Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Please help Jews Upstate in a farm פראווע פסח

10 Jews live in a farm upstate, sort of in an impoverished condition. For Pesach we don't really plan to do anything but we're thinking perhaps some Jews want to help us celebrate Pesachף so here it is: We are 10 people, We need wine, matzos, chicken, vegetables, two boxes of oranges, box of onions, potatoes, beets, grape juice, etcetera etcetera --- some meat for cholent on Shabbos would also be okay. Paper goods, silver foil, plastic cutlery, and those big brown sheets of paper. This is under the auspices of Isaac Schoenfeld and can be corroborated with the editor Hirshel Tzig. God bless you all have a great healthy and Kosher Pesach and thank you for providing us with a seder.

donate via paypal to: neveler@gmail.com


  1. GoFundMe’s crowdfunding platform is a great, effective way to raise money, Kosher Passover to all.



  2. A Haven for the Doubtful - ‘City of Refuge' !


  3. I went yom tov shopping yesterday in front of me at the check-out there was a lady who paid $850. for her tow (she had a maid helping her schlep), but she bought only one 1lb. box of hand made "shmura matzos" for $28.99 Now what's that all about?

  4. so will they have all the animals from the plague in the farm? that may be an hilarious Seder, let's see if they make a film.. any donator's? 🏆

  5. Levels of Tzedakah according the Rambam:

    Giving begrudgingly.

    Giving less that you should, but giving it cheerfully.

    Giving after being asked.

    Giving before being asked.

    Giving when you do not know the recipient's identity, but the recipient knows your identity.

    Giving when you know the recipient's identity, but the recipient doesn't know your identity.

    Giving when neither party knows the other's identity.

    Enabling the recipient to become "self-reliant".

    Jews, who are only about 2% of the American population, are 30% of America's most generous donors!. unfortunately the distribution of there charities are not according the Rambam to say the least.

  6. For immediate yom tov assistant in up state NY you may call:

    845.774.3279 tomche shabos
    845.783.1146 tzorchai shabos
    845.774.4443 KY food distribution center
    845.782.7680 project F.A.N.
    718.875.0969 ezer lmozon

    There are many more kosher relief services in the tri state area, check your local directory.

  7. Over $2,300 was given through Hirsheltzig.com thanks to all and a big big yasher koiach to one special anonymous yid we will be able to have a seder.

    I will take pictures of the farm and preparations for the seder and I guess it will be posted after Yom tov.

    1. נישמעינה מן הדא כתבו על "קרן הצבי" וגדרו וחתמו ונתנו לה כשר. -ירושלמי עירובין א ז

  8. Don't send your kids to study in Israel.!

    17,000 Israelis have left the ultra-Orthodox world.
    1,300 or 10% (OTD) is now predicted annually.*

    52.5 million dollars, allocated to programs geared at bridging the educational gap for Haredim interested in academic studies. But Israelis who left the ultra-Orthodox world (OTD) fall between the cracks, ineligible for most of the programs.

    Moshe Shenfeld, who abandoned his religious lifestyle and established "Out for Change" said: “I’m 100 percent sure that the ex-Haredi phenomenon is too significant to be ignored.”

    *figure is from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics

  9. borscht mut kartofil belly.Sunday, April 16, 2017 10:25:00 AM

    hey guys how was the ma nishtana menu? get ready for the matzo kneidluch & chramzluch, you haven't ate nothing yet..

    🐟🍷🍹☕🍧🍟🍕🍗🍌🍎🍊🍇🍉🍐🍒 K for P

  10. פייוויל פון פייפטאוןFriday, April 21, 2017 5:41:00 PM

    ישראל קדושים הם נתבעים ונותנים, נתבעים למשכן ונותנים, נתבעים לעגל ונותנים. -שקלים ב

  11. Thanks y'all!!!!
    We had 12 people at the the first two sedorim!
    We had enough of everything and bought enough food for the whole 8 days.
    Meat, wine, grape juice, fish, chicken, meat, everything.
    A specials thanks to the one holy anonymous donor who sent a big donation.
    It was beautiful.
    We still have chicken left.
    Tizke limitzvos.
    If any of the donors wish to visit the farm for a private tour contact the editor and we can arrange something.
    We are near Woodbourne.

  12. פסח ף Pesachף

    חמור, לגור בארץ באנו כי אין מרעה "לצאן" אשר לעבדך - רעה "צאן" עבדיך גם אנחנו גם אבותינו. התיש יש לו זקן כמו ר' אלעזר בן עזרי' בהגדה, או כרב לאזאר מ'מוסקבה, לא כן החמור שיש לו רק קרניים


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