalman’s grandsons, made their mark in the Hungarian economy.

    Joseph was president of the Pannonia Steam Mill, founded the First General Hungarian Insurance Society, and was VP of Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank.

    Károly’s son Lajos was chair of the Duna Steamship Society. His younger son Sándor, served as parliamentary representative of Alsó-Árpás district, was a noted lawyer, as well as a writer & a journalist of the leading Jewish weekly Egyenlőség. He wrote A zsidó felekezeti ügyek rendezése (The Regulation of Jewish Confessional Matters; 1888). The third brother, Mayer (Mór György), was founder of the Commodities Exchange. His son Adolf was CEO of the Hungarian General Credit Bank (Magyar Általános Hitelbank). He served as member of the Upper House & became a baron.

  49. The most infamous branch of the family was the patriarch’s 2nd son, Avrohom. Based in Pressburg, Avrohom, a textile merchant who also sold Vienner goods, began to operate in Pest as well. Avrohom’s annual turnover was 40,000 florins from Pest fairs alone. He manufactured his own textiles by supplying yarn to 80 weavers. His eldest son, Moritz Moshe, applied for tolerated status in Pest in 1802. Avrohom obtained such status over objections of city council & Jewish merchants who claimed there were already sufficient numbers of textile merchants. Moritz Moshe also received this status, followed by his younger brothers, Gabriel & Samuel.

    Another son Friedrich who took over the firm, shifted from textiles to wholesale agri produce & went bankrupt in 1839. He served in the revolutionary army, fleeing to the Ottoman Empire, where he lived until the 1860s. Samuel, too, became a produce wholesaler & served as a Pest community leader. Gabriel was a handicraft wholesaler. He headed the Jewish Commercial Corporation for years when Jews were still excluded & established a so-called choral shul in Pest. In 1827, he set up the Chesed Ne‘urim Verein, with davening al pi the Vienner nusach. Following his election to Pest communal leadership, he introduced new statutes in 1833 that revolutionized communal organization. Until he retired, he was the driving force behind the Pest reforms. A sister, Sulka, who was married to Hirsch Jaffe Schlesinger of Pressburg, was well known for her tzedaka. Their son, Dr. Ignatz Schlesinger, was elected head of the Pest community in 1848. He married his first cousin, the daughter of another askan in Pest, Leon Pollák, who was in turn married to Sulka’s sister.

    The oldest brother, Moritz Moshe, played a key role nationally, earning his fortune during the Napoleonic Wars as military purveyor & tobacco trader. He entered in shutfus with Vienner gvir Samuel Kann, and diversified into salt & lumber. Although a leading askan, he suddenly became a meshumad, receiving baptism as Mór János; he was ennobled with the predicate szitányi along with his six sons in 1825. His wife refused to shmad zich & the couple divorced in 1832.

    While the sons followed the shmad, the daughters did not, at least not at the time; Maria married Lazar Auer, a wealthy grain merchant; Antonia married her uncle, Gabriel (converting to Calvinism in 1852 after his death); while Franciska married Moritz, son of Samuel Wodianer, the only Jewish merchant to rival Moritz Ullmann’s wealth. Moritz remarried, choosing a wife from a well-known meyuchos family. He owned vast real estate & was the initiator & largest stockholder in Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank. It was the first commercial bank in Pest, aimed at attaining financial independence from Vienna. It became the most important bank in Hungary. Along with the Rothschilds, he participated in the great projects of the day: construction of the Chain Bridge linking Buda & Pest & the Central Railway along the Danube. He also took part in the Hengermalom, the great steam mill & other initiatives. By 1846, he experienced several reversals & died after a brief illness.

    Moritz’s 6 sons changed the family name to Szitányi. Bernát Szitányi was active in the Opposition Circle & during 1848 shipped arms while conducting talks with Vienna. He emigrated in the wake of the failed revolution, returning to Hungary to be elected to parliament. The wealth & influence of the Szitányis greatly declined in the 19th century.

