Sunday, February 19, 2012

"הרב החוטף" back in the news

Remember when he was a cause de celebre' not so long ago?

MKR1 Dyokan 757 Yfat


  1. Just in time for Peerim - the only Admou"r who is a bigger kanoi than the Admou"r meCreedmoor!

    Hell-brentz represents no one and nothing.

  2. All this extreme cannibals are first applauded, then the monster comes back to eat you,
    Reb Refoel Blum the old Rabbi Kashau a big tzadik and talmid chochem, but went overdrive to rip apart every institution in Yiddishkiet after the war. He and his sons were leading a war on society, they considered them selves smarter and holier then all Gedolie yisroel in their own ungarischer closeknit group as the Satnmar Ruv, Tzelemer ruv. Pupar Ruv etc...
    It was obvious that they should be full fledge behind that Lunatic Helbrans, since he was on the same page with them on multiple hashkofa matters.
    But all turned sour when Helbranses charisma worked to infiltrate in the Blum family, 2 family members were inducted in the cult, they divorced and got some teens from the cult to marry them
    The Kashauer Ruv starting writing condemnation letters against the holy Helbrans...
    So the question is, why is Helbrans a hero figure for masterminding the abduction of Shai( the abducted boy)or Gertner der Milcheger for Shuchmacher, but no good your own grand kids,
    Old questions that bothers me for years

  3. Der Shygetz:"Hell-brentz represents no one and nothing"

    Accept that he made many real BT's his followers! and the zionim רודפּ'ן him unend for that! I wonder why lubab is מותר in the eyes of the zionim ?

  4. anon 12:21, "Old questions that bothers me for years"

    The same question you may ask on thousand's BT's in lubab that got taken away from 'their families' who didn't agree to that either, why the bias?!

  5. Anon
    "The same question you may ask on thousand's BT's in lubab"
    so if you a question, ask it... Hirshel gives u a platform..where is Lubavich in this discussion...

  6. Anon
    "Accept that he made many real BT's his followers"
    you say many,
    how may people live in the Canadian Koresh(Helbrantz) compound?

  7. anon 1:27, "how may people live in the Canadian Koresh(Helbrantz) compound?"

    If lubab wouldn't התחבר to zionisim and would of stay loyal to their prior rebbes שיטות against ציונים, מזרחי, אגודה than 770 would of be a coresh compound to.

  8. this kookoo never met a looney he didn't love!

    MB Beck, YD Weiss, Helbranz, and the list goes on

    is Elior Chen innocent too?

  9. Hirshel Tzig
    "MB Beck,"
    talking of Beck, I heard that he has a son living in Kiryath Tosh that went OTD with a small group of members from the most extreme families in Tosh and Montreal...

  10. "Glenn Beck is his son?!"
    Glenn is not a atheist and not a Sonai Yisroel..

  11. הירשל ציג : "this kookoo never met a looney he didn't love!"

    Tzig being a lubab, has more to worry than kookoo's comments, However he finds it easier to bash everyone, like satmar, skver, wiznitz, belz, litvakis on and on, so he doesn't have to face lubab's reality, keep on the good work.

  12. Tzig: "is Elior Chen innocent too?"

    Sorry i never heared of this name before, But I do know personally MB Beck, Hellbrand, The 2 brothers Philip they are all ת"ח ויר"ש באמת, All they do is purvey what their rebbe SR Z'l said! However I must add That their "delivery system" of the message is odd!, But anytime as sane as the luba אפרוחים staying on the corner waiting for פו"י to put on tfilin or shake-a-lulav!

  13. helbranz was a פו"י ציוני as a child too, can he still be a Tzaddik?

  14. Tzig: "helbranz was a פו"י ציוני as a child too, can he still be a Tzaddik?"

    Of corse, he is a genuine BT! strange for a lubab to ask such a question!

  15. so why can't we take more פו"י and put tefillin on them and make them genuine BTs just like the Tzaddik Helbranz!

    we need more genuine Tzaddikim!

  16. Tzig: "so why can't we take more פו"י and put tefillin on them "

    טענו את בעירכם

  17. Anon
    "But anytime as sane as the luba אפרוחים staying on the corner waiting for פו"י to put on tfilin or shake-a-lulav!"
    is all Ziku mitzvohs a Joke? or only when chabadniks do it?

  18. Anon
    "Of corse, he is a genuine BT! strange for a lubab to ask such a question!"
    I usually hear from my satmar friends the chazal that apikorsim got to die...
    I guess unless he turns into a satmarer then he is exempt.

