Thursday, September 20, 2012

a chicken's last supper...


  1. די ווייסקעפיגע פארשטייען זיך זייער גוט ציווישן זיך

  2. just as the belz rav did in eretz yisroel, he would not eat until his chickens were given food.

    i was told that that the skver rebbi has his own cow, to produce his own milk. but did not confirm.

    bobov did not involve in matters luke the such, as the gemarah states "if one learns, his duties are forfilled by someone else".
    bobov rebbis were known greatly by their great hasmadah.

  3. I just added this feed to my bookmarks. I have to say, I very much enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks!

  4. Eat, Drink and be Merry for Erev Yom HaQudish we DIE!!!!!!

    The Roosters and Hens may or not be Tziyonim but are most definitely Epicureans.

  5. Don't you wish your kids looked like that innocent yurshalmi boy?

  6. al haselah

    The Jewish World would look a lot healthier if we all tried emulating a street called Yeshiva Lane instead of a street call 100 Gates.

    Remmber waht the Satmar Ruv ZY"A said re the Yerushalmis:

    ווען זיי זיי זענען קלייו זענען זיי אזוי ב'חן'ט מען וויל זיי אויפעסען. ווען זיי וואקסען זיך אינטער האט מען חרטה אז מען האט זיי נישט אויפגע'עסען ווען ס'ע געווען די געלגגענהייט

  7. love the vort, BOF. I think the kid is one of Moshe (Musa) Hirsch's grandkids.

  8. At the risk of sounding like some of the real oifgiklerteh J-Bloggers I really think we need to stop this completely starry-eyed uncritical slavish adulation of all things Meah-Shearim. Like any eideh of Yidden they have many admirable beautiful things but they are hardly wart-free.

    Another good one from Satmar Ruv ZY"A re the Yerushalmis:

    א ירושלים'ער ייד שרעקט זיך פון צויי זאכען....ארבייטען און שקיעה

  9. Bray
    "ווען זיי זיי זענען קלייו זענען זיי אזוי ב'חן'ט מען וויל זיי אויפעסען. ווען זיי וואקסען זיך אינטער האט מען חרטה אז מען האט זיי נישט אויפגע'עסען ווען ס'ע געווען די געלגגענהייט"
    he did not say this one....its feminine talk...

  10. Al Haseleh
    "Don't you wish your kids looked like that innocent yurshalmi boy?"
    by Uberlander Yiden they had a strong and emes vort.Better Short Peyoth a Long time then Long Peyoth a Short time and they were 100% correct

  11. he did not say this one....its feminine talk...

    You sound L'havdil like RAK validating Rav Blaus Vatican Library Ritv"a on Bava Basra and invalidating the one we had presumed was authored by the Ritva for centuries before.

    I'm just repeating something that I heard b'shem omro. I didn't hear it from his masculine lips. But I bow my head to a maven so b'havint in his signon as to be able to shmeck ois a counterfeit from a mile away.


  12. bubev chosid said: "bobov did not involve in matters luke the such, as the gemarah states "if one learns, his duties are forfilled by someone else".

    luke the such?

    i see the english department in bobov is working overtime.

  13. Bray, yeshiva lane in baltimore is quite a chsidishe place no?

  14. I originally thought it was a Hirsch kid as well but I don't think it is.

  15. I could easily tell its a Hirsh kid, feeding the Palestinian chickens but not the Zionist ones.

    If the Eibishter was already goizer on us the Avodah Zureh of Internet and blogs, lets be mevatel said AZ by means of letzonus

  16. Yaldi hirch wear black kipas, not white

  17. Tzig... These are תולדות אהרן kids in the חצר of TA... Not hirshian...

  18. the 2 pics that I linked to now? no. They're Hirsh kids. The original one may be TA kids.

  19. Those piks are r' hirsch kids. The original pic is prop some stame yrushalmi kid.

    Hirsh's kids are cute tho! KE"H. Good lakewood stock.


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