    Sources: Vera Bácskai, A vállalkozók előfutárai: Nagykereskedők a reformkori Pesten (Budapest, 1989); Kinga Frojimovics, Géza Komoróczy, Viktória Pusztai & Andrea Strbik, Jewish Budapest: Monuments, Rites, History (Budapest, 1999); Béla Kempelen, Magyar zsidó családok, volumes 1 & 3 (Budapest, 1999)

  50. Stompfa (Stampfen)

    I'm guessing the Oyberlander Yekkes called it Stampfen

  51. " R' Sholom’s other son, Shelomoh Zalman, was rov of Makó. "

    Any more info about him? (other than that RSZ Ullman of the Bedat in Yerushlayim is a direct decendint"

  52. Slobodan Milosevic said... -----

    הער שוין אויף מיט דיינע שטותים, איין דבר אמת שרייבסטע קיינמאל! נאר די שפייעסט אויס וואס אנדערע האבן גישריב'ן אין באבע מעשה ביכלך שוין גענוג נעם א ספר זעץ דיך לערנען, טו תשובה! קום קרא לד' אולי יחוס על נפשך ונפשות ב"ב


  53. omg! this Slobodan Milosevic is a goy! how did he invade this 'frum' site?!

  54. There is apparently more than one R' Shlomo Zalman Ullman.,7340,L-4268016,00.html

    One is the av beis din of Kiryas Sefer

  55. Bas Kol must be the Skverer drey kop with the fish as there is no bas kol anymore.

  56. Slobodan Milosevic said...
    Bas Kol must be the Skverer drey kop with the fish as there is no bas kol anymore.

    גיי לערן מיט א גוי ברטנורא

    אמר רבי יהושע בן לוי, בכל יום ויום בת קול! יוצאת מהר חורב ומכרזת ואומרת אוי להם לבריות
    מעלבונה של תורה -פרק ו,

    עיין בתולדות י"י שגם היום יוצאות! וגם נשמעת

  57. "Shelomoh Zalman, was rov of Makó." Any more info about him?

    Mako is the same as Makova / Makov.

    R' Shelomoh Zalman, who was the mechaber of the Yerios Shelomoh, was a chaver of the mechaber of the Shlosha Edrei Tzon, R' Menachem Menli (Goldstein) "Soifer" of Oshpitzin (Auschwitz), in West Galicia near Krakow. RSZU influenced him to move to Mako.

    The first wife of RSZU according to one girsa was the daughter of R' Akiva Eiger's brother, R' Bunim Eiger of Mattersdorf, according to another girsa was the daughter of a R' Yaakov Segal. His second wife was the daughter of R' Isaac Kenigsberger of Tzeilem, grandson of the Chacham Tzvi.

    RSZU was the great-grandson of R' Refoel Hagital, Chief Rabbi of Schweiz.

    There is also a Zenta connection as RSZU's eidim R' Shimon Pollock lived there.

    A grandson also named Shelomoh Zalman was the Bistritzer Rov & rosh yeshiva (niftar 1930).

    Back to the patriarch, he was a talmid of both the baal Hafoloah & R' Nosson Adler.

  58. According to Maharam Ash, vs RYBL redt vegen bas kol is the original bas kol that is recycled daily so Twist Stomp is technically correct as there is no NEW bas kol anymore

  59. Mein ich Slobodan. Bad habit of mine to refer to myself in 3rd person

  60. Twistleton Stompleton said...
    According to Maharam Ash, vs RYBL

    א פרישער דריי קאפ, א בפירישער רבי יהושע בן לוי מיט א 'תולדות' הרב מפולנאה! מיינער א זיידענ'יאס הסבר, זאגט ער, דער מיט'ן גוישען נאמען, פיטשער קאפויער

  61. Geb a kuk in Maharam Ash inavainek before you start shouting "dray kop"

  62. Interesting that the modern branch of the Ullmans were in Vac which seems generally to have been a hotbed of modern orthodox. The extended Schonfeld family of the Mizrachi movement in England & Israel and the Young Israel movement in NY come from modern orthodox Rabbi Dr. Schonfelds. in Vac, Hungary. They also control the Queens Vaad which is a modern orthodox organization employing a couple of yeshivishe figureheads for marketing purposes to the more haymish.

  63. I think this confusion about Sefardim stems from the fact that no other country in Europe had so many types of Yidden besides the former Yugoslavia. There were minhag Ashkenaz of both nusach Ashkenaz & Sfard. Real Sefardim whose ships landed on the coast in the 1400s and did not assimilate among Ashkenazim like in most parts of Europe. Minhag Italia Yidden who have been living in the area for 2100 years. And Romaniote Yidden who went directly to Yugoslavia, Macedonia & Greece 2400 years ago instead of golus Bavel.

    There is grada a Romaniote shul in lower Manhattan and a restaurant on site under their hashgocho. I would not eat or daven there as these people are generally not frum today.

  64. The kadosh RSZ Ullman hy"d was one of many Yidden murdered in Croat pogroms of the 1800s. The Slavic Croats have a long history of being bloodthirsty sonei Yisroel and were vicious Nazi collaborators during the Churban.

