Thursday, March 14, 2013

דער סידור הבעש"ט אין די אידישע פרעסע - ("טאגבלאט") תרצ"ד


  1. My father is a Ner Israel talmid, he told me that he remembers rov ruderman zt"l daven from a sidur ari (chabad) and say kavei during the week too, he always went around with a tanye when asked y he answerd "ES HUT GROISE OISIYOS". I told my father I think he comes from a lubavitch backround he said what do u mean from both his perants sides he shtams from lubavitch dorei doros, it's said that when buchorim came to meet his sisters he was hiden nit tzu kalye machen cuz he went to litvishe yeshivos and was a otd (chabad).

  2. re R. Ruderman, a RY of mine had once wanted to become a chabader after a long story of having some gemora question and the only person who had an answer was the Lubavitcher Rebbe. (he answered on the spot and quoted 17 sources without opening a book) anyway, he told RYR this who convinced him not to.

  3. @Vohliner --

    Maybe I'm a bit slow today, but what did "groise osiyos" have to do with the Tanya? Lchoira, you may have meant re the Siddur HaAri, no?

    Please enlighten.

  4. Ben eliezer
    "Maybe I'm a bit slow today, but what did "groise osiyos" have to do with the Tanya? Lchoira, you may have meant re the Siddur HaAri, no?"
    you are slow,
    it was meant as a joke, to bug of the question...

  5. It was no joke to bug off, like hamaspik said.
    Nor was I mistakin, like ben eliezer thinks.
    He said it about sefer hatanye wich had big latters (the 1 he owned), and it has a deeper pshot too.....GROIS
    Hirshel I like the way ur staying on the side to wait and see whats gona happen.

  6. I don't have to wait and see, I know what's going to happen...

  7. There is alot of history about this sidur I think it was discused about here a while ago, or maybe I saw it somewhere alse.

  8. " azigra said...
    re R. Ruderman, a RY of mine had once wanted to become a chabader after a long story of having some gemora question and the only person who had an answer was the Lubavitcher Rebbe."

    Rav Ruderman said to him ער איז א פארצייטישע למדן on the rebbe.

    did anyone else hear this?
    I have a video in my files of someone who was present telling the story. (plus his own story with RR. but will leave that for another time. maybe I will send it to hirshel)

  9. Not to be confused with the other Sidur haBaal Shem Tov, of Shabsai Roshkov, which was on display a couple of years ago. It seemstht the sidur in Chabad possession was the Besht's main sidur that he used for many years, & that the Ssidur Shabsai Rashkov was used by the Besht only at the end of his life & not used much.

    -- ZIY

  10. The other sidur besht was hand writen and that sofer only wrote two one ashknaz for Noda B'yehuda and one sefard for the Besht.
    It was reacently auctoined for over 500k to someone in b.p.
    There is a long hishtalshus maybe I'll share another time.

  11. On display? I remember hearing that when the Lubavitcher rebbe recieved it he held it with a cloth because he didnt want to hold it it was so holy, and it was immediately put in a safe place in the library. I dont think anyone touches it if the rebbe didnt.

  12. Rav Ruderman was a real misnaged. I don't believe he said anything about Chabad. When someone mentioned to him that his ancestors were Lubavitcher chasidim he answered

    מתחילה עובדי ע"ז היו אבותינו

    Is that siddur really the Sidur Habesh't or is that another ginzei cherson.

  13. אידישע קאמעדיעSunday, March 17, 2013 2:01:00 AM

    hirshel, didnt the rebbe once refer to rabbi ruderman in the following story: there's this misnagdishe RY (the rebbe obviuoaly didnt mention his name)who went to lubavitch as a bochur and couldnt handle the pushing and the lack of "zaftige" meals, which turned him into a misnaged.. does anyone know what im talking about?


  14. אידישע קאמעדיע;

    You may mean Sichah 3 Zois Chanukah 5746. Listen to it here, at timecode 48:30:



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