  19. most baalei tshuva are good, but oy va'avoy when they start making tzures ;when they become spokesmen for ya'hadus hachreidus ,vd"l

  20. anon: 6:20 "vd"l

    דלותי ולי יהושיע

  21. The Peerim crew really came out in swing full force for this one. I guess birds of a feather flock together.

    Perennial NK nudnick elter kocker Ahron Cohen was back in Teheran last week. He's too old and shaky to do milah anymore, so he went there to take FGM and amputation lessons in order to make a shtickel gelt from his fellow Muslims in Manchester.

  22. Tzig 4:31, "so why can't we take more פו"י and put tefillin on them and make them genuine BTs"

    לאו כל אצבעות שוות

  23. Der Shygetz said: “elter kocker Ahron Cohen was back in Teheran last week. He's too old and shaky to do milah anymore, so he went there to take FGM and amputation lessons in order to make a shtickel gelt “

    When the The Three Stooges (elter kocker’s בלע"ז) Sheik Kiwan Mohamad /Chief Metzger/Lord Sacks, The modern Axes of Evil perhaps, meet up in Rome with Yosele Ratzinger on none other night than on “Kristallnacht” forgiving the murderers pope (at least by association), who joint by his free will the infamous “Hitler Youth group” or when this official rabbi לץ lord sacks looks in this particular popes eyes and declares “(our) Soul touched soul across the boundaries of faith, and there was a blessed moment of healing” עפ"ל Did it bother you enough to declare this three alta kocker’s as the axes of evil?! Or the only cocker Title in your demented mined is Rabbi Ahron Cohen from Neturei Karta who is trying to prevent a modern day המן not c”v to hurt any yiden in the way of יעקב אבינו

    יעקב אבינו רצה ללמדנו איך להתנהג בגולה כשנצטרך
    להשתחוות ולהכנע תחת זרים, הורה לנו להתכונן
    הן לתפלה ולדורון והן למלחמה, אף אם יהי בידינו להלחם כמו שהי' בידיו של יעקב לא לנו למהר לשפך דם! ננסה נא דרכי נעם ושלום אז אולי נצליח יותר

  24. demented mined is Rabbi Ahron Cohen from Neturei Karta who is trying to prevent a modern day המן not c”v to hurt any yiden in the way of יעקב אבינו

    LOL it really is almost Peerim!

    (That is not to say that Sacks and Metzger are not just rabbonim mi-taam.)

  25. Actually I think shaky old Cohen the Muslim Mohel should perform whatever surgery is necessary to remove the latest tumor from Hugo Chavez's worthless body.

  26. der shygetz: "(That is not to say that Sacks and Metzger are not just rabbonim mi-taam.)"

    So let's hear your venoum on these yutze's

  27. der sygatz: "(That is not to say that Sacks and Metzger are not just rabbonim mi-taam.)"

    So was goren a rav mi-taam, which you have the audacity to elevate him high 100 miles into the sky!

    כ"א, אם בין כוכבים שים קנך משם אורידך

  28. Personally, I consider Goren beneath contempt because of the mamzerim issue. He was a blowhard (pun intended). I did not read the post about him here because he is of as much interest to me as "Cardinal" Lustiger is.

    Sacks and Metzger are jobnikim who do not create a chilul Hashem the way Ahron Cohen and company do. They just do what they are paid to do by their masters.

    Cohen, Weiss etc are sick little men who look for attention the way the village idiot did in Chelm of old.

  29. Der Shygetz: "Sacks and Metzger are jobnikim who do not create a chilul Hashem the way Ahron Cohen and company do"

    and why not? why are they permitted to talk to real murderers!? because the getting paid? So have the medina pay cohen & weiss to and they will become קנאים-מטעם
    אין שלום על ישראל

  30. Der Shagetz
    "I did not read the post about him here because he is of as much interest to me as "Cardinal" Lustiger is."
    I thought you are only a shagetz, now I see you are a tipesh too..
    Kama Gedolim Divrie Chachominie Ein Odum Chote .... Ruach shtus

  31. anon 1:15, "Kama Gedolim Divrie Chachominie Ein Odum Chote .... Ruach shtus"

    Who is the אדם here?

  32. ר' משה בער בעק שליט"א

    האלט נישט פון דער קליפה האלבעראנץ

  33. anon 8:07, ר' משה בער בעק שליט"א
    האלט נישט פון דער קליפה האלבעראנץ

    אבער איך אנאנימעס האלט יא (אביסל) פון איהם


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