    The Kav Hayoshor, a mekubal who lived 400 years ago brengt fun Kadmonim that the Slavs shtam from Tzfo, who grew up with his half brother the bastard Amalek and that is why the Slavs are so viciously anti-Semitic.


  65. הקהלות 'הספרדים' שהי' באונגארן נתהוה שמטעם הממשלה התיר מתחלה רק שני קהלות נפרדות ארטעדאקסים ונעלאג'ן, ובזמן נתהוה באיזה מקומת שהיראים לא נראה להתחבר אף להארטעדאקסים משום טעמים ידועים, אז בא החרדים בהמצאה חדשה ליסד קהל ספרדים, אשר כנראה הממשלה 'והארטעדאקסים' ניחא להם בזה

  66. Slavs include Cossacks as in Tach veTat. And Ukranians, Poles, Latvians & Lithuanians as in the worst of the Nazi Collaborators. The only Nazi collaborators that were just as cruel were the Estonians who are thought to have the same Mongol yichus as the Magyar Hungarians.


  67. Read the 'yiddish civilisation' by paul kriwaczek part 2 and on, you will learn somethings about the 'jewish elite' in that areas who oppressed the 'Christian' peasants and the jewish poor equally, witch in the end created an uprising! with Khmielnitsky's massacres the cossackin leader! The so called hitler #1

    Their vicious Nazi collaboration in WWII stems from the Mufti who was chased out of israel (zionisim!, don't get me started on this) to egypt and on hitlers request stayed in germany during WWII, he organized the 'muslims' this time in the Slavic Croation areas to do their atrocities in the name of their epileptic god!

  68. I forgot the Russians. The Bielski brothers used to beat the Nazi collaborators to a pulp, yelling at them you stupid morons, just to get the Jews you are helping the Germans destroy your own country.

  69. Ignore Hochshtalper.

    The garbage he is promoting is the same self-hating Jewish propaganda that Scotty is always pushing.

    Take a look in the sefer of R' Nosson Nota Hanover how the Cossacks would take pregnant Yiddishe veiber, rip the uber out of their stomachs, put in it's place a live ketzela and sew it back up so the ketzela would claw them to death. Scotty and self-hating comrades want the world to believe this is our own fault.

    And this Hochshtalper shvantz wants you to believe that we Yidden were not nice to the rotzayech Mufti, who was the zayde of Arafat? What a crock!

    (Alfred Rosenberg was Hitler's top ideologue after Goebbels & Streicher and was the top Nazi in charge of Eastern Europe)


  70. Prof. Hochshtapler excuse my illiteracy but as i understand that polish congress as in some parts poland, the areas administrative duties was relegated to the jewish courts and agencies witch ran the many industries, inforced the laws, oppressed their inhabitants, and collected all taxes and duties! this created annomosities for the first respoder jews! who basicly ran a country within a country!

    I wonder sometimes if this wasn't a kind of proforma jewish state! witch is forbidden for jews to have because of the 3 oats! and this may have been metaphisically the underling reason of the Khmielnitsky's massacres! for transgressing the 3 oats! rc"l

    (omg please don't call me stupid.)

  71. Shmarya ben Alfred : ----

    Shmata ben shmata, how dare you call a lerned profresser deragotry names. shame on you.

  72. Let's examine why Kriwaczek (shem reshoyim yirkav) is Scott's favorite author.

    He did everything possible to bashmutz Klal Yisroel with kol minei motzee shem ra.

    He married a shiksa (in line with his bogus revisionist history that rabbonim used to sanction chasing after shiksas to be magayer lsheim znus, a favorite topic of Scott)

    He was a "journalist" with extreme anti-Semitic & anti-American views

    He was an Arabist who lived in Muslim countries most of his life which for the above two reasons made him a perfect fit for the BBC

    He was melamed zechus in that atrocious book on every hard core anti-Semite in history (the Jews deserved it!) including the Romans, the Crusaders, John Calvin, Chmielnicki & the Czars


  73. btw, how does the story with a cat in someones womb relate or refute prof. Hochshtapler presented view of history?

  74. Anti-Semitism for DummiesMonday, August 20, 2012 3:07:00 PM

    Greg, if somehow this rubbish of 1600s Jews bringing a Holocaust on themselves was their fault for being petty thieves, that must REALLY explain why the Slavs would be so barbaric & inhumane beyond description.


  75. The Wall St Journal which since 1972 has been the most pro-Semitic newspaper in history despite being owned by non-Jews is peeved by certain historical figures who they often write about. One who they despise the most is Yasser Arafat's grandfather the Mufti. They portray him as the nasty, murderous little nobody that he was.

