Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש בעי"ת ברינוא, תש"מ - פרסום ראשון

These great pictures were taken by Aviv Itzhaky back in 1980 who maintains the copyright. It is with his kind permission that we feature these pictures. The great figures that built Brunoy were still there. Reb Yossel Goldberg, Reb Nissen Nemenov, etc. The great influx of Sefardic Jews into the Chabad system was also well underway, as is evident from some in the pictures. Reb Itche Nemenov, son of Reb Nissen, born in 5708, was apparently some kind of rebbi/mashgiach in the Yeshiva.

Photos © Aviv Itzhaky

הגה"ח ר' יוסף גאלדבערג ע"ה - ראש הישיבה

ר' איטשע נעמענאוו - לינקס

הגה"ח ר' הלל (הילקע) פעווזנער ע"ה

באמצע, מוסתר בחלקו, הגה"ח ר' יוסף גאלדבערג ע"ה - ראש הישיבה 

ממראות הישיבה

More about The Rosh Yeshiva, the Gaon Reb Yosef Goldberg


  1. Can it really be R' Itche? He was then married for about 10 years and would've had a fuller beard and older look..
    Maybe a relative instead?

  2. 8 years

    his beard isn't very full today...

    I think it's him

  3. When I see these pics, it makes me sad. Look at chabad then, and look what it has become.
    Torah, Chasidus, the way it was once is history now. Now its all about shilichus starting at 7 years old, PR, Jewbellish types, OTD's, and BT's (very lost ones). Manis Friedman (aka. the kosher Shmuly Boteach) is considered an old time chasid (!).
    Hardcore Chasidus in chabad today consists of doing some English Tanya and sprinkling your life with some farbrengins and "mashke".
    There was a time that some chabadskers knew a Rabi Akiva Eiger or two. And the ones that didn't, at least knew that such a thing existed.
    Sorry, say Im wrong - and your in fantasy land.

  4. it is not Itche Nemanov. It is a bochur from Manchester

  5. great pictures + great figures + great influx = really, really, really great!

  6. The photographer thanks you, from Paris with love.

  7. Hirshel,
    I know that in your heart you know Hyman is 100% right and the question for YOU is not when will you learn rather when will you be able to be honest about Chabad.
    If I"m not mistaken you"ve already had a run in with Hyman before,no?
    Fwiw, R'Hillel Pewzner was a gaon, but I believe he aligned himself with the nutty meshichists as does his son who took over in Paris.The son put together a pamphlet where he took all the crazy things other groups have allegedly done, such as a great rebbe saying that it is permissible to bow down to the image of a tzadik chas vesholom, in order to show that chabad and the meshichists are mainstream.
    Please correct me if I"m wrong on R'Hillel

  8. BH, boroparker, I have kids in Chabad who I am not one iota embarrassed of in front of any of their cousins in any Yeshivos. They BH outshine all of them in learning, yiras shomayim and middos tovos.

    Is there a negative element? Yes. but BH the others are not far behind, and they have no excuse, they built VERY high and thick walls. We opened the gates.

  9. Reb Hillel's son is also a gaon haGeonim and his sefer is not how you categorized it. So please.

  10. Hirshel,
    I said that R'Hillel was a gaon, u ADDED gaon hageonim for his son which is a clear case of kol hamoisef gorea.I also see you did not touch the hot potato meshichist affiliation.
    Also, I wish you lots of nachas from your kids,who I"m sure as eyniklach of a gaon, have a headstart on others.I do wonder what you"ll do if one of them gets the meshichist brainwashing.It's also sad that Lubavitcher kids do not know any Yiddish.I know you canbe a wonderful personwithout knowing mameh loshon, but still it's a bit sad

  11. HT said: "Is there a negative element? Yes."
    That's like saying that there is a negative element in todays one time frum community of Cincinnati, that's mostly conservative today.

  12. or like saying that all of the thousands of mechunochim of Litvishe yeshivos that amount to little are not really our problem. Only the Mir and Lakewood and Brisk is Yeshivish. Except when it comes to money.

  13. Oh, so you don't hate? You just say they amount to little.
    And why do they amount to little? Because they don't..... or ......?

  14. they amount to little in the eyes of their educators. They're bland baaleibatim who just go through life waiting for the next sale on flights to Florida or some other similar non-event. You know what I mean.

  15. Actually I don't know what you mean. You are projecting onto their educators what you think of them. I don't know them, neither do I know what they are waiting for. I also may not have your criteria for a non-event. Maybe monthly 'chogos' of jail releases is a non-event? Maybe conventions of shluchim finally emerging from hibernation to hear applause from an outsider (funny the outsider is always less religious. Do you think there is a reason for that?) for the wonderful work done by the organization?
    Or maybe they are people who are a little overwhelmed with life, people who wish they had something higher to aim for, people who look with nostalgia at their Yeshiva years and wish someone would think to help elevate their Yiddishkeit, maybe wondering if they have to give up Shemiras Shabbos for the do-gooders to actually care.
    Remember ישראל אף על פי שלא חטא ישראל הוא

  16. ok, I guess in your world most yeshivos trumpet the fact that their talmidim are doctors, lawyers and such? plumbers, accountants? electricians?

    In what world do you live in?

    or do they speak of the bnei torah they created?

    no need to knock shluchim, thank you. We all know they do it for the kovod...

  17. They are more proud of the Talmidei Chachomim than they are of those that are not Talmidei Chachomim. Because their goal was to educate people to be Talmidei Chachomim. It is not a binary system. Either yes or no.
    I never said anything about the motivations of the shluchim. I am just not sure that any major percentage of them are actually accomplishing anything. When we constantly hear about the seder in Nepal and the centers in LA and the kashrus system in Bangok and the chanukah lighting in Washington DC, one wonders what is happening in the other places. I learnt in the Yeshiva of South Fallsburg and the local Chabad Shaliach was AWOL. He davened in Yeshiva and otherwise was nowhere to be found. And don't try and tell me he kept his activities secret. That is not the MO of Chabad. Rabbi Chanowitz of Monticello was constantly in people's faces. I am not sure he was successful, at least anything close to the local day school, but nobody tries to hide anything in Chabad and the LR did not believe that people should.

  18. HT nice way of deflecting my original point onto an issue that has no relevance to anything that was pointed out - about the sad state of Chabad (and the sadly bleak future of children that attend they're schools, aahum).

    Not everyone's brains is made out of marshmallows.
    But truth be told your comments are an eye opener on why people cant get out of Chabad. (aside for the obvious primary reason: PRIDE.)

  19. Iv'e read all these comments, and it sounds like these writters are very מגושם, who at the same time think very highly of themselves. If torah and mitzvos, the aibershter and chasidus, is whats bothering you, DO SOMETHING! If not, at least don't complain. You guys write like you like chabad of the 1980's , but not of today. I have news for you -chabad for you is up to yourself! Chasidus is the same if not more, and theres 'nothing' to leave. Either way, hirshel, don't be apologetic to these guys, because theres nothing to apologize for. This guy is upset that chabad has so many balei teshuva - that sounds like the ס'מ himself!

  20. I am no longer happy with my photos, look what they brought you to...well; I am not a Chabadnik, so...


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