Saturday, October 27, 2012

ש"ק י"א מרחשון הילולא של הרה"ק ר' מנחם נחום מטשערנאבל, מח"ס "מאור עינים" זצ"ל

As was published in this week's "המבשר" newspaper.

Click on the "download arrow" below the PDF and it will open the file in Adobe Reader, where you will be able to enlarge it and rotate the view so that you can read it properly. Sorry for making you work hard..............


  1. I've seen the original picture of Yochonan Rachmastrifk shown here.

  2. in the little tiny one muudy dirt roed village of belz located near the big city of lvov (lemberg) cameras pictures were like pork - treif. belz of today changed all that and his love for the camera is well known.

    new square (springvally) lived the same lie, with a different twist. they snapped pictures from left to right but for the human robots it came down as a `hakpudah`. this bluff busted and the `dee voch` ect. is every week with pictures & and when the rebbi goes away atleast 6 center fold pages of r` duvid twersky.

    the more it passes i see the great wisdom & honesty of bobov rebbi, no pictures or air filled PR, purly simple the original derech hachasidus & torah.

    that twersk picture book is a shame, like at those faces...

  3. bobov, are you from the chassidus where the previous bobover would personally call gordon from the algemeiner after every trip?

  4. yes because the bobov rebbes arent in every edition of dee voch or kol holam kulo, dancing shtik by simchas toireh and yeder mitzve tanz! if bobov rebbe decided to stop making preformances for his chassidim hed have no chassidim.

    hak nish man chanek. get off the internet.

  5. I once gave a present of a personally made sukka poster to an old Rebbe im my community. The poster had him, his two brothers, his father and father in law. all rebbes.

    This rebbe's wife walked me out and at the door told me that her husband's family dont like pictures and that his grandfather had intended to miss a child's wedding since it was over a border and he refused to get a picture for a passport. his people one day had him look out a window of his house and a hired photographer was hiding behind a bush and snapped the pic. They told the rebbe that they got him approval to cross without a passport, never realizing there was one.

  6. The two compilers of this coffee table book are of different moral calibres. One is merely misguided in participating in this picture book and its attempt to preserve lost worldsאין עושיןנפשות וגו
    The other has knowingly presented incorrect information for personal gain.

  7. Bobov Chusid
    "in the little tiny one muudy dirt roed village of belz located near the big city of lvov (lemberg) cameras pictures were like pork - treif"

    according to friedman from the old Belz Cheder,RYD of Belz stopped with the anti picture stance of his parents,

  8. "according to friedman from the old Belz Cheder,RYD of Belz stopped with the anti picture stance of his parents,"

    RYD was the embodiment of the anti-picture movement, so was SR z"l I have witnessed it my self many times.., that's the reason you rarely see a picture of SR which was not made outside the realm of his constituencies ved"l


  9. Think of it! if chasidum would of stick to the strong prohibition on pictures in their communities, The internet catastrophe.. would of never happen! ved"l


  10. There is some interesting positive philosophies on chasidig pr and pomp! in the:
    ספה"ק ליקוטי תורה מר"ר מרדכי טשענאבלער זצ"ל
    ask me nicely and i'll post it from memory only.

    which btw, skver don't print it or even learn it! don't ask why? (it mentions שובבי"ם in the first מאמר) satmar re-printed it, the sigeter was a direct desendent to, he also reprinted the shilcun urech harav for that reason.., but certainly it does not include permitting photos of humans! which was treif as chazer by most chasidim until,
    !התירו פרושים את הדבר אחר

    So it goes, One For The Money, Two For The Show, Three To Get Ready, Four To Go. bobov-belz-skever-viznitz-lubab and on.. WAY TO GO!

    (satmar/siget still denies it..)

  11. I seems that Tchernoble was a polished chassidus, like Ruzhin. How did it turn into a farchnyukde chassidus like Skver? Is it because Hungarians/Romanians joined it?

  12. that, and the fact that RYY was married and technically raised in Belz...


  13. Original Skver'e where mostly oberlander types in origin and dress, However in America a lot of belze who had no where to go to, joint skver, because the rebbe was a belzer, that's the reason there is anguish there.

  14. By the way how does the writer know

    that the photo of The Kovaler Rov (he was not rebbe in kovaler his brother in law was rebbe he was the rov) was made before he was shot by the russian soldies


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