  76. A media outlet recently interviewed both Shmarya and Avi Shafran.

    I don't agree much with Shafran but he was brilliant in the interview. He got the point across without actually saying it that Shmarya's followers are attracted to him "like flies are attracted to certain things"


  77. Oh come on Hirshel that was pretty tame to have been edited.

    Shmarya graddeh wanted to scare his sworn enemies in Chabad by telling the reporter that he packs a pistol at all times. He met the reporter while fressing in a treifenna Chinese restaurant. He told the reporter he abstains from shellfish which is useless considering that the main staple in goyish Chinese food is chazir.


  78. If the dogs bark, the stone most of hit it's target.

    סנהדרין צח, אמר רבי חמא בר חנינא אין בן דוד בא עד שתכלה מלכות הזלה מישראל ורש"י פירש שלא יהיה שום שלטנות לישראל אפילו שלטנות קלה ודלה

  79. The Rishonim on Nach say that people who behave like Scott shtam from Amalekim who infiltrated into Klal Yisroel. There is a machlokes how this works bepoyel. The Chofetz Chaim learns it is due to Amalekim sneaking out of Mitzrayim together with the 2+ million of the Erev Rav and therefore they shtam from Amalek in gufniyus mamash. R' Elchonon learns that they are gilgulim from klipei neshomos of Amalekim.

  80. Toldos Amalek : " There is a machlokes how this works bepoyel."

    I'm curious how this works to? I'm sure you're not accusing Prof. Hochshtapler as being from amalek without any scientific evidence like DNA or such, However SR z"l is more specific brings a zohar and other reshonim that zionim = Amalikem and that they are not jewish offsprings at all. I'll believe him because he was a recognized tzadig and known for speaking the truth, now matter how un comfortable it maybe.

    Now about people 'who behave like Scott' can you be more specific abiut this scotty boy?

  81. Failed Shmatta said...
    Let's examine why Kriwaczek (shem reshoyim yirkav) is Scott's favorite author.

    So would you compare them to the meshmudim herzel and nordu ?!

  82. Failed Shmatta "He married a shiksa'

    your father married who?!

  83. Hirshel, where is the "decorum"?

    A comment was made about a public figure who it is documented fact that he married a shiksa named Parsons. Google Parsons & Kriwaczek. In response to that, one reader is insulting another with insinuations of psul yichus where it is unwarranted.

  84. Regarding the Queens Vaad, ask one of the Chabad shluchim in Queens and he will tell you why he and a few heimishe & yeshivishe rabbonim and etliche yechidim in the borough (who are not oblivious) do not trust the Queens Vaad for anything. Not kashrus, not chevra kadisha. If you want to guard your neshomo it is advisable not to eat from them. This modern controlled Vaad claims a "mehadrin" standard through their token yeshivishe rabbi but it is less than OU because the Young Israel crowd will get very angry over chumros. The Vaad even caved in to the modern to allow a minyan for women to lein from a sefer Torah as reported in the papers. Rav Elyashev put out a psak against them for ripping up kivrei yesomim to resell to freye Russians. They throw the bones in the garbage, refuse to listen to the psak and terrorize anyone who publicizes it. The bizayon mesim story was covered by Jewish Interest Magazine at the urging of rabbonim outside Queens.

  85. Ms. Manners said...
    Hirshel, where is the "decorum"?

    I beg your a pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.

  86. Brisker Rov: kal vachomer, ben bno shel kal vachomer that if you are mevatel talmud Torah for kavod hamess, that are you are mevatel tzu moyche zein against bizayon hamess.

    Hirshel, would you be interesting in publishing the letter containing the psak from Rav Elyashev & the documentation that the Queens Vaad has been making millions of dollars by ripping up the 1000s of NYC kivrei yesomim from the 1800s (all located in Queens under their control) to resell to freye Russians?

  87. send it and I'll see.

    I don't like that this has become an attack on the Vaad of Queens, which seems to be your pet peeve.


    This is the letter written down by one of Rav Elyashev's "inner circle" after consulting with Maran. Rav Elyashev's grandson will verify the zayda said it.

    Follow the links at the bottom for all the evidence that was presented to Rav Elyashev leading him to issue the psak. Rabbonim say agav that he did not write in his own handwriting if something was only relevant for chutz l'Aretz

  89. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    send it and I'll see.
    I don't like that this has become an attack on the Vaad of Queens, which seems to be your pet peeve.

    Can you please list Which 'Vaad' you like to attack and Which ones you don't?!

  90. Does anyone know if there are any records from pre-war Zenta?


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