Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A shiur from HaRav Reb Meir Greenberg, ע"ה

at the Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim in Morristown, NJ, c. 5745

A talmid of Yeshiva Torah VoDaas, Talmud Muvhak of HaGaon Reb Shlomo Heiman, Rosh Yeshiva of YTTL in Morristown, Rov of Paterson, NJ, mechaber of "shiurei Gittin" and "shiurei Mesechtos," and last, but not least, A Lubavitcher Chossid.

Photo: Chabad.org


  1. He was also AB"D of Paterson, NJ for many years, and he published the shiurim of his Rebbe R Shlomo Heiman and his own shiurim in his sefer Shiurei Gittin.

  2. Gave a monthly shuir in Morristown and would farbreng on yud tes kislev during the day (instead of the shuir)

  3. When was the Mishkan Bezalel Reb Bezalel Cohen (Shakovitzky) Rov of Paterson?

  4. well, in תשי"ח he already signed מלפנים אב"ד פטרסון...

  5. Well did I get it strait ur just trying to brag alot reacently, maybe start somtin good.

  6. Tzfater
    They dont have much goodies to talk about, so HT is kratzing his horns to find something,

  7. Replies
    1. Go ahead I would love it.
      cant wait for next post.

  8. I heard many shiuyrim from him!!! a great talmid chochim and person. He was an interesting chosid since his upbringing was so far from being a true chosid of the rebbe. But the Rebbe was Mikariv him many times and i remember the rebbes once scream out his name that that Patterson Rov .....



  9. Rav Greenberg left a great son a big talmid chochem who wrote beautiful seforim. Lives in Buffalo NY.
    The shiur is a geshmake, and I appreciate Hirshel for delivering it.

  10. Thanks for posting this shiur, Hirsh. As a former talmid of his from those years, it brings back vivid memories. Most of his oral shiurim, like his written chidushim, were based on Reb Shloyme's chidushim. He had this ethereal gaze when he gave his shiurim - looking over our heads, out the far window facing the bright sun shining through the shading trees & chirping birds.

    -- ZIY

  11. you start, Vohlin

    what part of Vohlin should we talk about?

    1. 1) magidus
      2) sovrein/tcshernobel = breslov
      3) forgoten hoifen
      4) rebishe einiklach that werent the bigest tzadikim (pls dont bring D Asaf cuz their is no bigger lier and hater like him, and he knows it the best.)
      5) progroms and basic chasidic history.

  12. He has left a son , a very eloquent fellow, a scholar, surely by lubob standards, and maybe even by olamishe standards.Yet he is a Meshichist, a broish hamedabrim meshichist.
    And that is the quandary of Chabad.Where some of the brightest and eloquent people promote the yellow view and by extension the notion that Lubab and surely Latter day Lubob is off the tracks to very different path, than the rest of yiddishkait

  13. Yehuda
    "Latter day Lubob is off the tracks to very different path, than the rest of yiddishkait"
    In my world Lubavich is already off the normative path, for 70 years.
    What is now different?
    Do you hate both the same? the Moshiachist and non Moshiachist?
    Whats the degree of hate difference? plz decipher it for the clueless readers.

  14. Vohliner
    " sovrein/tcshernobel = breslov"
    the real and the first nemesis of Breslov, was the Shpoler Ziede. Chernobel came in later in the game,

  15. Well to get it strait, Shpoler Zaide = nachmen.
    Sovrein = noson.
    Tschernobel = nachmon of tulschin v'kol hador shlishi

  16. to What chadidus did Asher Ginsberg from skver aka achad h'am family belong to?

  17. Hate Reader,
    Where did you see hate, in the mirror?
    I explained the quandary non lubavitchers have, it's not for you

  18. Bit hard to follow the audio, but I don't see any problem with Tzig identifying such people. The part that saddens me (and probably many) is how many such people would join chabad now. The last Rebbe was a magnet, a Gadol and an inspiration.
    חבל על דאבדין ולא משתכחין

    I'm sure many who might consider doing so after being inspired by his Chassidus are also put off by the yellow badged vultures occupying 770.

    It is a real shame, and causes me sadness.

  19. Yehuda
    "Where did you see hate, in the mirror?
    I explained the quandary non lubavitchers have, it's not for you"
    placing Jews who have different beliefs then you and your buddies out of the Machna, is Hate, whichevever way you slice...I would like to know what means Love by you...
    Explaing a hate dogma (in your words quandry) is hate, and no need for a mirror....


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