Friday, February 21, 2014

stuff for כ"א אדר

Meet the Oelbaums, proud descendants of the R"R Meilech

Meet Rabbi Moshe Pinchus Weisblum, בא"ב

A niggun of the Rebbe Reb Meilech that was sung in Klimovitch, White Russia by Chassidei Chabad and recorded by Reb Shmerel Feldman, ע"ה. Recorded here by a kid with a great voice.


  1. the kid is dudi hertz

    it is from this cd

  2. זייער שיין

    וכו' וכו' כהנה וכהנה

  3. I once heard a tape of Reb Osher Zelig Margulies singing a song of der Rebbe Reb Meilech, coudld be this one. I think ubelechtecha baderech sold it. He also sang a song that he claims the Yidden sang when going through the Yam Suf. (I guess he didn't watch 'the prince pf egypt' where they have a different song.)

  4. Yankel
    Lipa had a song of reb usher zelig on his Leila tape


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