Wednesday, May 22, 2013

שלום רוקח האט שוין חתונה געהאט - now back to your regularly scheduled programming...

See how it's reported on in the secular press....


  1. can please 1 of the readers explain what Belz of Today and that of old stand before... I am not getting it.

  2. I see the girls mother and the grandmother wears a shietel,
    If I am not mistaking that the offical Belz policy was that shietel is like hair, as the Divrie Chaims pesak. There are letters and Deroshas of RYD the first, that it is total prohibited. I am not getting it how the Bies Harav has no qualms with such a obvious Belz Issur (its not a Kepieda it was Osser)

  3. laddat!
    that's it? is that all that they (as you named the the bais harav) changed from their ancestors? the list is unfortunately VERY big

  4. Let's have an honest, open discussion without nastiness.
    is this grand wedding, spending millions on a one night party the right thing for any manhig of klal yisroel today?
    20 yrs ago, it made sense. at the BM of aron mordechai, the belzer was showing to the agudah and the aidah that he's not a mapil kint they can push around.
    so he made a big splash in binyanei ha'umah. the wedding a few years later can also be understood in that vein.
    But today, when everyone talks about the doichak haparnossah of chareidim, what's the point?
    he's on the map, nobody will dare pick a fight with him today, so why do this?
    wouldn't it have been classier to use his shul, make it simple, and tell his OOT chassidim to watch on video vs. spending thousands to fly in?
    I'd love a honest discussion of this without one-liners, shtechs, and putdowns of any kehilla or manhig.

  5. you want a discussion without a shtech, but your etzem shaale is a shtech for belz, just by asking you show you have a lack in "emunas tzadikim", not by me c"v but by them yes.
    unfortunately there's no answer that can be given without saying the emes, and that's gonna really shtech

  6. Lozmirup
    If chasidim want to come why you blame the Rebbe.
    Now the next step, if Chasidim come where should he make the event? you agree he has a lot of chasidim,so he has to give them a meal. I did not see no extravagance by this wedding.
    If you want to crticise him for acting like a Zulu tribesman, then ask on the Grandiose shul and the huge white palace for a person with no kids home.. on the backs of the poorest kehila from all Chasidim.

  7. Skule chosid & unknown,
    to repeat, i'm not knocking him or anyone for making a grand wedding.
    the question is, is hanging chandeliers at a custom built chuppa overboard or is this "ze kali v'anvaihu"
    of course he should have his crowd. any simcha he does will be filled with his chassidim.
    does that mean building sound stages, media centers?
    a satmar ainikel got married this week. thousands of people, mitzva tantz, etc. no media coverage, cameras are out of sight, etc.
    my point is he's on the map and not going anywhere.
    he has a large crowd, but you don't need a custom tent to fit them.

    again, i'm not knocking him ch"v, i'm wondering out loud if these type of things are way overblown, or perhaps this is the way to counteract the outside culture and lift up the chareidishe world, and your chassidim bifrat by making such a large over the top simcha.

  8. Fitting for a Romanov, not that I'm knocking him c"v (to quote luzmirup)

  9. shtreimlach, rishiner style and polish style and regular at the end of the clip

  10. lozmirup
    but I do agree with this oisbrengery of unlimited money for propaganda, which is a farbrechen! of course chssidim wqna come they could come, but supply sandwiches! don't build tents etc etc, noch dertzu when you're requesting the chssidim should make weddings according to takonos, what hypocrisy is this?
    it's well known by one of thy first rebbes in chabad maybe by the tzemach tzedek he didn't allow by the bris more then a minyan

  11. Lozmirup
    "a satmar ainikel got married this week. thousands of people, mitzva tantz, etc. no media coverage, cameras are out of sight, etc."
    the chandeliers you can get a Loews, for $70.00 a piece.
    The satmar Rebbe of KJ, was doing the first 4 to 5 weddingd with alot of pomp and circus. after that its get Business as Usual so they mainstream it.

  12. Unknown
    " don't build tents etc etc, "
    why dont build tents? its very chasidic to have a Shaiter,RYD the first,had a Shaiter in Ratzfert and in Munkach.
    Sandviches is not for Chasidishe Yiden, RUSSEL was never served in a Sandvich

  13. lozmirup
    רבי חמא בר חנינא ור' הושעיא היו מטיילין בכנסיות של לוד. אמר רבי חמא בר חנינא לרבי הושעיא: כמה ממון שיקעו אבותי כאן. אמר לו רבי אושעיא: כמה נפשות שיקעו אבותיך כאן? האם לא היו בני אדם שעסקו בתורה? (ויותר ראוי היה לתמוך בהם, מאשר לבנות בתי כנסיות).
    Chazal disagreed on the Big shul....

  14. skule chosid
    RYD had a tent, probably because he didn't have a bldg for shul, besides, there's np with tent, if you need it which is not the case here, BTW RYD was a big misnaged of PARENCHAS! was totally against getting up on even a chair or table

  15. Unknown
    the current Rebbe of Belz is a SIL of Viznitz, he liked much the Ziede the Imrie Chaim, and from there he picked up the Parenches, and made Belz in to a singing Chasidus, which it was not till the Rebbe of today transformed.
    is there a reason that RYD disliked the Parenches, I heard about this Kepieda, but never heard a reason


  17. So much hate and envy... They must do something good there..

  18. skule chosid
    it wasn't only parentches, it was even just getting up on a chair/table, I think I read many years ago the reason was because the yevonim at the sports games, they had it, like today in all stadiums, more recently I heard the reason one yid shouldn't think I'm higher than you, I don't understand this last one


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