According to this story in Yeshiva World there's a statement out by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, the Agudah counsel, about the city's plan to recognize domestic partnerships of alternative lifestyle couples. In other words "Faygelech" will be able to get married, or something to that effect, at least in New York City, and an opinion has been agreed upon by the leaders of the Moetzes. It seems from CDZ's words that he's of the opinion that we need to worry about non-Jews here too, and the effect that such unions will have on the non-Jewish children of such partnerships.
I wonder why this is. Why - without the concept of LeSakeyn Oylum - why we need to worry about what Joe Goy does, and how his children may or may not be affected. I also wonder why we were always told - when the Rebbe would speak about how School Prayer is NOT Unconstitutional, and how the Supreme Court must allow it - that abolishing school player and effectively banishing G-d from Public Schools is not our concern, and we should not speak up about it. We were told to worry about our own children; that we had enough trouble caaring for our own, and that we needn't worry about maintaining a perfect world.
Then again; maybe it all comes down to our children, not the perfect world, in which case CDZ is being untruthful by telling the media that he worries about children of such relationships. I think he worries - and maybe rightfully so, I'm not sure - that OUR children will begin to see such relationships as "normal," and begin to think that it is an "alternative lifestyle" for them too, in which case the foundations of our Chinuch system are on shakier ground than I thought. If all those precautions and Chumros and rules by the schools, and regulations how mothers are allowed to dress, and what's allowed as entertainment, and where the family's allowed to spend the summer, and where the children are allowed to attend summer camp; If all that won't be enough to keep our children - and ourselves - in check, then we're in a whole heap of trouble.