Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Hasidim by Vincent R. Tortora (1972)


  1. Vincent R. Vincent R. Tortora, 78, of Summer St. in the Plantsville section of Southington died Thursday, (January 29, 2004).

    He served his country in World War II as a pilot in the US Army Air Corps and the US Air Force Reserve. He served with the Southington Fire Dept. Co. 5, was a communicant of St. Thomas Church, and was an avid golfer. 

    Funeral services will be held on Tues., Feb. 3, at 9 a.m. from the Plantsville Memorial Funeral Home, 975 S. Main St., Plantsville, with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Church, Southington. Burial with Military Honors will follow in St. Thomas Cemetery. 

  2. Those were the last days of Lubavitch being a heimishe chassidus...

  3. The different groups and denominations within the "St Thomas Christians" together form the Nasrani people. 

    The Nasrani preserved the original rituals of the early Jewish Christians, such as covering their heads while in worship. Their ritual services (liturgy) was and still is called the Qurbana (also spelled Kurbana), which is derived from the Hebrew Korban meaning "Sacrifice." Their ritual service was held on Saturdays in the tradition of the Jewish Sabbath. The Nasrani Qurbana was sung in the Suryani (Syriac) and Aramaic languages. They also believed that it was the Romans who killed Jesus because, historically, Jesus was crucified; the official form of execution of the Jews was typically stoning to death, while the official form of execution of the Roman was  crucifixion.
    The architecture of the early, St Thomas Christian church, reflected a blend of Jewish and Kerala styles.

    1. Jewish and "kerula" syyle, way to go to salvatiom

  4. Correct,the youth couldn't find meaning in popular culture. But the answer is Chabad ? Only Chabad ? What about all the other streams of Yiddishkeit ? They don't count apparently. Chabad has hijacked Judaism for itself.

    1. "chabad has hijacked Judaism for itself."

      How so?

    2. You don't see how ? They are not mekarev frei'eh people to Judaism. Instead they immediately introduce them to Chabad. I met enought "mekuravim" of chabad who barely knew the fundemetals of Judaism, but were well versed in Chassidic philosophy.

  5. If CHaBa"D wouldn't claim to be what Hashem wants they wouldn't be CHaBaD. So yes "only Chabad".

  6. Old Timer
    "What about all the other streams of Yiddishkeit ? They don't count apparently. Chabad has hijacked Judaism for itself."
    Does Aish send to chabad????
    stop the hate....

  7. Does Satmar send to Lubavitch ? Does Belz ? Lubavitch isolated themselves decades ago from everyone else, including all other chassidus as well as non chassidim . This is what the Rebbe wanted by design. ( even the Lubavitcher Chassidim will tell you this. And they believe this is what the Rebbe wanted. )

    So please don't ketch about aish hatorah .

    And either way you missed the point. Chabad approaches innocent irreligious yidden who don't know the first thing of hashem and the torah, mitzvos and klal Yisrael and introduced them to Lubavitch and chassidus under the veneer of kiruv to Judaism, instead of introducing them to basics . No other kiruv organizations do that. They start with the basics .

  8. Reb yoshe, I'm sure this one you like its very heimishe.


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