Thursday, March 14, 2013

יוצרות לשה"ג מיט אידיש טייטש link

כאטש אז ביי אונז אין חב"ד זאגט מען דאס נישט איז כדאי


  1. As one who has been involved with the nascent Yiddish farm and Yiddish projects Le'Minay'hem, and Yiddish of the Yoitzros here, I have to conclude, that the Yoitzros Yiddish
    has much more of a life expectancy, much more of a Bar Kayama

  2. By Chasidim in Poland the majority did not say Yoitzrois, but the Shabos Hagodal Yoitzer some of then as Radzin did say, since it has halochas of pesach, from the Rishonim era.

  3. now I realized that the Teshuva Meahava(Flekles) writes the Pieten (Poet) did not stick 100% to halacha.
    It is strange since I recall that the Oir Zureah (rishon) wrote a biur on this Piut.

  4. The first blatt alludes to the Halakhic difficultiess of Yoitzer in general.

    All in all, a lot of research went into this, based on vast Mareh Mekoimos.

  5. Reb Charles
    I dont want to minimize this work
    but there are already 3 to 4 works on Yoitzer,with sources and commentary, this one is a first for yiddish speakers

  6. Hirshel,
    Please Take this out of your blogs mission statement, it makes you sound paranoid and immature

    "א יונגערמאן אין עולם הזה trying to do what's right. The purpose of this blog was to provide a counter opinion to the Chabad bashing that is so prevalent in blogosphere. I hope I've accomplished that objective."

  7. Don: how long have you been visiting and commenting here?

  8. Speaking of the superiority of Yiddish:

    When I was a kid in a Chasidishe shteibel , there was a Gezirah in the Vaber Shil, "Nor Yiddish".

    A few days later, one of the Boimel Pishers was overheard speaking Ingerish.

    When confronted, she replied, "Ingerish iz plain Yiddish".

    That zug, "Ingerish iz plain Yiddish", has been a mainstay in my family ever since.

  9. One more thing, I believe in Galitzye they did say Yoitzres L'Roiv

  10. Ingerish IZ plain Yiddish, otherwise how would you explain that it;s the only language that Charedim spoke outside of Yiddish...

  11. Hirshel
    I"m here from the breishis when you opened as a contra to mentalblog.
    Lately that you've toned down the rhetoric, it's time to change the blogs mission statement.Lubavitch bashing is no more prevalent than Lubavitchers bashing others, and lately it seems that it has dawned on lubavitch, that, be'etsem, nobody "hates" them, especially, if care is taken not to do unto others what you don't want done to you.

  12. ok, don

    because if you were a "newbie" I'd ask where you had the "breitkeit" to order me around like that..


  13. Reb Charles
    "One more thing, I believe in Galitzye they did say Yoitzres L'Roiv"
    you are correct on that,most Rebbes as Belz etc.. were even saying alot of torah on the piutim. I assume that the only ones in Galicia that not say was the Zidichover/Komarner school of chasidus


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