Sunday, October 30, 2005


It seems like Tzemach only cares about his own feelings. Now he speaks of a young lady who has lost her way, and revels in the pain of her parents and community. Here I thought that he was upset that they didn't let him daven for the Omud on his father's Yahrtzeit, and that's why he left Lubavitch. Classy, very Classy.....


  1. You done with your one sided loshon horah against R'Goldwasser?
    Oh, I forgot, you are allowed one sided loshon horah against MENAGDIM!

  2. Tzemach is a lost neshoma so he is very happy to find other neshomas who may be as lost as he is. Misery loves company.

  3. Putz'ele
    the difference is that if Goldwasser's daughter would "frei" out I wouldn't write about it. if he's gonna steal a Yid's story I will.

  4. And,you obviously KNOW who is right,right???
    Tzigs one man Beis Din.
    An example of Chabasker justice.
    R'LifShitz has a dispute with R'Goldwaser,TAKE IT TO BETH DIN!!!
    but our resident Chabadsker obviously sides with the Chabadsker side with out any investigation and besmirches a rov.
    Pure unadulterated hate

  5. ht, i was given a reasonable level of intellegence....i really can't undderstand your print or media or any other presentation, yeshivish half sentences and understood alusions to things don't translate to communication...

  6. The stories of disaffected teens are always high scorers in the sensationalism category, but I find them fairly boring. Curly oxide (discusses on your site) was a little more interesting, but I don't see what the big deal is.
    We celebrate the disaffected secularist who becomes frum, we get mad at the little girl who is mad at G-d.(of which there is no shortage - take this one, for example:
    Teenage years are a volatile time in life, in any culture. So what? Why do we get all excited about this stuff? Zog a Kapitel Tehlim, un gegangen veiter.

  7. I also don't thik TA is reveling in the pain of her family, rather he is a member of the counter-culture.

  8. Tzig is jealous that a Russian ba'al teshuva gets many,many more readers and comments to his blog, while Tzig preaches TO his dumb, cultish choir.No wonder nobody is interested

  9. Tzig's site is also two years behind his alter-ego.

  10. baffled
    maybe G-d wasn't as generous with me. Maybe I was given less intelligence, do I know?

    1)I did go to Yeshivah
    2) I have very little time for review and editing. Maybe you'd be interested in a job?

  11. Tzig also has a life, whereas TA, well.....

  12. These children do not have it easy at all, and until someone walks in their shoes he/she should not judge. The attraction to the secular world is greater there than in the FFb world and is more easily attainable.

  13. ht,
    its not that you went to yeshiva that many posts are unclear but rather, its your assumptions that everyone understands many critical elements of the post and what motivates your response. I'm suggesting that you look to identify the lowest common denominator elements of the story, get rid of all the extra words..and then make a nice tight presentation....hatzlocha...

  14. constructive criticism, I like that. Thanks. I'll try.

  15. Tzig, I've been following the dialogue over there and can only call it one thing, heartbreaking. The fact that people will give this girl "credit" for "helping" wayward teens, and religious people at that, is a tragedy.

  16. One thing's being left out here. The book is full of Williamsburg dropouts too, they're just whatever enough to hide their true identities. If they'd the moral support like MS has from her grandparents they'd be gone forever too.


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