Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hershel Taub's Bar Mitzvah

Hershel Taub's Bar Mitzvah in Vancouver, 1950
The passing of Hershel Taub, son of Reb Shaul Yedidye of Modzitz (d.1947)
Hershel was a young child of ten when his father passed away. Rabbi Ginsberg married the ex-Modzitzer Rebbetzin, daughter of Reb Yechezkel of Ozherov, brother of Reb Yisroel of Modzitz, who then moved to Vancouver. She was not married to the Modzitzer when he passed away. Notice how the Rebbetzin spoke at the Bar Mitzvah as well! She passed away in 5727

Rabbi Ginsberg. Source
More on Modzitz (Yiddish)


  1. Buttoned right over left
    ווי סדארף צו זיין

  2. Where the parents divorced?
    You seem to be saying that.
    Any pics of R'Hershel as an adult?

  3. divorced. yes. It seems like Reb Shaul Yedidye was married some 4-5 times...

  4. געתי מצאת תאמין, מדובר בבנו של ר' שאול ידיד' אליעזר טאוב ממאדזיץ האמרי שאול, כאמור לעיל ר' שאול ידידי' נשא ד' פעמים והוליד בנים ובנות, אחד מהם היתה הרבנית ברכה אסתר בת (אחיו?) ר' יחזקאל מאוזרוב (ב"ר ישראל ממאדזיץ - כן נראה לי) כנראה שהם התגרשו ושהיא נישאה בזוו"ש עם רב בשם גינזבורג ועברו לגור לעיר ווענקובער בקאנאדא, עם בנה צבי הירש.

    Sorry, R'Hirshel, i just checked your link to ivelt(great site isn't it? btw, Miller from Scranton, who is the author of this comment, is it a real person or a screen name? i always enjoy his comments because he knows a lot)

  5. the modzitzer rebbe of flatbush, taub, of east 7 st, formally maged shiur in tora vodaas, is a grandson of r'shaul yedidya?

  6. great site for history, not for politik. screen name. MAJOR yadan and good guy.

  7. OK, Screen name.Was surprised that someone like that would be from Scranton (but u never know).For some reason he comes across as not being chasidish or at least from a regular yeshiva backround, but i havent been of the site enough, just followed from time to time in the last few years

  8. R'Leib BAKST from Detroit has a son in flatbush who is married to a taub eynikel.The legendary baal menagen r'ben tzion shenker davens in the "other" modzitz on ConeY iSland ave, that is affilated with the rebbe in eretz yisroel

  9. "no yeshivishe guy has such knowledge"
    Since we are dealing with an unusual individual, the regular rules don't apply.i just felt he did not get a chasidic education because of his english and style of writing .
    btw, there is a fellow, his name is katzman who has unbelievable yedios and is also from a regular yeshiva,(writes sometimes in yeshurun)

  10. does Katzman have Yedios in the Chassidishe world too?

  11. Hershel Z"l davened in the Coney Island Ave Shtieble when he was in Flatbush for Shabbos.

    BTW, Rav Shaul Z"tl - whose 67th Yahrzeit is this coming Sunday night, was married to his niece - Hershels mother - when he was Niftar.

  12. Anonymous5:17, thanks for clearing it up
    i don't why the poster on ivelt thought they were divorced, as i triedto point out the rebbe was nifter in 1947 when hershel was 10 years old.his bar mitzvah was in 1950


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