Thursday, November 6, 2014

Yated Ne'eman: A visit with Sholom Mordechai haLevi Rubashkin

See Here


  1. Hirshel
    I still will not make peace with the jews of MO camp that had a hand in burying this Tzadik... live in a grave...
    Let them eat now Freundel....

  2. Yes, plenty of Jews have bloody hands, heimeshe Yidden too not just MOs. But it wasn't Freundel, it was Herzfled, also from Washington, who lent his voice and publicity loving nature to the cause

  3. Mimcho,
    I'm sure I'll never understand why people have to make R' SMR into a tzaddik. He's a guy, no better and no worse than most, and it's a very sad parsha -- but the Mahara"m MiRottenberg, he is not.
    There seems to be a warped need for some people to farheilig the man, just because he got a bad deal. Seriously, is the story less sad, even if he's not a tzaddik?

  4. He could have made a Plea bargain, pleaded guilty and got 10-12 years and saved the yidden millions of $$ in donations...


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