Monday, November 25, 2013

Interviews with Roshei Yeshiva and askonim link


  1. When will u officially switch to slonim? If so go black not white.its not for u. The ponevezher rov asked the nesivos sholom to explain what he saw by the Divrei shmuel as a bochur. In middle of the tish shabbosthe DS asked the gabbe if the safe is locked. The PR said hehad just been so nisorer from the tish he was ready to join. up and that question turned him off. The NS explained it wasKollel felt. The PR said he
    feels terrible. The NS then said: der "Bareylom" hot ginug slonimer chairing Ober a PR hot er nor einem!

  2. Judging from ur interest in kaveshtiebl. BTW they missed the main point. The NS learnt in slonim baranavich and also heard shiurim from r elchonon hy"d. The baranevitcher were ifferent from the tverianer. In general there was a closeness to the yeshivisher olom and the Bais avrohom. R Boruch ber kissed him for a svora he said. R Chaim was a hartz freint of r Moshe midner. They asked r Chaim his deyah regarding memale mokom after the Divrei shmuels passing..

  3. R elchonon used to go listen hintern fenster to the bais avrohoms davnen and be morid dmaos.

  4. I think the slonimer tchikavkeit would get you. There's amkus and inyonim pnimiyim etc.very unique non Hungarian stuff. Plus- if you switch u could now let ur kids go to simchas bris hashoevas unsupervised..

  5. Hirshl u must admit the clip of them singing aromimcho Hashem is moshech. Moredik! Used to go shaleshudes to the NS. Brisk didn't have and it was dark in slonim plenty of food. The olom was to busy to eat. A tzibur ovdim. So we got a good meal and heard the NS Torah.

  6. Another point missed in kaveshtiebl is that all slonimer rebbes when they feered rabisteve were also chasidim of one of the big rebbes bedorom. The DS was a chosid of r dm mtchortkov. No way could the NS be that way. Interesting from the maryatz's description in kuntres umayyon it seems the DS didn't conduct himself in der fremd as the great manhig he was. A hanhogo shared by other litvishe rebbes like karlin and chabad

  7. The nesivos sholom stayed neutral in '88 nit veln Zach tzukrign nit mit rab leyzern UN nit mit Ger.

  8. Evidently he didn't feel yad hachsidim al hoelyeyno was in any jeopardy at that time...

  9. I wouldn't say that I have more interest in Slonim than in, say, Karlin

  10. Nobody has anything to say about these interviews??

    A lot of it is boilerplate. But there are some clever insights here and there, especially from RSYW, though it's no surprise that I think so.

  11. the bais avrohom was present when the brisker rov was bodek a mikveh. Sudfenly the BR hotzach gedacht he saw a small crack. He passed out. The BA remarked meint IR den AZ der gan eidn hot takke gipustivet eider der heiliger Balshmt"v iz gikumen af der velt? U recall ed Koch called himself a liberal with sanity. Seems lehavdil there's a mussag of chsidus with sanity..

  12. Get out of russia Hirshel! its bad news, theyre all becoming ingarish. come to poland!

  13. Anon
    "R elchonon used to go listen hintern fenster to the bais avrohoms davnen and be morid dmaos."
    who told you that?
    I dont buy it??

  14. Anon
    "The nesivos sholom stayed neutral in '88 nit veln Zach tzukrign nit mit rab leyzern UN nit mit Ger."
    shows little backbone....

  15. anon
    "Evidently he didn't feel yad hachsidim al hoelyeyno was in any jeopardy at that time..."
    obviously we all saw who was correct,
    The Hagoan was printed with a rehash of the machloka on Chasidim by Reb Lazerles shutub menchen,,,
    Fortunately that Eliach is smearing and trashing the names of the Unsere tzadikim, not only the AR.... then the so called Chasidim woke up to the fresh coffee...
    Now we see what deep hate was brewing in this house of shame ,its all evident in the deep crying coming out from that school, and he did not know what size to take... in my eyes he is a nobody... just with a nice pen...
    By him having and joining a war against chabad the same as the other side..
    He could not decide....

