Sunday, November 9, 2014

מרים גיטל האלענדער-הלברשטאם'ס לעצטע ווערטער

Source:Kedem Auctions

Miriam Gittel הי"ד  was a daughter of RYSS Hollander-Erlich. Her mother's father was Reb Naftoli Tzvi Unger, son-in-law of Reb Moishe Halberstam, son oif Reb Burech Gorlitzer, son of the Divrei Chaim. She, her parents, and 7 siblings were caught and sent to Auschwitz, where they perished. I cannot tell you if this was her own writing or not, or if it was written for her to say. In any case it's heart-wrenching, to say the very least. Below is a video clip of her sister Toby Bash's testimony to Yad Vashem - with a surprise ending...

יחוס משפחת אונגאר מבארדיוב


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