Wednesday, January 1, 2014

did we just witness the biggest זיוף of all time in RAK's new biography by א. סורסקי?


 היינט איז אנגעקומען צו מיינע הענט דעם נייעם בוך "אש התורה" באשריבן הג"ר אהרן קאטלער זצ"ל. אזוי בלעטערנדיג (אין חלק שני) האב איך מיר אנגעשטויסן (עמוד קעט) אין א בילד וואס האט אויסגערופן פארדאכטיגקייט. א בילד פון ר' אהרן מיטן סאטמארער רב זי"ע. א חידוש, קיינמאל נישט געזעהן דאס בילד און אייך אלע אויך נישט. דאס אז די צוויי גדולים האבן זיך געטראפן איז קיין חידוש. דאס אז דער סאטמארער רבי האט איהם מספיד געווען דאס ווייסן מיר אלע. אבער נעמען א (באקאנט) בילד וואו דער רבי נעמט אויף דעם מעיאר לינזי וואגנער ביי זיך אין שטוב, און פארטוישן דעם מעיאר מיט אט דעם אויבן דערמאנטער גדול, איז לדעתי א פארברעך. איצטער איז דער פראגע ווער איז דער זייפן. צו אהרן סורסקי צו גאר די לעיקוואודער מכון וואס האבן צוגעשטעלט די חומר, און געזעהן פארנייטיגקייט צו צוזאם שטעלן דאס בילד. די ערשטע צו וועם איך שרייב, איז צו אייך חברי מורשת (מורשת חכמי אמעריקע) וואס איז געשטעלט אויף 'אמת'ע יסודות, און פון דא וועט דאס גיין ווייטער.

. ובזה אשקיט סערת רוחי"

Read it and weep, folks. The best we can hope for is that Suresky didn't bother to vet his photos. Otherwise the business is bankrupt. We can just close up shop. I guess the need to win the approval of Satmar is what did them in. It wasn't enough that the SR admired RAK, they needed to create a picture of a supposed meeting that never happened, ala Stalin in Poland, for those of you who know that joke. Goes to show you.

The doctored picture

the original picture


  1. No doctored pictures in Lubavitch?

    Kappels? Beards? Entwined fingers?

  2. לא הזיוף או אי דיוק היחידי בספר זה, מלא וגדוש מהם, הטענה על התמונה זה לא על סורסקי מאיפה שידע שזה מזויף

    על סורסקי יש טענות אחרות בכתיבת ספר זה, החל מהקטע של המבוא נגד חב"ד ופא"י דרך זיוף סיפור אודות רב אחד שרצה להדפיס ספרים בעת השואה וכו'

    by the way they butchered up the whole hesped from SR as well

  3. its kind of ironic that they did it punkt with rak picture which officially once made his people reprint a fund raising letter which had a picture of some extra trees added cuz he said it wasn't emes

  4. Snag - your comment is ridiculous

    You sound like my 5y.o trying to explain to my wife why he cheated at the game he was playing.

    Because someone else is doing it... is a juvenile reason

  5. Please don't be mezayeff. It's Mayor Robert Wagner not Lindsey.

  6. this is serious stupidity esp in the social media generation we live in.
    someone wasn't thinking
    and snag, yes in Lubavitch people have doctored photos and it's wrong. but none of them even come close to this kind of rewriting history.

  7. All I can contribute to this story is that the joke is "Lenin in Poland", or as I heard it, "Lenin in Warsaw".

  8. there is a cassette of Satmar Ruv cursing the hell out of RAK, Did Surasky put in the transcript?
    Satmar Ruv did not really want to do the Hesped.
    The story about filling the budget is a lie,as all satmar lies.
    Did They put in the letter that RAk send to the FR thanking him for money? probably not, since its the truth, and who likes the truth?

  9. Hirshel
    its a good one, I see all the rats coming out of the woodworks

  10. This picture has been part of my collection since the mid 60s and, yes, it's Mayor Robert Wagner.

  11. "Satmar Ruv did not really want to do the Hesped."

    Chaim Burech,
    Are you calling the Satmar Ruv, echad bepeh echad belev??
    You are a skunk.

  12. Thanks Heshy you made my day.

  13. "did משפחת קטלר pull off the biggest זיוף of all time in RAK's new biography by א. סורסקי?"

    You call the photo shopping of a picture the biggest ziyuf of all time???
    Nu, nu.
    Never heard of Hitlers Diaries?

    The photo shopping of the pic is silly, who ever did it, but the basic premise that R'Aharon Kotler and The Satmer Rov were on good terms and that such pics could be taken is true.

  14. So, Tzig , you just happenned to get "your hands on" the new book, and to "stumble" on to what you thought was a doctored pic.Second volume after 179 pages.

    Tzig,it seems that those who claim you actually work for Chabad inc are on to something."Someone" apparently spent good money on a book, that for lubavs is "treif" unless it is used for propaganda/hafotzas hamaayonos.That person apparently tipped you off of the terrible "fraud"
    I hope this is not the scenario

  15. good catch. Its not like they haven't been editing women out of pictures. Also a common practice. The book could even be written about a woman.

  16. how do you know it was the kotlers?

  17. It would be more believable if they made rak come in standing and the SR sitting.

  18. Where is the RAK picture from? It looks like a chasuna. The bochur behind him is clapping his hands and RAK has a hand in the air, not a typical pose. They thought they could get it to look like a welcoming gesture, but RAK was not prone to such gestures.

