Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A רעדע from הגה"ח רד"מ ליברמאן שליט"א at ישיבה גדולה ליובאוויטש לונדון י"ב תמוז תשמ"ח

a little context as to וואס דא רעדט זיך און וועגן וועמען ס'רעדט זיך when we speak of HaRav Lieberman, one of Lubavitch's many, many hidden gems. Introduction by Reb Efraim (Freddy) Hager o"h of London.


  1. "one of Lubavitch's many, many hidden gems."

    I don't see how you can call him "hidden"?
    he is out there and has always been

  2. Yossel, on the last post about Rav Lieberman, you wanted more info about him because you weren't familiar. It seems he was hidden from you...

  3. Hirshel
    I think that he was once the invited speaker at a Gimel Tamuz farbrengen in BP,
    maybe I am mistaking ...

  4. "Yossel, on the last post about Rav Lieberman, you wanted more info about him because you weren't familiar. It seems he was hidden from you..."

    I asked for more biographical details about him.i knew his brother from b.p and i knew about him.

    i was just saying that a well known ruv cannot really be called "hidden", even if i don't know everything about him


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