Friday, November 7, 2014

Shloimo'le did תשובה after all...

Shabbos is Shlomo's 20th Yohrtzeit.

An Excerpt from "The Real Shlomo" from JEP Press, by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin

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  1. you so nicely describe who was instrumental in Shlomo doing tseuva,

    How about describing who was at fault that the 2 big Geoinem
    Shloma Carlbach
    Shloma Zalmen schecter
    became Balei Aveira ?

  2. אדם מועד לעולם

    אין אפוטרופוס לעריות

    by the way, stop using Tzemach's name

  3. אדם מועד לעולם does not apply to this. It means something else completely. However, everyone does have a yetzer hora and he should not be singled out more than anyone else.

  4. Shlomo was in Manchester in Cheshavn 1994 he was there for a concert. after the concert he went to the Rabbi the Holy Law Shul's Home where there was a small farbrengen. at the farbrengen a bochur nudged him to say L'chaim, at first he didn't, saying he wasn't feeling well, but in the end he agreed and said L'chaim. He passed away 2 Days later.

  5. If this story is true (which I doubt, knowing Dalfin's reliability as an "author"), it's a disgusting story. If I we're this "Yosef Weinberg," I would be ashamed of myself, not proud

  6. I am not sure what Shlomo did so bad? After all these years, not one person has even made an accusation against him of doing something serious. So he hugged women. Big deal. It is wrong, but that does not make a ba'al aveira out of him. Sure, if he were to make himself into a holy jew with eye-rolling and tznius assifos, it would prove him a hypocrite. But that was not him. He just brought his love and peace to mankind.
    He was not that great that he has to be pulled down.

  7. Read on Wikipedia about what he did. Many woman had stories of sexual abuse...

  8. Yankel
    you are correct, and Yossel Wienberg, had no right to embarrass him in public. Multiple Achronim claim that embarrassing someone in public, is Yeherag Veal Yavoir like Retzicha.
    All accusations(wienberg only heard rechilas as all of us) that were swirling around Shloma did not halachically put him in the camp of Einoi Oiseh Maseh he had no right to be Malbin Ponev BeRabim

  9. posek haBor and yankel,

    maybe learn a little before pontificating (and of course, with no sources you could say boich svaras from today to tomorrow convincing yourself that you're a lamdan).

    see Shulchan Aruch siman Taf Raish Ches (or Zayin, I don't have it in front of me, at work) and nos'ei keilim where they write that there is a chiyuv m'cha'a b'rabim if the aveira was done b'rabim.

  10. Anon
    "Shulchan Aruch siman Taf Raish Ches (or Zayin, I don't have it in front of me, at work)"
    OC? YD? CM? EH?
    is it in midst of the sin, or 6 months afterwards....
    Is it when you see it? or based on some website rechilus?

  11. The issue is chilul hashem that he did

  12. anon
    who did?
    Shlomele? or Wienberg?

  13. Anon
    "posek haBor "
    which Bor, do you mean, of hilchas mikvoas? or Bor Bershus Harabim?
    How do you know that I am pro on this sugyas?

  14. Tzig.

    No book reviw on Gelbman's new novel אביר הרועים??

  15. Posek HaBor,

    It's in O"CH, hilchos Yom Kippur.

  16. Anon
    Stop writing
    you have reading capabilities at all

  17. Shlomo Carlebach manager blasts Dalfin storyWednesday, November 12, 2014 10:00:00 PM

    Rabbi Sammy Intrator, Shlomo's manager, and later successor at the Carlebach Shul, blasted this tale on Zev Brenner's Talkline radio program earlier this evening. He said that as related by Dalfin it is a total fabrication, that could not have happened as written.

    Maybe a recording of the program segment will be made available by Talkline. Otherwise I guess they can furnish more info.

  18. Sammy's been pretty irrelevant for like 18 years. Who makes him the final authority?

  19. Carlebach manager blasts Dalfin storyThursday, November 13, 2014 1:27:00 PM

    Get the recording from Zev Brenner. Email Zev and listen to it. He was closely involved with Shlomo at the time it allegedly happened. Much more than Dalfin (if Dalfin had any shaychus then at all), that's for sure.

  20. yes, but Dalfin doesn't say he was involved with Shlomo then. He just says that he heard the story recently. Does Intrator know every story that EVER happened with Shlomo? Puh-leez.

  21. Sammy said Shlomo was sick then, he didn't go to Boro Park on the way to the airport (BP is not on the route to LGA), he wouldn't have been able to make the flight as the story was told, and so on.

    Zev Brenner quizzed him, if you want to know his position, listen to the recording.

    I would think that Shlomo's manager is pretty knowledgable about him.

    Direct your comments and questions to him or Zev. I am not his spokesman, just reporting what I heard on radio. I think it is noteworthy that Sammy came out so strong against it.

  22. Not surprised that the story was debunked. If Dalfin is the source, you could assume that its fabricated

  23. Ah, the Teshuva concert in Brooklyn College. I remember it well. Separate seating.

    There was a slideshow that presented the album covers as the melodies were played...

    Then Shlomo appeared. I remember feeling bad for him that the hall was sparsely populated.

    I always wonder, if more people had come and shown Shlomo that we appreciated his Teshuva, would have been reciprocated...


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