Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Revelations about the Belzer Rov, his time in Hungary, and what the טיילונג proponents may not want you to know about שטטוס קוו

Box.com link

Box.com link


  1. its a forgery by the neo belz

  2. Please explain us the Teilung invented by lubawitch, how the Ein Soif Burich Hu has condensly chaneled himself thru Unique Seven Generations ubGetiled from the rest of the jews

  3. it's along the lines of how ein sof BH is channeled through members of the "datetrees" in Marmures, backwoods Rumania

  4. How could it be that talmidim of the Ksav Sofer where rasbbonim in Statu quo kehillos?

  5. בדרך כלל היו אומרים שהרבנים שכיהנו בקהילות לא אורתודקסיות "האבען נישט געהאט קיין דורות".
    והנה לפנינו גם הרב בערנפעלד וגם הרב קרויס היו להם בנים תלמידי חכמים שכיהנו ברבנות.
    והרי זה פלא.

    1. "הרי זה פלא"

      לכן הנני יוסף להפליא את העם הזה הפלא ופלא ואבדדה חכמת חכמיו ובינת נבניו תסתתר


  6. הזוהמה הצפון בבעלז מפעפע ויוצא כהרגלו, ועולם כמנהגו נוהג

  7. From what I've heard from people who came from Ungarn, many of the Status Quo Kehillos were in fact chareidish, but some new guy wanted a job. That's how the Katz family became "Sederheler Rav", because the father of RCL and RUA (read: new nussach sefard faux Viener) came into town where Rab Yehuda Aszod's son was the official Rav. Chareidi as can be. But he needed a shteller, so he made an upteilungs Kehillah and a machlokes...

  8. I think Belz (or Belza?) did a tremendous disservice for themselves by printing this article. Why does everyone have to know all this!!!???

  9. Hunky
    " Hunky said...
    How could it be that talmidim of the Ksav Sofer where rasbbonim in Statu quo kehillos?"
    go learn History
    a lot of talmidim of the chasam sofer and ksav sofer took jobs or stayed on their jobs in the Neolog and status quo Kehilas
    Get your self the big segfer on Kinstlicher, and look careful on the list, you will see the figures yourself

  10. A B
    "ut some new guy wanted a job. That's how the Katz family became "Sederheler Rav", because the father of RCL and RUA"
    you have no idea what you are talking about
    I smell a hidden agenda on the the katz family
    #1 its not there father, it was there grand father,
    #2 there was a orthodox kehila with a orthodox Ruv, Rav wienberger a semi munkacher chusid Reb Usher anshel was rav for the chasidim...and had a huge size yeshiva..

  11. Fact Checker,
    I am very surprised by your writing, because if so what is this talk all the time of "derech of the Talmidie haChasam Sofer"! Wasn't Rav Bernfeld and Kraus also Talmidei haChasam Sofer?!
    Something's wrong here.
    I wish somebody can make seder here, so the facts and the shita should meet.

  12. Simple Yid
    You ever heard that for parnosah you do anything,
    the neologs were the offical kehilah in all cities, with deep pockets , and they paid well.
    Not everyone was ready to give up his lucrative pay. because some former yeshivah friends sanctioned them..
    Its very simple even for a simle yid.
    Just for the record the chasam sofer did not do the tielung...


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