Thursday, January 2, 2014

אין סאדיגער האט מען געפראוועט "גרויסע יום הולדת'ן" אין די משפחה

דער סקווערער רבי גלייבט אבער נישט ביז ער וועט זעהן דעם בילד


  1. I am speechless. Speechless from not knowing why discussion of a picture from a Chassidishe Rebbe's birthday party is at all significant.

    Is this supposed to somehow justify some Chabad birthday celebration? Grasping at straws here...

  2. I am not sure what this is all about. But rav Shimon Schwab also issued a statement years ago saying that birthdays be celebrated in a modest way with family and close friends.

    But all of this does not change the way most erliche Yidden looked at birthdays in Europe. They did not celebrate them and many did not even know their birthday it was not important.
    Yes of course one can point to certain events involving gedolim where their birthday was marked as a sign of honor to them like Rav Shimon Shkopf etc.

  3. Chalmers
    Speechless! wow
    don"t hyperbole it

  4. Schneur
    "But all of this does not change the way most erliche Yidden looked at birthdays in Europe."
    In Pressburgh they did celebrate the Yom Holedes, maybe celebrate is the wrong word, but it was a serious day on their calender

  5. OK, some didn´t know their birthday, but how did they know when it was time to become a Bar Mitzvah and to start keeping the Mitzvot that comes with it?

  6. Richard
    You are naive,they were checking the 2 hairs which is the real entrance to manhood in Halocha

  7. since Hitler left us only with majority of Siget Satmarer Munkacher chasidim, it became a fact that Elriche Yiden don't celebrate the Birthday.
    If things would turn out differently that Sadigurar,Boyaner,Husayatener, Chortkover Tolner radziminer chasidim would survive in big masses, then you would not be a Erilcher Yid with out the celebration

  8. To Nitra: So Rabbi Mordechai Koster at is naive and does not know the REAL Halacha?

  9. saw today in 1 of sterns books on ruzhin,that Reb Avrohom Yakov of Sadiger Tel Aviv was born on 9 Av.his father told him to celebrate the Yom Huledes on the Yom Habris (as the famous CS)


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