Tuesday, July 2, 2013

עוד בענין חיטי אריזאנע

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 Here is the proof of the lying video produced by the Zali party. The guy in the clip claims to have spoken with the actual farmer. But as the NY Times reported, the farmer for Satmar wheat is named Tim Dunn [who by the way has a youtube clip [go to 0.36 seconds] clearly stating that he grows "kosher wheat for the NY community", right there for anybody to see]. But this liar choose to produce a false video to give the impression that the wheat for Satmar matzoh is grown with water irrigation after the wheat matured. See here from the beginning where he tries to show that the ripe wheat stalks bend into flooded fields, also see at the 2:00 minute mark where he shows the entry pipe where the water flows into the field from the channel.

 And here is a google map of the true actual field [miles from the false location] from where 1000's of Yiddishe Kinder will be doing the holy seder and be מקיים the holy מצוה.  The attached pictures show the dried up channel being inspected by the SR with a group of רבנים, and there it is, the קהל יטב לב seven week seal, shutting off the irrigation; thus -as a result- the parched, cracked soil is evident in countless pictures including in the NYT. The Chabad משגיחים, inspected the seal everyday! So there was absolutely no 'possibility' of mature wheat having contact with any water whatsoever! It is the height of חוצפה to spread such blatant lies specially about 1000's of yidden just to satisfy your ego. This evident lie, should shed light on the rest of the video as a piece of treif trash. It is time for people like him to think that there is a Creator, Hashem, for whom you will one day need to give דין וחשבון, yes there is a G-t in himel!

And here we have a תשובה from the גאון ר' שמעון גרינפעלד מ'סעמיהאלי בעל שו"ת מהרש"ג, where he basically says that Arizona wheat is a-OK even if it does rain once in 10 blue moons:


  1. Notice how happy the guy in the video is when it is raining. Yes! The matzos are chametz. Let's rejoice!

  2. נעבעך עליך ארוני

    אונטערשטע שורה די כשרות פון די אריזונה ווייץ איז אויסגעהאלטן דורך באקאנטע אינטערנעץ בלאגערס און בהשגחת די שרייבערקע פונעם ניו יארקער טיימס

    סך הכל סיז א מחלוקות הפוסקים צווישן דאראגער רבי אין
    דעים אינטערנעט בלאגער י"ר או י"כ בשותפות מיטן ניו יארק טיימס
    ובראשם ר"א טייטלבוים

    לדעתי וועט מען אי"ה ווייטער דערלעבען א מעכטיגע סעיל פון אריזאנע מצות און פראנט פון שומרי שבת פאר פסח תשע"ד באגלייט מיט בילדער פון ר' י"ר און אפשר נאך א פראנט פעדש אינעם טיימס ווי די גוטהארציגע ארונים טיילען מצות אויף פסח


  3. chaim
    "לדעתי וועט מען אי"ה ווייטער דערלעבען א מעכטיגע סעיל פון אריזאנע מצות און פראנט פון שומרי שבת פאר פסח תשע"ד באגלייט מיט בילדער פון ר' י"ר און אפשר נאך א פראנט פעדש אינעם טיימס ווי די גוטהארציגע ארונים טיילען מצות אויף פסח"
    wishful thinking

  4. Who is Marashag against the Doroger Ruv Zol Zien Gezunt..
    Did the Marshag know about Gevashene Eggs as the Doroger
    Was the Marshags hat brim as wide as the Doroger?

  5. As long as we eat only Matzho from Long Island, we're fine.

    As long as we are not changing anything, we know that חדש אסור מן התורה, we're perfectly fine.

    The Aroynim saying that the Vayoal Moshe also took Matzho from Arizona wheat. Yet they can't prove it was from Yuma.

  6. As long as we use only wheat from Long Island. we're perfectly fine.

    As long as don't change anything. We don't look to anything new, we're perfectly fine.

    The Aroynim claim that the Vayoal Moshe also cut wheat in Arizona from 1968 to 1972. But they can't prove that it was in Yuma, Arizona.

  7. Pupener
    "The Aroynim saying that the Vayoal Moshe also took Matzho from Arizona wheat. Yet they can't prove it was from Yuma."
    is the long island field the same field and wheat as the Vayoel Moshe took?
    Was Long Island the same Fields where the Yismach moshe, Reb Luzer Nissan, Yetev Lev/ Rav tov Kdushas Yom Tov took their wheat for matzohs?


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