  16. I found these pearls simply by searching "Lubavitch":

    Lubavitch is different in this respect. They have no qualms at all about taking their yeshiva bochurim out and sending them out in the world in mitzva tanks and things like that.
    They do this more than anybody else to the extent that they take their bochurim out of the Bais Medrash. They yank them out and send them out in the trucks to the colleges and so on to be mekarev rechokim (bring near the distant ones). Many people disagree with this basic philosophy. While no one disagrees with the idea of keruv rechokim, in principle (I don’t think you will find any responsible ben torah -- one learned in torah -- who will cast aspersions on the idea of keruv rechokim), veahavta lerayacha kimocho (love your friend as you love yourself), it’s a question of degree. How do you measure the priorities in a given moment with respect to a given individual? That’s what it comes down to.

    (Harav Yaakov Perlow; pg. 16)

    Then I also want to say something else: I respect Lubavitch and you can’t argue with success. They’ve reached a lot of people. But I think this whole idea of a mitzvah mobile, lighting candles, this emphasis on the superficial without understanding and depth --- it cheapens the religion. I guess marketing and integrity don’t go together.
    The integrity that it took a maturity to develop doesn’t come cheap and it’s not easy to acquire. You don’t remain at the same level. You have to grow. Growth, growth, growth! The self must be committed to growth but you must do it within yourself --- by Divrei Torah (words of learning).

    (Harav Aharon Schechter; pg. 39)

  17. They must be full of hate. The idea of any intellectual opposition to Chabad is a cosmic impossibility.

  18. check out Yudel shains Blog and Rabbi Eidensohns Blog "Daas Torah" There is a Big war going on between the Fienstiens and Kotlers over a Get involving their relitives

  19. yankel,

    this opposition is not intellectual. it would have been had they gotten the facts right:

    a) in Lubavitch yeshivas the emphasis on keruv is always accompanied with a strong disclaimer against doing it during the time of "seder". It's restricted to Fridays and summer vacation.

    b) the argument of Lubavitch focusing on the superficial is an elitist view that ignores the basic premise of yiddishkeit. The Torah encourages us to engage in the said "superficial" acts of tefillin and Shabbos candles. Implying that lubavitch lacks depth is either ignorance or intellectual dishonesty.

  20. Thanks Anonymous.

    I'm sure that no one reading this blog knew about that until now.

  21. Yes the Weiss Dodelson Case it was in the New York Post BMG is Flexing their Muscels again They are Now Threatning to Shut Down Rav Reuven Feinstiens Yeshiva Because His Grandson Avrohom Meir Weiss Does Not want to Give Rav Malkiel Kotlers Cousin a Get Because He Knows as soon as He does so they will take him to ocean county Family court and Have Him Arrested and take away custody and visitation rights from his son Arye Malkiel Weiss

  22. shmuel
    "Lubavitch is different in this respect. They have no qualms at all about taking their yeshiva bochurim out and sending them out in the world in mitzva tanks and things like that.
    They do this more than anybody else to the extent that they take their bochurim out of the Bais Medrash. They yank them out and send them out in the trucks to the colleges and so on to be mekarev rechokim (bring near the distant ones). Many people disagree with this basic philosophy. While no one disagrees with the idea of keruv rechokim, in principle (I don’t think you will find any responsible ben torah -- one learned in torah -- who will cast aspersions on the idea of keruv rechokim), veahavta lerayacha kimocho (love your friend as you love yourself), it’s a question of degree. How do you measure the priorities in a given moment with respect to a given individual? That’s what it comes down to.

    (Harav Yaakov Perlow; pg. 16)"
    By Chasidim they would not call him a misnaged, since he jumps around the issue, he does not offivaly disagree, but he repeats all the lies....,But a fat piece of P..z
    I remember when he came to the Rebbe for the shiva of the rebetzin, it was very strange.....
    the Rebbe was a little irritated from him...
    His whole life he is wearing 2 hats, which irks many people,When he wrote against the Hagoan, the Misnagdim made him in to a apikores...

  23. Shmuel, you proved my point. Thank you.
    Koidenover - the rebbe was irritated! You apikores. The rebbe was infallible and did not have human emotions and foibles.


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