  19. just to set the record straight, the זיוף can not and should not be on Suresky, this is at least 6 years old, see here:

  20. i wouldn't blame the kotlers' on this, but a bit surprised that suraski would even attempt to pass this off as real

  21. Ziyufim You are correct but if the ziyuf is done by your movement you remain quiet. You ought to read JFK's great book PROFILES IN COURAGE to see what courage is, it means going against your own party. It takes little courage to attack the other side.

  22. Now you understand why Lakewood is so against the internet.

  23. schneur

    if I would do that - i.e. attack "my movement" - what would be left for the others...

    besides, as was said here a few times, this ziyuf takes the cake, since the meeting never happened

  24. They met several times. Evidently the photographer was absent. By the 50th anniversary yortzait celebration the claim was made in the propaganda that Rav Aaron asked the Satmer rebbe to bentch his einiklach.

    I just recently threw it out.

  25. Hirshel
    shneur is hungry for a other shimmy deutsch, shimmy is a disapointment

  26. Schneur
    ", it means going against your own party."
    lets get it clear, Shimmy Deutsch did not go against his party. He went against his Rebbe Muvhak, with half baked truth.which is against halacha, according to the Rambam he has no Chelek Leolam Habo. not because the lies, even if it would be true. He did not attack some institutional corruption, he attacked his rebbe muvhak, which in a free country he has all the rights to do it ,as your JFK book claims. But dont expect he should be loved by the Chasidim of his Rebbe muvhak, and be crowned as the official biographer of his Rebbe Muvhak.
    Is Shimmy a Rebbe?
    A spiritual leader?
    Or a (chaim shaulzon type) slanderer?
    or professor in a lefty university, that is out to create dirt against orthodox Jewry?

  27. Schneur
    "Ziyufim You are correct but if the ziyuf is done by your movement you remain quiet."
    Did u see a ziyuf in the new timeline of JEM?

  28. R u guys kidding?? Soroskys publisher wanted another pic. END OF STORY, blaming the kotlers R u crazy?The rav mbrisk book is full of doctored photos.

  29. menachem

    doctoring - as in taking women - has become normal, but at least they're not creating meetings that never happened!

  30. menachem
    "The rav mbrisk book is full of doctored photos"

    I'm aware of one "doctored" photo (the family photo with Rebb. Lifshe cropped out, as Tzig was likely alluding to.)

    What other doctored photos are in Harav Mibrisk? "full of" would imply that you could name a few pretty easily...

  31. הלויה של הרה"ג אפריים גרינבלט זצ"ל יצא משמגר בשעה 10:45 היום ערב שבת קודש פרשת בא

    Rabbi Rfraim Greenblatt from Memphis T N

  32. Rav Grunblatt, was a talmid of Reb Moshe, received alot of answers.
    I think he was a shochet in TN

  33. Ish Halachah
    Is it ok to doctor pictures of the Rayaatz and remove BG and the Rashag from them ?
    Is it acceptable to doctor sichos of the Rayaatz removing mention of his only grandson from them?
    Why not criticize these practices as well as the book about R. Kotler. A wrong is wrong if done by YU, by Chabad or by Lakewood.What I still wait for (and that will be the yemos haMashiach ) is when a Lubavitcher chasid will admit that his movement or some rabbi in it has made a mistake.
    It seems that not only is the Rebbe not capable of making a mistake but anyone who eats the Lubavitcher kashe IS ALSO INFALLIABLE Whats in that kasha anyway ? There is excellent Russian kasha for sale in NY much better than the stuff you purchase in a store.

  34. Shneur, you are getting old, grumpy and burned out.

  35. schneur
    "Is it acceptable to doctor sichos of the Rayaatz removing mention of his only grandson from them?"
    Unfortunately Lubavitcher print too much that should of been censored, but for certain chabad bashers its not enough yet.
    Is there a mention in Viznitz of of the Shavas Yisroel other dauther?
    Is there a mention in Viznitz of the Imrie Chaims other daughter?
    Is there a Mention in Belz of all the daughters and daughter in laws and son in law ?
    As Chazal say Ute Kerochle Eilech Veumnie, should I get up like a Bilaam and count all garbage in every Rebishe family?
    but in chabad they are quite open on 99%, of all family members.
    But If I remember well that in the Likutie Diburim that they did print and reprint by Kehos, there is alot of mention of the Einikel, Is your problem that they did not write on him in the footnote Admor Reb Berie shlita?

  36. schneur
    "It seems that not only is the Rebbe not capable of making a mistake"
    Is this only in chabad? Does satmar agree ever on a mistake of Reb Yoelish? Do the Brisker ever admit ever that Brisker Ruv ever made a mistake?
    Why are you throwing it constantly in to chabad?

  37. You guys need a Refuah. You are HAPPY or CONTENT when you find that OTHERS have engaged in Ziyuf? What about calling EACH spade a spade. If only we didn't have such an Olom HaSheker, aided and abetted by "Gedolim" who tell us what parts of people's lives we can and can't read about. Feh.

    Tell it like it is/was. NOBODY goes off the derech because of EMES. They go off the Derech because of SHEKER.

  38. המבזה ת"ח נקראFriday, January 10, 2014 2:38:00 AM

    Pitz putz, are you being mevaze gedolim? Dreck what you are.

  39. Excuse me!!!!
    I have had my run ins with Balbin, but the previous post is waaaaay beyond anything remotely civil. don't scare away decent, intelligent posters

  40. Shea
    I'm sure that intelligent readers like yourself won't be scared away by a rare comment - like once every 3 months - from Dr. Balbain, even if it is a bit harsh....

  41. Heshy, u mistake what I meant
    I was not referring to ,balbins comment

    I meant the nitwit who attacked balbin in the very uncouth manner

  42. The previous comment was, shea


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