Thursday, June 20, 2013

לא אותי בלבד גאל הקב"ה בי"ב תמוז, כי אם גם את כל מחבבי תורתנו הקדושה, שומרי מצווה, וגם את אשר בשם ישראל יכונה

מדברי כ"ק רבינו מהריי"צ זצוקללה"ה

Photo: Avner Institute

  85 years since י"ב תמוז


  1. A few years later Hitler and Stalin killed millions of Jews.
    Where was the hatzola for "every jew"?
    Wishful thinking

  2. in batei ungarin do they only rent to yidn mit yerushalmi levush ?

  3. No one can take away the mesirus nefesh that the Rayatz had for yidishkait in russia. He should be meiltz yosher on all of us!

  4. dan said...

    A few years later Hitler and Stalin killed millions of Jews.
    Where was the hatzola for "every jew"?
    Wishful thinking
    so with you thinking.
    nobody should ever celebrate?

  5. Why dont Chabad Chasidim where an Uphat and learn Torah oif an EMES Like the Friediger Rebbe

  6. Anon
    "Why dont Chabad Chasidim where an Uphat"
    Because they like Fedoras and its more available

    "and learn Torah oif an EMES Like the Friediger Rebbe"
    we lost him so can you teach us his torah

  7. wearing a uphat is an ikor be tora veIdach zil gmor

  8. Was barry the photographer?

  9. Response To Krause Hat StoreSunday, June 23, 2013 5:43:00 PM

    You Can Open a Gemara and Learn Hashems Torah Directly From Hashem himself Just Like The Friediger Rebbe Did Instead of Dancing around Bottles of Vodka In Disco Clubs and Mitzvah Tanks

    1. I dont get this "asher bshem yisroel ychune". Its kind of..well at least he didnt try to hide the true view. Its MY world you just sublet.. a man cant sucessfully be mchanech his own daughters kfi rtzono. ( as oppsd to HRHK RYY MSKVER ZTL) has much tzaar from that but is Gds gift to kol asher bshem etc?

    2. It's quite a simple definition:

      The Rebbe explained it many times: even someone whose ONLY merit is that he's a part of am yisroel- even he has a geula with all else. If on no merit of his own, the mere fact that he's a yisroel.

  10. Response to Kraus
    "You Can Open a Gemara and Learn Hashems Torah Directly From Hashem himself Just Like The Friediger Rebbe Did Instead of Dancing around Bottles of Vodka In Disco Clubs and Mitzvah Tanks"
    So you just have to learn and do no kiruv.. is this what the Rayatz wanted,
    Was he arrested for learning in his basement a Blaat Gemora?

  11. Anon
    ".. a man cant sucessfully be mchanech his own daughters kfi rtzono. ( as oppsd to HRHK RYY MSKVER ZTL) has much tzaar from that but is Gds gift to kol asher bshem etc?"
    If someone has kids that are not the greatest, then he is not Mechuyav to build Mikvehs and Yeshivas?
    Did Reb Yakov Yossef on New square not comsult other people on chinuch, eventough his ben yoched was a Big Bok in Tzelemer Yeshiva?

  12. Anon
    " as oppsd to HRHK RYY MSKVER ZTL) has much tzaar from that but is Gds gift to kol asher bshem etc?"
    You think Reb YY of skver has a right to claim some relation to the old Chernobel and Skver, when his family ran like rabbits from the USSR, when they started feeling some heat under their collar... The minute their was no Onion Kugel in USSR they were the first to jump the gun and leave.
    In the same time some other groups, who did not have mesiras nefesh for Kashe Soup but had real mesiras nefesh for the Aseres Hadibrois,were there even for there people.



  15. ".. a man cant sucessfully be mchanech his own daughters kfi rtzono."
    The person who believes that everything depends on man's rotzoin does not believe in hashgocho protis. It is apikorsus even though the person cannot be called apikoires in this case as he is no that learned.

  16. the whole of klal yisruel was "saved" 85 years ago??
    A bit of an exaggeration, no?

  17. Yechiel
    The Lubavicher Rebbe has a nice discussssion on that vort. Printed in Toras Menachem vol 50

  18. "not one bit, Yechiel"

    Care to explain ?

  19. לענ"ד הספר לוקה הרבה בחסר, האיש משום מה, אולי כדי להקרא "מדעי" או "רציני" התעלם ממאות עדויות אמפריות על מופתים וענייני קדושה וטהרה בהקשר לרבי, כמו כן לא הקיף את כל רוחב היריעה של הגאונות, וגם לא את השפעתו על הקמת עשרות ישיבות ומוסדות בכל העולם שכלל לא היו חב"דיים אך הרבי היה הרוח החיה והיוזמת מאחורי הקמתם וביסוסם, ולא כלל די דוגמאות על כי, בשונה מגדולי ישראל אחרים, הי' גם בגדר "ממציא" שחידש שיטות ודרכים בחיזוק היהדות ולא רק "משמר". עוד פרט מעניין הוא כשמזכיר אישים ופרוייקטים תורניים שהרבי יזם ועודד כדי לקרב המונים ללימוד התורה, מתעלם מ3 חסידים משמעותיים בתחום - רש"י זעווין עורך האינציקלופדיה תלמודית. ור"ע שטיינזלץ עורך הש"ס המבואר, והרב וויינפעלד עורך סדרת שי למורא על חומש, תהילים, סידור ועוד, אשר לולא הרבי סדרות אלו לא היו קיימות זאת בלי להזכיר הרבה מו"לים וחוקרים אחרים שהרבי הנחה ונתן להם את הכיוון כהרב סופר חושף המאירי והרב כשר מחבר תורה שלמה.

    תוקן על ידי מי_אדיר ב- 26/06/2013 17:51:29


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