Wednesday, June 10, 2015

On Yom Kippur 5710 they made an appeal for the Joint/UJA in גרויס בעסמעדרעש in Satmar

Apparently they were told that the appeal was for the Joint, not UJA. That kashered it. Satmar received lots of help from the Joint in the early years of settling in America, as did many others. Including Lubavitch, of course. Many Jews received apartments and weekly stipends from the Joint. I guess this was a way of showing appreciation? UJA was treyf, I assume, because it was Zionist/Reform/Neolog. But the Joint was basically the same treyf, so go figure. Hard to tell when the appeal took place, before Kol Nidrei? after Shachris?


  1. Most satmarer chasidim were still in the DP camps/ Europe, under the Klauzenburger ruvs leadership
    the Satmarer on the list
    are Moskowitz Fiesh father in law of Manfred
    Itzkovitz of the grocery/food distributor, who was rosh hakohol who was fired....

    shavach satmar..

  2. THE Rov is not the one that makes Satmar? it's the Bacsis that came later that made Satamr?

    1. חיים ליבערמאןWednesday, June 10, 2015 8:31:00 PM

      א הירש א צוג און א פערד אין איין שטאל

  3. with apologies to David Letterman
    Top Reasons this isn't an issue
    must be different Joel Teitelbaum
    even if it's the real Joel Teitelbaum he was soft on Zionism until Shoproner set him straight
    the Joint made up this letter to make hoizek of Sakmar
    somebody had a dream
    Sakmar Ruv had his reasons and he went through the inyan before deciding
    ok because Reform are anti Zionist
    and the number one reason .... it's Satan's fault

  4. reb hersh. fyi 500 Bedford was still the klein bessmedresh

  5. JJJ,

    At what point did the Shoproner "set him straight"?

  6. he was soft as a pretzel, no tongue or cheek always smiling, he would say good morning's to everyone including woman and children .

  7. the "good morning's" would be news if he was a graduate of Satmar cheder.
    maybe the german universitat refined him

    1. "maybe the german universitat refined him"

      maybe, But for sure not it wasn't AJ

  8. goto moralees garbology that's your cesspool dumb it there.

  9. recycled bin said...
    goto moralees garbology that's your cesspool dumb it there.

    google translate couldn't detect the language the above was written in

    so I googled it

  10. Being that in the eyes of satmar, the uja is mamosh אביזרייהו דעבודה זרה,
    Therefore, the only explanation is
    הכסף מטהר ממזרים.
    In last weeks der yid they described someone who was recently niftar as from the top satmare chasidim in boro pk. The picture was of someone in a suit and tie and bent down hat, and barely a partial beard. Now there is no doubt in my mind that this man was a good jew, but he definitely wasn't the type of guy, that they would allow by the omud at 150 Rodney st. But when there is money the rules change.


    1. are you suggesting that the Joint who "took " money from satmar is tainted and not pure? or your hate is pure since you havn't taken nothing from satmer .

      sounds like a belza תנועה'לע

    2. "he definitely wasn't the type of guy, that they would allow by the omud"

      but he was the type to honor him at his funeral, and putting him to rest בקבר ישראל regardless .

  11. "הכסף מטהר ממזרים"

    is that what dad told you?


  12. הפסוק אמר ודרשת וחקרת ושאלת היטב, שצריך להיות שבע חקירות ודרישות, ואומרים שאף אחר הז' דרישות וחקירות, צריך עוד להיות -והנה אמת הדבר

    אין בכוחי לבער הקוצים הסובבים השושנה העליונה הנקרא אינטערנע"ט סעטילייט"ס!. אני מכריז ומודעה התפללתי כמו ארבעים שנה אצל אדמו"ר ז"ל ואף פעם לא נעשתה התועבה הזאת!

    ופעם הכריז אדמו"ר ז"ל אצל דרשות כל נדרי: שמי שחושב במחשבתו שהבורא כ"ע מסכים למדינה זו קודם ביאת המשיח ילכו מכאן, ואני מוכן להתפלל אף ביחידות! וזו אף שהבי"ד אמר ג"פ אנו מתירין להתפלל עם העבריינים !!!

  13. so hirshel, any advance on your investigation when the appeal was before or after shacrut? or was that added just for another twist with your knife .


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