Sunday, August 21, 2011

?וואס באדייט דאס


The truth is I have no idea what this picture means, or I have no clear idea, rather. I'm not sure what I mean to say by posting it either. I was just struck by the oddity of it. The picture was taken in the Sun Coast of Spain, by a concert that was sponsored and organized by the local Chabad Shliach. Lipa was there, as well as other Israeli singers; I think Haim Israel was one of them. Here's a kid on vacation with his parents. They dressed him to the nines, with a very fancy, shmancy cap to top it off. They didn't hide his peyos behind his ears, which some people do when they go intervegens with their children, which shows me that they're not necessarily ashamed of it, although those that do put up the peyos aren't ashamed either. They're just more comfortable that way. All of these factors and facts make for a very confusing picture. Which made me ask the question that I did...


  1. דאז איז דער all american יענקי


  3. ...and yo asking whats wrong with Mojars? See the above image-aza a shaiyner yngele-yoyy

  4. mistame a ruzhiner einikel

  5. Bobov Chusid, did they have franks on buns all dressed in mudddy Belz or in claasy Bobov? Did they have Timberland tee shirts or caps with tartans like Payne Stewart?

    The founder of Timberland was Nathan Swartz and was not a "Mojar".

    "The Swartz family has an iron grip on the firm. Although Timberland has been a public company since 1987 and has a market value of $1.1bn on Wall Street, Swartz has the majority of voting shares. His grandfather, a cobbler named Nathan Swartz who moved to the US from a town near Chernobyl, established the business by buying a half share in a Massachusetts enterprise, the Abington Shoe Company, in 1952."

  6. the chiluk between satmar and lubavitcher the satmarer mothers shop at gap kids for their kids , the lubavitcher men shop for themselves at gap men

  7. Dos badayt a sheineme vort in engelisz voz men ruft : acculturation.

  8. New religion

  9. Leider leider,the right definition is acculturation, but the question is which culture are we seeing modified here, the american or the chasidish......

  10. Is the kid wearing tzitzis?

  11. it is Nuvel beRshus haTorah, at its worse, and nobody is as good at it as the Magyers

  12. Yoy! the kid looks exactly like me 57 years ago (shorter payos) . I did have a cap like that but nisht azaane shaine hoizen. ich hub gehat hoizen traager, and my pants were 1 size fits from 7-13 years old... hand downs. yup! those were the good old days in willi.

  13. Hirshel, my boy, that's "dressed to the nines", not knives

  14. i cannot judge from a single picture, without knowing the facts behind this picture.

    but let me tell - belz of today keeps on boosting the old "yoshvim" of the tiny primtive town of belz. (yoshvim were the poorest of people who were given kashe to eat, wore drags, and slept on the floor of the "hachnuses orchim shteibel") these yoshvim were looked upon as a rebbi in their own right (ever saw a picture of house were belz rav lived?)

    now to the point, the children of these "yoshvim" looked 100 time worse then the boy of this picture, 90 percent went off the derech. clean shaven, ect ect ect.

    one cannot compare this to the glory and holy derech of bobov, yes even with the sports in the camps, bobov does wats right, therefore no history of grandchildren ect. of bobov slipped even slightly.

  15. Bobover one track minded idiot.

    You speak of Yoshvim kids who are clean shaven.

    Well I know a certain Rebbe who was shy of a beard for quite a long time.

  16. and holy derech of bobov...

    Right- for example the BOBOV beach boys of 1990's-THAT'S HOLY

  17. Bobov Chosid
    "but let me tell - belz of today keeps on boosting the old "yoshvim" of the tiny primtive town of belz. (yoshvim were the poorest of people who were given kashe to eat, wore drags, and slept on the floor of the "hachnuses orchim shteibel") these yoshvim were looked upon as a rebbi in their own right (ever saw a picture of house were belz rav lived?)

    now to the point, the children of these "yoshvim" looked 100 time worse then the boy of this picture, 90 percent went off the derech. clean shaven, ect ect ect."
    Do you believe in Chazal Yoa anyaiso Leyisroel,
    Ask Nuchem Mier German the only Talmud Chochem in Bobev what Chazal meant.

  18. Bobov chusid
    "therefore no history of grandchildren ect. of bobov slipped even slightly."
    I saw last week in the catskils a guy total frie for 40 years who learned in Bobov Crown heights, he learned in Bobov Cheder and Bobover Yeshivah.

  19. bobov,

    you are doing more damage to bobov than helping, it sometimes wiser to be quiet, and this belz stuff you keep brining up does not make matters better just the opposite.

  20. Bobov

    No one would have had any problem if Reb Shlomele of Bobov z"l would have been clean shaven until the end of his days. One can not be judgmental on the people who went through hell.
    But to have you spewing hatred on the heilge Yoshvim while your Rebbe was beardless as late as 1947 in Budapest, Bucharest, and Bari, is the epitome of hypocrisy. And to hear all the revisionism about askunus etc. Its funny that the Klauzenburger z""l managed to accomplish what he did while wearing his Viser zoken. so please cut the crap

    And before I forget I am sure Martin Shlaff (Google him) must have made Bobov really proud when a Bobov product like him married r"l a shiksa. Buddy. no one is immune from ill winds, be it Ger, Belz, or even Bobov.

  21. pictures of a boy like this is common, its only not published like this one here.

  22. BOBOV,
    How about BObov beach boys in 1990's?
    Just wondering....


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