Wednesday, September 12, 2012

an Erev Rosh Hashana appeal

Dear Friends: I do not like to bother my readers, but sometimes I cannot say no. I do not do this for myself, only to help others. I screen requests for help and make sure that no money is spent on "overhead" or "director's salaries." Every penny you'll give will go to help buy food and pay for other amenities, such as Machzorim and Talleisim. Paypal takes a few percent, but I cannot help or avoid that. Collect זכותים before the יום הדין by helping Hashem's children return. Having said that - please read the email that I received today and respond generously. In this z'chus may the Holy One, blessed be he, bless you with a good year and fulfill all your heart's desires.


"Dear Hirshel: We are arranging a Rosh Hashana for about 20 people who are not affiliated with any shul. We are renting them a home to stay in and food for the duration of yomtov; a house with 10 Bedrooms and dining and living rooms which we will use as the shul. These are holy yidelach who for various reasons have left the fold and will reconnect with your help. I am a simple Jew doing this and it has already cost me $1,000 but will need at least another $2,000 which I can hardly afford. I know that your readers have been kind and generous before and ask that you kindly post this on your choshuv'e blog so that other Yidden may have the z'chus as well.

 A ziese gebenchte yur, a ksive vechasima toiveh, nur gits far alle Yiddelach."


  1. is this thru chabad? or a stame yid doing this?

    for frei yidden or for otd ppl?

  2. May we know where this place is ? In the US , Russia,So with the multitude of Kiruv groups in the US and dozens of millionaires honored weekly in the Yated and Hamodiah and Chabad sites there is no $2000 for this work ? strange I must say

  3. we want this to be a grass-roots effort, not some "big Kiruv" operation.

  4. I hope you will allow me anonymous this time.

    I follow this blog and comment from time to time. I trust the blogger and I like the idea of a non-affiliated and non-judgemental place where these kids can have a roof and a yomtov meal and daven together.

    Yomtov is a very lonely time for people without family and I hope my $50 brings a smile to someone's face and makes a heart closer to yiddishkeit.

    כתיבה וחתימה טובה to all of you!

  5. Hirshel

    Can we get some post or pre YT pictures of the gathering?

    Also for future events, can non-OTD Jews come?


  6. I will definitely try. Non-OTDers can join only if they stay quiet all of YomTov.

  7. hirshe, you gonna be there too?

  8. bain gavra LeGrava ,Non-OTD'ers can speak , if they want to prove their wannabe OTD cred.

    Sample lines, BeRemizeh:

    "Ikh vais, Efsher is Darwin geven an Odom Gadol".
    "When Chazal said 100 Koiles , did they have an idea how long it would take"?
    "Now that the Soton is Me'Vulbel, let's party".

  9. Duty higher than kiruv?! Which chabad do you belive in?

  10. What is the duty of a Lubavitcher chassid?

  11. Bed-Stuy and Chovas HaKlal: did you make a donation yet? first tell me that you did and then we'll talk, deal?

  12. We should trust you with money!? For pidyayn shvooyim mayla, ober kiruv!?

    (All maxed out now, sorry)


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