Thursday, December 25, 2014

אבד חסיד - הסופר החסידי הרה"ח ר' יהושע מונדשיין ע"ה

רבני חב"ד ואנ"ש ליוו את הרב מונדשיין למנוחות
תמים לנצח: הרב זלמן גופין נפרד מידידו הרב יהושע מונדשיין ע"ה
הרשד"ב לוין: הרבי הוקיר את ספריו ומאמריו באופן יוצא מהכלל
"הרב בלוי מספיד: "כשרון עצום להפצת המעיינות
"בדרך להלוויתו של חברי ר' יהושע" ● מאמר פרידה
קאווע שטיבל: החוקר האגדי הרב יהושע מונדשיין


  1. He was the only one left to fight the snag dogs as Eliach and Kamanetzky...
    Mi Yiten Loni Temurosoi

  2. Sad news. I'm proud to say that a few months ago I corresponded with him & an interesting thing happened.I corrected an old error of his but got paid back by making my own mistake in my message that he corrected.

    Lichvod hachoker verharav hagadol- Yehoshua Mondeshein (Lebanon) Shalom

    Ani Lo yachol lichtov eleicha me'hapelephon sheli be'evrit,
    ve'lachen katavti be'Anglit. I'm Jacob D----- from Brooklyn NY. I was
    reading your ma'amar (from over 30 years ago) on R'Chaim Lieberman in "Alei Sefer" 6,7. It's very special ma'amar on an adam gadol ad meod & I enjoyed reading it very much (me'od neheneti).I would like to correct a small mistake. You were writing about R'Moshe Rivkind & what he wrote in his sefer "Ashkavta de'Rebbe" regarding R'Chaim. In the notes you've written that R'Rivkin is Rosh Yeshiva in Telz yeshiva of Brooklyn. I believe that's a mistake because he was Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaath, not Telz.

    Todah Rabah,

    And his response

    Thank you very much.
    But not Rivkind, Rivkin!

  3. What Mondshein wrote in Iggeres Leyedid does more damage to Chassidus than all that Elyach wrote! (Chassidim don't care about the letter of the law; only about the spirit etc.)

  4. He was the only one left to fight the meshichisten and other Lubab kooks that did more damage to Chabad than any snag could have done.

  5. Kovner
    Did people leave Chasidus because of that?
    He had a strong point, even though I dont think the Alte Rebbe held that point, but Chasidus original had that view....
    you could argue that he should of not printed....

  6. he was the only one to fight the Kamanetzkies within chabad וד"ל

    you may add this to your anthology:

  7. " snag dogs as Eliach and Kamanetzky"
    This gets thru without censoring??
    Than you talk about sinah?
    You may need help
    "Oh ,it's just the opinion of one poster"
    Yet, when I asked you why Chasidishe boys from Boro Park,Williamsburg,Monsey,London etc are all going to The Mir and Brisk and NOT to 770, which you would believe,reading this blog,at least, is the last bastion and real citadel of Torah, especially Toras Hachasidus, you won't even let the question thru......
    This blog is just a propaganda machine .No interest in actual discussion

  8. Tzig,
    What happened to this website? A controversial figure like Mondshine should have elicited typical strong pro/con Lubavitch comments.(See what's going on at the Otzar hachochma forum.)

  9. It's a loss for the misnagdim, not chassidim!!

  10. Curious George
    "This blog is just a propaganda machine .No interest in actual discussion"
    you are the only one that saves the day for the Blog, please dont leave

  11. Kovner

    what happened? look around and see what happened!

  12. I have to to thank Heshy for the Mundshine links.
    I have to admit that I thought he was another run of the mill Lubavitcher apologist and "historian", but he sure was not!
    He was courageous and able to admit to the truth.He was also able to stand up to Lubavitcher apologists and all them out, including the highest ranking.
    Yes he was a very passionate chosid and that must"ve colored his objectivity somewhat but it seems that ultimately truth is what he wanted to know.
    His iggeres on the state of Lubavitch before gimmel tammuz(i hate this euphemism, but i don't want this comment censored)is striking in its courage and foresight!
    Last but not least he was honest enough,to admit that the "Chersoner Genizah" was a poor forgery
    See here :

  13. A relevant rant:

    A few years ago, there was an important article published on for Purim, in the style of "academics" and "researchers" למיניהם (pardon the pun on the word מין), challenging the story of Purim.

    It was only last year that I discovered that there are חכמים בעיניהם who "celebrate Purim" but "know, of course" that the story didn't happen (although they are not saying that it is impossible that it happened, and it is quite fascinating how familiar the writer of the "Book of Esther" was with Persian language and culture)!

  14. Hirshel
    no other group outside of chabad has the brietkiet to analyze to criticize their own , from the sipurim to shitas as chabad,
    Did in satmar anyone come up with a article on the lies of Gelbman, or the new series of 5 volumes of lies on Reb Moshe Titelbaum of Siget satmar. A 6x4 index cards would be too much on this person , now they are up to 5 volumes, and he is only to his Bris... nobody has the backbone to take upon this lies upon lies, in a Kehila were denying chasidic stories is on there masthead, the baal Veyoel Moshe's motto operandi was to deny and slash every story.
    Chabad haters will never have enough meat,their lust for chabad blood is immense...
    Mondshine did not go enough for them....

  15. Eliakh and Kamenetzky are indeed dogs, or worse.

    They are like the David Irving of the Jewish world.

    Kamenetzky turned the filthy Avigdor into a gaon and saint with zero evidence for a single religious accomplishment, simply because he tried to murder the baal hatanya.

    Both Eliakh and Kamenetzky believe that every litvish story is true, and that every chasidic story is a lie. They deny that misnagdim victimized chasidim, all while intimating they'd wish the misnagdim would have 'finished the job'.

    If they could go back in time, they would absolutely join Avigdor in attempting to purge the world of chasidim.


  16. Yipl,
    You are an idiot.
    And a dangerous hater.
    There should be laws against stupid people like you

  17. We see here the phoniness of the 'Ahavat Yisrael' of the Hasidim, with the hate they spew at those who disagree with them. Their 'love' is like that of Christian missionaries. When they meet someone that rejects their wares, the 'love' turns to hate. The same thing with the Hasidim.

    G-d bless Rav Eliach, Kamenetsky, and others who say the truth.

  18. Are you saying its better to hate even someone that isnt against you?


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