Saturday, July 18, 2015

the levaya of HaRav Reb Yosef Nechemia Kornitzer, אב"ד קראקא יצ"ו, 1933

There's a picture of the Rov under a chuppa waiting to greet the Polish President. I guess the chuppa is for the sifrei torah that were brought out? The Baaleibatim are mostly of the unbearded top hat wearing variety. I wonder about the position of Rov in Krakow at that point in time, like who considered him their Rov. I mean no disrespect, c"v. I'm just asking, historically. A city like that, where most people were chassidim of certain Chassidishe Rebbes, who considered him their Rov? Kind of like Boro Park or Monsey of today. Or even Bnei Brak, for that matter. Did they all go to him with their shayles? to sell their chometz? Was the position a רב מטעם kind of position? And were these baaleibatim of the modern variety? The sheine yidden whose observance was questionable at best?

Just wondering.


  1. For the levaya, it looks like the chasdishe oilem came.

    From what I've read about smaller towns (I'm thinking of Sanz and Oshpitsin specifcally), the rov himself was chasidish and appointed by the majority chasidish kehila. His official seat was in the main shul which was nusach Ashkenaz, but the rov only davened there on special occasions such as shabbos hagodol.

    I guess the politics in a large city such as Krakow might have been different, though.

  2. "And were these baaleibatim of the modern variety"

    the modern jewish cities are segregated by desing different neighborhoods, and mobility i.e. travel, phone, web. in those times the rav and kehilas where final even by the gov. so all persons in the 'mosaic' had to not by choice always (no option of escaping to another jurisdiction) had to comply with their judgements.

    look into responses written in that time by some of these gedoli olem and you will get a feel of the issues in the mosaic how it was, their state of mind! and how they reacted to their challenges .

  3. post the mentioned picture

    nechzi anan...


    דקקצד יןצןדי ךםםלןמע אם צקץץ

  5. Always interesting to see hats of varying hues, as opposed to pictures of yesterday's levaya in Lakewood.

    1. lakewood had a makeover to a theme park like community, trying to imitate by looks bnei brak without the gedolim stink (yet) .

  6. Mechutan with the Rebbe Mahrash His son R Mendel married his daughter bezivug rishon

    1. anonymous, weren't you named at birth, are you shamed of yor name? no name is worse than a bad name.

  7. באנק קוועטשערMonday, July 20, 2015 8:40:00 PM

    שלעפט אפיער אפאר גדולים אנ שום פארוואס פארווען, ווארפט זיי ארויס צו מלקלקם אין לייגט זיך דערנאך צו זיך אפריען פון די עבודה קשה, חילך לכולל

  8. sauna rabbi and mikva rabbiTuesday, July 21, 2015 6:31:00 AM

    I have read that the CC asked that no one without a beard should carry his mita, yet the picture shows all carrying his mita were without beards, what a cutzpah.

  9. דקקצד יןצןדי ךםםלןמע אם צקץץ

    harry not, it's דצ"ך עד"ש באח"ב


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