Tuesday, February 12, 2013

כל הכבוד לך, הרב ווייטמאן

Shliach makes Kiddush Hashem  shows how Chabad Rabbis are male chauvinist pigs by NOT shaking Brazilian Prime Minister's hand. At a HOLOCAUST Rememberance Day event! The story is picked up by the Israeli Yediot Achronot. I'm not sure which is worse, this or the Rabbi Manis Friedman fiasco. Oh! the embarrassment! When will they join the 21st century?!


  1. U R ON A ROLL with the p.r. lately
    U gotta talk to the boss at lubob headquarters 'bout a raise~!!!

  2. I know! especially with the FICA tax increase, I should definitely be getting a BIG raise! You hear that, "Lubab PR Dept.??"

  3. http://www.ravaviner.com/2012/01/shaking-hands-with-elderly-woman.html

  4. I think in Satmar they are not so machmir if it brings them money, I remember a event in Willi by a opening of some satmar clinic.A former bais yakov student female under sec.of the Carter administration was their to represent the govt., all the Satmar machers shook her hand on the dais.
    shabos was a machoa and the guy was chased out of shul.

  5. Yehupitz,
    As a Ner Yisroel grad you probably know that there is disagreement about this issue, no?

  6. Aviner shakes women, all right!

  7. Dave,
    I certainly do know.

    But that doesn't change my perception that when it is avoided, especially in public, there is a Kiddush Hashem.

  8. A kiddush Hashem of the highest order.

    Rav Lazer Silver famously declined the gloved hand of the queen of england after the war, when she was at the peak of her power/influence. A din, is a din.

    No room for compromise.

    Harry Maryles claims that there is a concept of a social kiss/peck which is just a formality bereft of any chiba. So a public handshake should for sure be muttar.

  9. Yehupitz,
    So why did you bring Rav Aviners psak?
    I do agree that there is an element of kiddush Hashem,yes.But saying someone who does give a handshake is a rosho is wrong

  10. Tibi, give us a name of the politician, a date or some reference to make your story even sound plausible.

    Otherwise, stam motzi laz on a great number of ostjuden.

  11. I think her name was Anne Wexler,but I can not remember the date, it was while Carter was president, it was by the old ODA on Rutledge street, C M Stauber, Lepold Lefkowitz, Zevi Kestenbaum were all there....

  12. Moshe Moshel
    "Harry Maryles claims that there is a concept of a social kiss/peck which is just a formality bereft of any chiba. So a public handshake should for sure be muttar."
    does the torah ignoramus Maryles quote some possek, or his crooked mind told him so. There is a teshuva of RMF thats Yehrag Veal Yavoir. I would like to know what his rebbe Reb Aron Soloviechig held, if he knows.

  13. Lotzi, where does r'moshe say a handshake is yehareg veal yaavor?


  14. Since when do we pasken by a Harry?

  15. Yosef
    I dont have reb moshes all seforim, but he prohibits it 3 to 4 times in his seforim in orech chaim by a end of a teshuva and a couple of times in Even hoezer, and if I remeber correct, he writes it infringes on Giluy Arayus.
    There are available Heterim out there, if you need them desparate,I know them all, but Reb Moshe is machmir.
    Lotzi is no posek, so consult your Rav or Maryles the biggest orthodox Am Heoretz on the worldwide web


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